Friday, 31 July 2020

A Ray of Sunshine.

It wouldn't surprise me if I am not the only one who has hit a spot of crisis fatigue.  Some days have been exhausting.  Some days my nerves have felt shot.  There must be many of us feeling the same.  Vicky and I were talking about this.  Vicky is a person who makes the best out of every situation and is always cheerful.  

Years ago I realised that circumstances and cheerfulness are not necessarily related.  We have all known people who have every blessing and resource yet they are always miserable and complaining. Not only that they do nothing to help others.  And we all know people who have it tough in life (or with their health)  yet are always cheerful and helping others.   So go figure...

I have spoken before about my Nan's good friends who taught me this.  One was Mrs. Smith who had Polio when she was young and lived her whole live on crutches.   She was so cheerful and sewed both my babies beautiful clothes and gifts.  She just did what she could to help everyone!  
And there was Mrs. Mann who was in a wheelchair with both legs amputated.   She was another happy and generous person.   She knitted stunning outfits for all the babies and I still have some she gave me to this day.   Both these ladies were rays of sunshine.   
There was also Mrs. Birze. She and her family escaped (in a dramatic and desperate way) from WW2 Europe and came to Australia.  They become Nan's neighbours.  The horrors they had been though...  They knew almost no English so Nan began to teach them and they became life long friends.  She was a person who was another absolute ray of sunshine.

So how do we overcome our worries and be like them?  And how do we nurture ourselves so that we keep up our own strength, spirits and faith?  

Well over to Vicky, this is what she wrote...

How do we feel at peace these days when it seems everyday is filled with something new that is bad news? A pandemic, riots, restrictions, job losses and shortages. Is this all temporary or is this the new norm? I have a feeling it's going to get a lot worse before it gets better. Annabel's conversation with the older gentleman and his saying there will be another depression struck a chord in so many of us. Could this actually happen? 
Many of us have had feelings that we need to prepare and are either starting or continuing in those efforts so that we can stay ahead and hopefully ride out anything coming, but I have also spoken to some who feel overwhelmed and panicked from the Covid virus and are really riding the edge of being depressed and just too stressed out from it. 
This got me thinking. I remember my great grandmother telling me that even though they had to work hard and had very little that some of her happiest times were coming home after church and just sitting on the porch with tea. 
The Bible says tribulation gives rise to patience and also "In the world ye shall have tribulation, but be of good cheer" 
I think we are all learning patience, but being of good cheer can be a bit harder when it's getting harder on us to navigate through what was our normal routines or something that should be easy like getting groceries or seeing the doctor. 
In times like these we need to embrace simplicity and the joy we can get from it, letting the small things fill our hearts with happiness as we go about our work of preparedness and stocking our pantries, trying to stay ahead and taking care of home and hearth. 
When my granddaughter comes to stay she reminds me to do this. That child finds so many things I take for granted delightful and wonderous! The things I have tucked away are brought out and enjoyed, from her little tea set and a small pitcher that is just her size so she can serve lemonade and small colander of strawberries she picked herself. 
We need to do this for ourselves as well. Do we really need a special occasion to use the things we may have tucked away and love? When the world is so chaotic it's easy to get pulled along with it, but if we strive for a bit more simplicity we can find  patience and good cheer both. Appreciate the small things as we go about our days and we are better able to deal with the big things that come our way. 
That being said here is what I have been up to:
I have been collecting pinecones to use for fire starts and decoration. They are so small this year!

I weeded under one of the pine trees to move some blueberry bushes under there for my granddaughter and found a raspberry bush start growing among the weeds. This makes me happy because I want lots of berries growing here and one day a bumper crop will give more options with food storage. 

We planted a Victory garden this year and I'm usually out there everyday tending to this and that. This week I pruned and tied up most of the tomato plants. It's coming along nicely and with around 200 tomato plants I am sure I'll have enough to can and share as well. 

And I started making little bags of fabric softener beads to use as gifts. I cut some brown paper into squares and glued on flowers I cut from a magazine and zipped them through my sewing machine. I'll fill them with store bought softener beads and glue them shut. I love taking just ordinary things and embellishing them a bit. They will just need to be torn open to use, but to me it's prettier than a plastic bottle and can be added into a basket with some clothes pegs, etc. for a nice little gift. 


Every day Vicky and I chat online.  Our conversations are always made up of some dumb thing we find hilarious, what we have been doing at home, the garden and the pantry...  and we encourage each other.   It reminds me of the verse in Luke where the woman finds her lost coin and calls her friends to tell them and celebrate!  We need that.  Someone to celebrate our small victories.   Someone to tell!

I try to make this a place like that as we might not have a neighbour or friend interested in our progress and achievements.   They might not see what we do as an achievement at all.
But each thing we do to build up our home, manage our economy and care for our family is an achievement!  

