Saturday 2 November 2013

Spray paint deception.

A while ago in a catalogue I feel in love with a wrought iron chandelier. Amazing and stunning!
I bought a wrought iron plain frame that holds candles. Then covered it in plastic roses and leaves until I was satisfied with the arrangement and coverage. Then, this was the fun bit, I sprayed it with layers and layers of cream spray paint. As it dried the roses and leaves became hard and it looked convincingly like wrought iron. Here it is hung outside covered in fairy lights. Everyone comments on it! I had it over a dining room table for a while then under the verandah with fairy lights. There was a little work in it but the effect worked!


  1. What a stunning effect for very little. I have two plain wrought iron chandeliers. I feel a project coming on!

  2. Now that's a great idea!!! And it turned out beautifully!

    1. Melanie it works also with flowers added to baskets, frames or a candelabra... it really looks like porcelain or iron depending on the paint. A good trick!


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