I am a person who needs some alone time and quiet time.  I need to be able to think.  I am better if I write things down.  I need sunshine and plenty of sleep.   The garden, nature and outdoors do me good.  I find crochet or stitching calming.  If I am nervous or worried I will clean and bake... and channel my nerves into action.
A cup of tea and climbing into my comfy bed with clean sheets, a bubble bath and a heat pack on my neck are my go dos when I need to feel better.

Happily many things that are just beautiful and nourishing for bodies and souls are easy and inexpensive.   There are ways to spread happiness and joy for ourselves and others that make a world of difference.

Vicky used old pyjamas that she cut up to make the prettiest cleaning cloths above.   I feel happy just looking at them!

I brought out a fresh chocolate cake from the oven for afternoon tea.  Same effect ...  a little ray of sunshine in the afternoon.

Sometimes I can pick free flowers and this works every time for me.  Playing with flowers is just beautiful.

Simple foods are a hit.  A bowl of soup and a toasted cheese sandwich is thrilling when you are hungry and tired.   I make a Bread and Butter Pudding from left over bread and jam.  it is so divine yet made of stuff many people throw out.  

Having your table set nicely is cheerful.  Things don't have to be fancy to be lovely.
For children an extra story at bedtime or time together is beautiful.  When I was little my Great Aunt used to brush and braid my hair for me.  I would sit there, at her feet,  for any amount of time as I loved the dreamy feeling of my hair being done.  She would plait it tightly and it would last ages.   
Nan would tuck me into my bed at her house.  Her sheets were crisp and you were tucked in so tightly your liver could barely function but it was somehow so nice and secure.  The sheets smelled of sunshine.  The bed had been warmed by a hot water bottle.
So you see many things that are nurturing cost nothing at all.   We need them for our families and ourselves.

What are some ways you can take care of yourself when under extra stress and worry? 
Do you have ideas or memories of things that are good for children or others in the household that make a difference?    
Something encouraging to me has been the number of times I have heard people say they grew up in hard times, the war, a family who had very little... just they never realised until much later!   They just never knew as life was good and happy!   

So that is what I am thinking on.  There is a lot to think about.  Today is a beautiful day and I have had some time to think and plan.  This helps me.     I am sure Vicky's words will help you tooxxx 


  1. Thank you Annabel and Vicky.
    When I start to feel overwhelmed I look at what I can take control of. For me, this is usually pulling something apart to clean and put back together or a complete tidy out.
    In my State we have been living in a bubble. This week the bubble has been burst with community transmission of the virus now happening. I thought I was dealing with it but I think it was getting to me. I know this because the entire sewing room was emptied out and completely reorganised and cleaned. I removed all the odd balls of yarn and put them in my sitting area where I crochet and spin.
    Today the sitting area was cleaned out and the yarn all organised and put away neatly.
    I cleaned out my seed box and packaged up all of my saved seeds just last week. I have the garden planted out and have seeds ready to be planted as current plants are used or pulled out.
    In the process of cleaning out both areas I have come across a number of half done or nearly finished projects. These are now on the to do list before anything new is started.
    Organising items, projects, people, me, family is the mode I go into when life starts getting too much. It makes me feel that I at least have control over something. Tomorrow I am cleaning out the pantry again, just to make sure there is plenty of everything.
    This is, and always has been my coping mechanism when times get stressful.

    1. Jane, I’m the same. Doing those things makes a person feel that they are in control.

    2. Jane, your comment really resonated with me as that sounds very much like how I handle overwhelm, change, stress or anxiety. I start with where I am with what I have and what's in my power to work on and leave the rest to God.

    3. Annabel and Vicky, these were lovely thoughts, and I thank you for sharing them and being such a positive and peaceful voice in this chaotic world we're living in.

      Some of my current ways of handling the stresses of this world, after praying over everything!

      I ask myself what I can do RIGHT NOW with where I am with what I have. This motivates me to do something active immediately whether that's cleaning, baking, canning, texting a friend, etc. As long as I'm taking the focus off mine or the world's problems, then I feel like I'm doing my tiny part to keep going and to focus on the things the Bible states we should - Philippians 4:8 - whatever is right, pure, lovely and admirable.

      Another little thing I started doing recently after reading this in an Amish fiction book series I've been enjoying is asking myself how I can plan for happiness today. This was something one of the ladies in the books would say "planning for happiness" and it has stuck with me so now I'm using that simple thought to encourage myself each day to focus on good.

    4. I love this, Jenny! Thank you for sharing.

    5. I am the same Jane. I love getting stuck into rearranging things etc when feeling overwhelmed. Decluttering always makes me feel better.
      I love that, Jenny- "planning for happiness". I am going to act on that one! Thank you, love Lily

    6. Jenny, 'Planning for happiness', has now gone onto my daily agenda. I have always tried to find something to be grateful for everyday, but to plan for happiness is being proactive about your daily life rather than as a review process. Love it and thank you.

    7. Jane,
      I have seen your tidy out and you are so thorough! Doing these things are a good way for us to keep some of our control and also work off mental stressors and our home environment is one thing we can control. The spread of the virus seems to be happening quickly and I'm afraid we will see a lot more restrictions and or requirements. You do a wonderful job with your gardening and seed saving and keeping a good balance of allowing yourself to think about things and working them out. Our reality may be different now, but there is always things we can do and that is something your really good at!

    8. Jenny,
      What a lovely idea planning for happiness! I have a friend that is a bit of a Negative Nellie and I have told her that some people try to find happiness and some choose happiness. It's an easy enough thing to do if we want to. Your good attitude is more than doing a tiny part when we look around and see how many just don't have a good attitude at all or can't seem to adjust to things. Planning for happiness will make life good!

  2. Thank you ladies for your joys filled posts.

    My father had polio outside an epidemic during the second world war. He was told he would be in a wheelchair by30. He walked until the day before he died. It came at great physical and emotional costs. But he kept on pushing himself. He even insisted on doing national service with his peers.

    I deliberately try to enjoy all of my little Mia's antics. On the whole is is a great little girl but even the best of children have their moments. She brings me joy every time I see her.

    I have cleared the table for my mother to sew. But it means I can't sew but I will get there.

    God bless.

    1. Suzan,
      Your father must have been a very determined man with what it cost him physically and emotionally to push himself and not be in a wheelchair by 30 it always amazes me when someone does not give up and that is a person to be admired!
      All children have their moments, when my oldest granddaughter was about 3 she would throw screaming fits and no matter what you did she was not satisfied and when you tried to talk to her she screamed louder. When I had had enough I told her she obviously didn't feel nice and put her in my bed and told her to stay there until she feels better and shut the door. She still screamed for about 20 minutes and I kept ignoring her and she came out on her own later and said I feel better now. And then whenever she was here and was about to throw a fit she would stop and say grandma I need to go to your room until I feel better Lol!
      Do you happen to have another space even if it is smaller that you could make yourself your own place to sew that is just yours? That would be nice and you wouldn't have to wait for mother to be finished.

  3. Lovely inspiring post, thank you Annabel and Vicky. To calm myself and remain cheerful I always used to do something "homey"; declutter a cupboard, plan a lovely evening meal etc. My husband used to say that he knew if I had been really anxious during the day because he would come home to find the garden weeded, tidied and some new plants in or I had painted a room in a day or changed all the furniture round! He was right, if something worried me I worked extra hard. I can not do that now due to my Parkinsons but I will lose myself in hand sewing, tidying a cupboard, cleaning a shelf, making cards. Busy hands calm my mind. Something that has stayed with me was reading about a young American mother having tv on on 9/11 and knowing her husband was in one of the towers. As her toddlers played at her feet she said she kept busy all day, praying the while that her husband was ok. I've always thought that if she could carry on in such dreadful circumstances then so can I.Thankfully, her husband did survive. I think we do get stronger going through tough times. I have to stay in the moment and not look to far forward. Parkinsons changes hour by hour you can have a brilliant morning but be bed bound by the afternoon so I just think of where I am right now, making the most of good moments and reminding myself that the bad moments will pass or get better.

    1. Research eating raw organic coconut oil and detox of heavy metals for Parkinson. Thank you for your lovely comment.

    2. Lynn,
      What an inspiration you are! I know having Parkinson's isn't easy and yet you sound so calm and productive. Your right busy hands do calm the mind and 9/11 was such a tragic day for so many. I believe there is always something to learn during tough times even if we don't realize it until later and it does make us stronger. Heartfelt hugs and prayers coming to you that you have more brilliant days than bed bound ones!

  4. Annabel, you do make your blog such a very special place and it is much appreciated.
    Music and reading really help me when I need a boost. I enjoy reading old novels from the 1940's and earlier. Many are considered children's novels like the Billabong series or the Abbey Girls or Anne of Green Gables. For me they open a window into the domestic realms of past times.
    I was going to go to Stocklands at Hervey Bay this week but after the news broke about the community transmission of Covid19 in Brisbane I decided against it and went to Maryborough instead in order to avoid going into a Shopping Centre (Mall), and because Maryborough never had any Covid cases during the first wave. I popped into the Lifeline store and bought a book by Robert H Schuller called " Tough Times Never Last, But Tough People Do! I am looking forward to reading it.

    1. Sherri I havent been out anywhere other than my craft groups since the school holidays. I miss not op shopping. I'm in Urangan. You and I are going to have to catch up

    2. Sherri,
      I mostly only read books from earlier times or about earlier times for the same reason, it is a glimpse into how things were done and I love it. Please let us know if the Tough Times book is good.

  5. Hi Vicky and Annabel

    I too concentrate on what I can control if things are uncertain around me :) .

    We do things like plant new crops and fruit trees in our vegetable gardens, harvest, blanch and freeze vegetables in meal sized portions, repair things that we have previously not had time to repair, deep clean the home, organise, repair clothing that needs doing, trade produce and garden seeds with neighbours that we don't grow.

    Also taking time to appreciate the little things in the gardens like the birds and bees fluttering around, the sunshine and clouds.

    Taking time out to pamper myself whether it be a nice bubble bath, taking a slightly longer shower and moisturising can all be therapeutic too.

    Sometimes even doing nothing and taking time out and reading with a nice cup of hot chocolate does the trick too.

    Have a great week :).

    Sewingcreations15 (Lorna).

    1. Lorna,
      Our home, our garden and even our bathroom should be our havens from the outside world and for some it is just a place to come and go which seems sad. We can never go wrong with planting and working with our hands. When I have time for reading which is usually winter for me I am very content. After all of your hard work I hope you truly do take the time to pamper yourself all of the bending involved we need it!

  6. I love this article, dear Annabel. Thanks to Vicky and you for this encouragement. xxx Heike

    1. You are so welcome Heike!

  7. "I am sure Vicky's words will help you too". Yes they do- thank you for this post :)
    I am having my parents over to share a meal with us this weekend before we don't see them again for about 2 weeks. So I shall do my best to make sure the conversation is centred on happy conversation! So easy lately to forget to build each other up.
    I have also become aware recently that my soon to be teen has been worrying about all the changes and talks around this virus. I need to inject some of those good carefree memories and keep the rest for when my child is out of ear shot I think :)
    Have a great weekend everyone!
    Love & blessings,
    Heidi xx

    1. Heidi,
      Sharing a meal is always uplifting and just feels good with tasty food and company and table conversation is a nice time to share happy or funny memories or even to get good advice. I love family meals. Being a teen is hard enough without all of this covid business, but I think kids appreciate being heard and able to express their feelings if he is worried I would let him talk and discuss it with him sometimes it is just what they need. Have a great weekend!

  8. Annabel & Vicky, thank you for this post.
    When I feel stressed I clean. I must have been over stressed this last week because my Fall Cleaning is complete. LOL!
    I have been working on my pantry, well one area of it, hoping to finish it and go on to the next. As being better prepared calms my soul.

    I feel now is the time to have everything well organized so that we know what we are low on and possibly be able to replenish. I feel now is the time we need to be diligent working on our pantries.

    I remember as a child, my Parents were not rich by any means, Grandfather owned the house we lived in, Grandparents lived next door.
    I never went hungry, Mom and Dad shopped sales, used coupons, Mom even traded for coupons and rebates, I still drink coffee at Dad's from cup Mom got for free with a rebate.
    I have Mom's Moss Rose Tea Set she got with Green stamps.
    Our house wasn't big, my Grandmother slept in dining room. I just thought it was normal, most of my Girlfriend's families had grandparents living with them.
    Oh fond memories I remember peeling apples with my Grandmother (Bubi), we use to see who could peel the longest snakes, she always won. It was fun just sitting and talking together. Oh how I long for those days.
    One lesson I did learn from Mom was to make your home inviting and comfortable, with what little she had she made everyone feel at home.
    We need to put our energies towards our home as in the coming months we may need to only be in them.
    God Bless All!

    1. Rubies, I just have to comment about the S&H green stamps! We got our living room coffee table with green stamps 60 years ago and we are still using it! Nancy

    2. I love the sound of all your grandparents- they sound like wonderful people. Lily X

  9. Great post to you both.
    I get to feeling stressed but it all has to do with the news and the horrible people and situations they decide to show. Hardly ever do they cover grateful and happy stories. I have learned to turn it off.

    I feel that if I am meant to make it through this situation I will. God has control. We all need to learn to turn it all over to him more. Yes, we need to make sure we have supplies and a safe home - but our lives are in His hands.

    Enjoy the small stuff - smell the flowers, pet the kitties or doggies, listened to the child's giggle or the bird's song. It is all part of the adventure and makes it so much nicer.

  10. This is perfect Vicki and Annabel! Beautiful reminders and what has been on my heart too! ❤️❤️❤️ I was just typing up yesterday a post called “sunshine-makers” with the similar sentiments... God bless you both as you encourage on a practical level... busy hands make happy hearts 💕

    1. Hi JES!
      Thank you! Right now we all need as much sunshine as we can get in our lives. I look forward to your post I'm sure it will be uplifting to all!

  11. Thank you for this post, and sharing Vickie’s comments! Wonderful and useful thoughts. My husband and I have been watching YouTube videos of old cartoons, or Jay Leno taking about old cars, or old World War Two ship and airplane design. Much less stressing and often humorous.

    Hilogene in Az

    1. Hilogene,
      More humor is good. We've recently watched some older shows and they have been so interesting to watch because I missed so much the first time around. I wasn't a TV junkie like some of my friends when I was younger so I missed a lot of shows that were on.

  12. What a timely and wonderful post. If I’m feeling lowly I like to find the positive passages in the Bible and read them out loud. It really helps.

    If I’m tired or sore I fill my bathtub up with warm water add Epsom salts and my favorite essential oils. Like a mini spa. Sometimes I will listen to classical music in my bathroom. Feels like such luxury.
    When my kids lived at home we would go around the table after grace and say three things we were thankful for. That keeps you in a thankful and grateful mood.

    Lately at night my husband and I have been sitting by our fire pit and looking at the stars instead of the T.V.

    Another way to appreciate what we have is to read books about people that have overcome great difficulties in life. Not sure if the ladies outside of the US know what the Walton’s TV show is? Our family really enjoy how the Walton’s made the best of the Great Depression.

    A pastor once said that “Thankfulness and Happiness are the twin sister’s you cannot have one without the other”


    1. Lynd,
      Sitting by the fire and watching the stars is so relaxing. We do this often in the Fall and it is always such a good time. Some nights we have a hot snack or sandwich and just listen to the outside noises. I used to watch the Walton's and loved it. Most kids watched cartoons I liked shows with real people except for the holiday cartoons. I think those quiet times like sitting by the fire are good for the marriage too!

  13. Crisis fatigue for sure! It is reassuring to read others are going through the same thing.

    Hugs to you ❤️

    1. Rhonda,
      Hugs! We can do this!

  14. Dear Annabel and Vicky,
    Thank you so much for your posts. And thank you Bluebirds for your additional input. I had polio as a young child -- contracted it a week before the vaccine was available in our area of the US. I can sure relate to the comments about polio.

    One of the things I grew up hearing from my mom was that worry didn't change a situation. She would always say "worry is the interest you're paying on a loan that you never took out." We were also taught that if we were worried or feeling sorry for ourselves to do something nice for someone else. And above all, God is and has always been in control. One of the Psalms I love to read is Psalm 121. For me it is so comforting. The other is The Serenity Prayer.

    Things I do each day is to make a written list of all of the things I was grateful for that day. All of the progress that was made. To be honest there are days when I'm just grateful that the day was over. Each morning I give thanks for the new day because no one promised it to me. I remember an old saying "Busy hands make happy minds". So true in my case. We have by comparison to others a smallish raised bed garden and many things in containers. Today we harvested 2 lbs of green beans and 4 pounds of carrots which are being blanched and frozen. We love working outside and purposefully get up early in the heat to work in the gardens before the sun gets high. We enjoy sitting on the deck with our coffee and watching the rabbits and squirrels play. The sunshine and fresh air are good for the soul. I also have a little "starter" garden in my kitchen window where I regrow onions, celery, carrot and beet tops and then once they're started they've been planted in a container. Getting ahead with premade meals that are frozen, baking, crocheting and knitting, filling the gift pantry. Making cards, calling family and friends, sharing pictures of what's going on in our homes over email keeps us in touch. Be the reason someone smiles today. Blessings, Cookie

    1. Cookie,
      Such good advice your mother had. we can do nothing but sit and worry or we can be as proactive as is possible Your harvest may be smaller, but it's still fantastic! I think anything at all we grow ourselves is always such a good thing and just a joy to behold. And homegrown always has the best flavor! And what is more calming than sunshine, fresh air and nature? My hat is off to you my lady, having had polio and you are such a productive woman.

  15. I totally needed to read this today - I have been experiencing depression from everything that's going on for the first time since all this has happened and it took me by surprise. I was doing so well (or so I thought) until just recently. I so agree with you on absolutely everything - using our nice things, cooking, cleaning, going outside, working outside, connecting with people - all this really does help. I just wanted to hear that others are going a bit crazy right now, but also helping each other in and through it!!! We need to shore each other up and keep doing and pray for guidance from the Lord! Thanks again - it was a great post. Mary S.

    1. Mary S.
      Depression is a sneaky little devil to be sure! If it sneaks up on you again remember you are not alone. So many changes going on these days and too much information to absorb. We just need to change our focus a bit for now. I hope you are feeling much better and know you are in good company!

  16. Dear Annabel, Vicky and all who have commented,

    I love this post! I love all the suggestions you have shared.

    I have a few things that help me. Focusing deeply on each task helps me. Planning that we always play games as a family on Thursdays helps. It give the kids something to look forward to, even though it is small, and gives me a break. I don't work as hard when I know I have to be ready to play early.

    Elizabeth Elliot said, "Do the next thing." I always used it for overly busy times, but have found that it works just as well in these same-today-as-yesterday times too.

    Gratitude helps. I keep a gratitude journal.

    Nature helps.

    Reading books has been impossible for me since all this started, sadly.

    Rhythmic things like crochet, cutting veggies, weeding, kneading bread dough help me.

    And sometimes just stepping back from the whole thing and being still and quiet help me. I took 21 days off from social media. That helped a lot.

    1. CraftyCristy,
      Thursday games sounds great! We used to have a game night or movie night with the kids and they always looked forward to it. We would have camping night in the livingroom and nights where the boys took turns choosing the meal, but they had to help cook it and they always enjoyed that too. Kids like to have busy hands too. I have never done a gratitude journal, but I do have notebooks that I keep track of our savings and one for my lists and things. They really help me stay on track. I relate to Do the next thing in overly busy times. It keeps me going as well.

  17. What a wonderful post. Thank you! I have been adjusting to new diet restrictions and health challenges and that, combined with the anxiety of the pandemic, has left me struggling. I had one day in bed, pretty much. Then I decided I needed to just keep moving and doing whatever I can to make my life and my family's life beautiful. Today I cooked a big feast for my family and will deliver half to some friends. I can't eat most of it, but it was a joy to bake beautiful, nurturing foods and package them in a pretty way. It makes my bland meal much more tolerable when I know so many will be enjoying the results of my work.
    I will try my best to be cheerful and productive and to add beauty, like you and Vicky!

    1. LeighSabey,
      I am sorry your have new diet restrictions I know that can't be easy. I love to give gifts of food they are so appreciated and it's fun to package them prettily. I think that's more fun for me than the cooking. Please try not to let this pandemic get to you there are so many things that we can still enjoy. For example it is rare I get to have any alone time so on the occasions that I do I grab a cup of coffee and just sit and bask in the quiet. It's a simple thing, but really lifts me up.

  18. Dear Annabel and Vicki

    What a great encouraging post. Whilst things in the world are challenging, I am trying to stay focused on small things around me. I have been spending time in my garden and doing paper crafts - I find concentrating on something takes my mind off what I cannot control that is happening around me. I really look forward to your encouraging posts each week. God bless you and your families.

    1. God bless you and your family too! Gardening and crafting are wonderful ways to take our minds off of things. Each time I'm in the garden I marvel at how things have grown and get excited whenever I can harvest something or plant something new. We cannot control everything, but having things to do and enjoying those things really helps!

  19. I love the words of wisdom and encouragement in both posts! I've had moments of despair and sleepless nights since all this started. I keep reminding myself that I'm not in charge and you two reminded me that maybe the best remedy for all the worry is to do something for others every day. I plan on getting back to sewing for deprived children and making more gifts for friends and family. Thanks to both of you for the time you spend sharing all the good stuff with us.

    1. Pam,
      I love that you sew for deprived children! Think of the joy you are bringing to these children who go without so much. A little love and kindness go a long way bless you for that! This is a situation that none of us has experienced before on this level so it is naturally unsettling in many ways, but we can do this!

  20. Thanks forWfor allball the great comments! When this whole thing started we asked God for a scripture for the pandemic. He gave us Psalm One. So we have run everything through that scripture's teaching. It has been such a comfort. We have had very few times of fear because we know who is in control and who holds our lives in His hands. We ended up having the virus very early on. It was a light case and my kinesiology and natural health training served us well. We have three other couples who are close friends who have also had the virus so we all feel comfortable being around each other. This has been a real blessing since we can have them into our home and meet at restaurants.

    We keep news to a minimum whether TV or other sources. The biggest thing for me in a time of stress is to do for others even if it is praying for them. It takes the focus off of me. One day we picked up an extra watermelon at the grocery store and dropped it off at our neighbors on the way home. Their kids smiles still make happy weeks later.

    1. Lana,
      I am so glad you only had a light case! I am sure your natural health training is going to help many others too, we mostly only hear about the bad cases not the light ones so anything you are comfortable with sharing I would love to know. How did you feel and how long did it last etc.
      Thinking of others and the small or random acts of kindness go such a long way these days your so kind to others!

  21. Thank you so much for this encouraging blog and I like reading the comments too. I am dealing with really bad fatigue and arthritis so I plan to accomplish one thing a day and that makes me feel better. I like Proverbs 3:5 and 6. God is in control. Nancy

    1. Nancy,
      I am sorry you have fatigue and arthritis. One thing a day is progress and adds up each week and month there is no job too small. I hope you start feeling better.

  22. What a lovely, inspiring post. I felt calmer just reading it.

    1. Tracy,
      Thank you from me and Annabel both! I am glad it calmed you.

  23. Dear Annabel and Vicky, what a beautiful and encouraging post. Thank you both so much. I haven't been sleeping well the past few weeks. Initially, I seemed to handle it well, but now I feel a bit anxious about the future. Being in the garden, sunshine, nature, crocheting, reading, resting and cooking seems to help. As well as trying to be positive to others. Today I called up a company to give them positive feedback about one of their lovely workers. That made me feel a bit better about the world. Thinking of you all, Lily X

    1. Lily,
      When I get anxious about the future I look to the past and it helps. What did ladies do in previous times and how can I incorporate it into my planning or preparing? It helps me to know that they were able to still achieve great things during hard times. Giving positive feedback was an awesome thing to do! It is nice when a worker is lovely when some can be downright rude!

  24. Hi Annabel. Whenever I'm feeling stressed my brain just seems to find ridiculous things that make me laugh. For example, reading this "letting the small things fill our hearts with happiness as we go about our work of preparedness and stocking our pantries" became "letting the small things fill our hearts with happiness as we go about our work of preparedness and stocking our panties". I have no idea why it happens, and I don't even realize it until I've done it, but it always makes me feel better. (Though, naturally, my kids just say I'm weird!) Keep safe and keep smiling. Pat.

    1. Pat your change of words has had me in hysterics. You are one of my reasons to be grateful for today.

    2. Pat,
      Hahaha! The funny thing is not long ago I did talk about stocking panties just in case! I find ridiculous things funny too. Life is good when we can find something to laugh at!

  25. Wonderful post, Annabel and Vicky. Many good thoughts here. This morning I woke up and immediately began to worry about many things, but I looked at the early morning sky and the verse, "This is the day the Lord has made, and I shall rejoice and be glad in it", thankfully overtook my thoughts! I also thought of the old hymm, "Count Your Blessings". And now, for those who don't know the words, I shall sing the chorus for you... "count your blessings, name them one by one, count your blessings, see what God has done. Count your blessings-- name them one by one... count your many blessings see what God has done." If we count our blessings out loud and praise God while we are doing that, we will have an endless list and forget what we were upset and ungrateful over. As for a fond memory of when my children were little, one thing I did on cold morning was to warm up my son's clothing in front of a heater, rush them over to his bed while the items were toasty warm, and while still under his blanket, he would get dressed. Also, on school mornings when they had an official late starting time, I would 'take their food order' fast food style (they ordered from a take-out menu next to their plate), and cook them each what they would like for a breakfast. One may have pancakes and bacon, and the other child may have scrambled eggs and toast. Each got milk or juice or both. It was just a small thing to do, and I hope they remember it as a fond memory of their childhood.

    1. Joy,
      Thank you for singing to us, what a lovely thing. Our blessings are abundant! What a fun and comforting thing you did for your children I bet they most certainly have fond memories of that. You can come get my clothes toasty this winter ahh that would feel nice Lol!

    2. Joy I love your idea! This would be super cute too on a birthday. I will remember this one!

  26. Hoo boy, talk about an understatement, "hitting a spot of crisis fatigue". I sure have my days. This was a very welcome's lovely to be reminded that all in all we can still be cheerful and calm with prayer as support. I wanted to say that I hope your dad is doing better and I am so happy that he got to see Sidney! I do hope you'll be able to see Lucy and family sooner that it seems at the is very hard to be cut off from family; we are realizing just how far we are from family ourselves, and it is really making us think about plans for the future. Oh, and I love those little bandana bibs!

    xx Jen in NS

    1. Dear Jen,
      Thanks, yes I did see Lucy, the girls and Sidney yesterday, Tuesday. We found somewhere we could meet. She can come a few miles over the border but we cannot. We worked with what we could. I took some cooking and it was lovely. These tips the garden is good and another thing... not being in the city. We managed to be in the country and near family although Lucy is about 2 hours away. But Mum and Dad and Chloe are really close. It is a lot to consider and weigh up. I think also, apart from family we need a support and help group. A network. These things all help enormously. Then our online friends too! I hope you have a good week! With love

  27. This year has been harder for me than I expected. For one thing, my husband retired and while I love him dearly, he keeps tv running for hours most days. And half of those hours tend to be news commentaries which I find increases my anxiety exponentially. I've never been one to enjoy a good night's rest but I have functioned well. For the past four months I find I often feel exhausted.

    So I tried to figure out what I needed to do. Working hard is always a good option but at some point I tire out and must stop. What then? Good music, flowers, good books, learning from You Tube or online tutorials, keeping a journal and tracking my thoughts. There's a powerful world of good in doing nothing but folding a load of clothes neatly and lovingly. Not in a hurry to do the next thing but really taking my time at the task and enjoying it fully. Making every little bit of food work into meals instead of letting a thing go to waste. Attempting to grow my own things and since that hasn't done much this year, taking advantage of someone else's plenty and putting some of that by for future days. Really thinking deeply about what we might need in months ahead and then slowly acquiring it. Spending time with my family that lives in the same community and with my grandchildren while we can. And taking these forced breaks from a negative family relationship that has worn away at me. I feel guilty and relieved at the same time. All these things are sustaining me.

    We had a bit of a shock with our finances through another's mistake but I told John today, it does seem, careful as we'd been to pray over it all, that God means us to do something different with our retirement. Perhaps this is Him taking care of needs we know nothing about that are coming ahead for us. We agreed to be at peace with it and trust God to handle any repercussions that might come as well.

    1. Terri,
      My hubby is a news watcher too and has quite heated arguments with the TV. It can be nerve wracking to say the least! I agree if hurrying to do the next thing is contributing to you not having a good night's sleep and you are feeling exhausted then it is time for a change. A revisit of things often helps and maybe you will feel more relaxed at night if you allow yourself to relax on what you feel needs done during the day. Go to bed satisfied that the day was good not just busy. Take time for yourself to have a cup of tea or coffee and read or doodle. And if that doesn't work then I can recommend ZZZQuill. It has helped me a time or two.

    2. Dear Terri,
      I think you are going through something a lot of women do. Now I can understand why someone retiring might want a big rest. Totally get that. But if watching tv for hours a day becomes the new normal then well I give anyone older doing that 5 years. Seriously. It is a formula for a massive decline in health, mental and physical. So he is going to need new projects. You are always very active and productive. I can see how this would be difficult and many are nodding I bet!
      There are many things it seems we are all having to adapt to so changes in personal relationships etc seem to just add to it, just as changes in finances do. But it sounds like your good planning has helped and I hope you get into a new normal that is good for you. With love

  28. Ladies, no make that friends or sisters. As most of you may know I have been a minister in the Salvos for nearly 30 years and am now newly retired. Over the years I have encouraged many ladies to commence a gratitude journal. Each day, at the end of the day, or any time really, write down three things that you are grateful for that day. You will be amazed what living a life of gratitude can do for your own souls. Even though the world is a confusing place at this time, we all have things we can be grateful for. And yes......... There are things that we can control, control them and have fun doing it. Leave the rest to God, He can be trusted, He is faithful. Blessings. Bev.

    1. Bevbee,
      Such great advice!

    2. Dear Bev, I think this is great advice. We have much to be grateful for and the more we look the more we find. Even in these times most of us are in positions many would only dream of. Wonderful words and I so agree. Thank you! With love

  29. Thank you so very much for this most wonderful and timely post. I found it most helpful. Crisis fatigue is not a phrase I was familiar with but boy does it explain what we have been experiencing. Thank you for giving it a name.
    I have found that during these times I have to let negative comments just flow away from me. I cannot hang on to them. My mom dropped by yesterday afternoon to pick up some fish she had stored in my freezer. Later that evening my husband commented about how rude my mother had treated us and I said "yes, I know but whatever." I decided it was not worth it to dwell on the matter.
    What has brought me great joy and pleasure the last months has been visiting with my neighbor kids through the fence. They are 7, 5 and 3 years old. They haven't gotten to go anywhere or do anything for months now and still they are happy playing outside with each other. When I am feeling down, I think of them. I treasure our talks at the fence. I should write down some of the things they have said so I can share it with their parents at some point in time.
    Yesterday, I fixed up our dining table nicely and we had bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwiches and chips for dinner with a nice, cold glass of Cola. The tomatoes were from our garden and the bacon was extra good. It was a real pleasure to enjoy a nice simple meal at a nice table and take our time enjoying it.
    The other thing I find helpful to ease my stress is helping my 7 year old grandson. He is an only child and has struggled with not having any kids to play with. He is also very upset that he will not be allowed back at school but has to stay home and learn on-line by himself due to the virus. I try to play with him and do small things to break up his days. I have many things planned to help him through the winter months here.
    Let's keep supporting each other. It really helps!!

    1. Your visits with the neighbor boys are probably a pleasure to them as well. Kids are social and need interaction even if it's just a few minutes through a fence. It probably gives their mother a little break too. Your dinner sounds lovely. A simple meal some of which you grew yourself, on a nice table setting and taking the time to enjoy it and not rush makes for a really nice day or evening. The simple things really are wonderful. The small things you do to break up your grandson's days will go a long way it can be hard to be an only child especially when there is no school.

    2. Thank you! I just thought of crisis fatigue as that is what I feel like I have! It makes it hard to concentrate and decide whee to send your energies.
      I am sorry about your Mum. This is no help is it... but you are right to focus on more important things and save your energy!
      I bet the children love to talk to you through the fence as well. How sweet this is!
      Your meal sounds delicious. See of these more simple things are heavenly!
      The things you do with your Grandson will be so helpful to him and encouraging. He will probably learn things from you that will be additional to what he would have learned in school. Also he is a good age to do all kinds of things. He might like to learn to cook. This is a wonderful opportunity for you. With love

  30. A beautiful, inspired, thought provoking post... xxx

  31. Thank you for your beautiful words of encouragement! I just started reading your blog and I love it! Thank you so much for writing. Love and prayers to you and for you from California.


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