Monday, 8 April 2019

The Tuesday Afternoon Club, 9th April, 2019.

The Tuesday Afternoon Club has grown and grown!   If you would like to join in the main club is here.  It is a private Facebook group so that you can post what you are making without your friends and relatives seeing their gifts!   It is also a friendship group and we are holding a Swap Party in a few weeks time.

Now and then I post for some of the ladies who do not have Facebook here and this gives us even more ideas and inspiration!   The next two weeks I have additional posts from both Kelsey and Kelley.

Today first we have Jen in NS.   Jen made knitted mitts for my Aunt!  I had written to Jen as my Aunt was mad over her stunning knitting especially the cables.  And Jen made my Aunt these cream mittens!   This was just so lovely. So they traveled all the way from Nova Scotia to Adelaide!
Also here is a watch cap that Jen made for Mission to Seafarers and trimmed and embroidered kitchen towels.

Plus slippers to put away for Christmas time for her youngest daughter...

Jen you are amazing and your kindness to my Aunt was really a big blessing to her!  Thank you!

Next we have Tania.  Tania took the pincushions several of us have been making and made them into a bouquet of flowers.  This could be lovely as a way of giving one to each guest and decorating a table at the same time, like a bridal shower maybe!

Beautiful idea Tania! So pretty!

Cookie has been making little bunnies for Easter and all from fabric scraps.  She used a free pattern found on The Enchanting Rose blog.  These are her gifts for all the toddlers in the family.

I thought this also might make a lovely table centrepiece, or bunnies might be beautiful place markers on a set Easter table... so many possibilities! 

Kaye had been telling me she was going to begin card making.  Next thing she is making gorgeous cards like this....

And lovely bookmarks like this!

Kaye they are just so pretty! 

Also Aly had been telling me how she was learning to sew.  I love it when I hear about leaning new skills!   She has already learned so many sewing techniques as you can see here in her Christmas tree...

And her table runner...

Aly you are doing the most wonderful job you should be so proud! 

This leads me to... if there is a craft you want to learn just do it!  I hear so often how someone wishes they could crochet or whatever... really mostly you are a day away from basically knowing how to do something like crochet.  After that it just takes practice!   You can find free tutorials on almost anything, You Tube is my usual source of instructions. 

I hope I did't miss anyone!  Next week we are going to see what Kelsey has been up to as she has been creating so much that apart from her Etsy store she has had a market stall.  Her ideas were so good I thought many of us might be inspired by them.  the following week we are seeing what Kelley has been making and you will love it!

I hope you have had a good week of making and creating, using things up and setting things to good use! xxx


  1. It has been a while since I have commented. What beautiful creativity!!! Hugs.

  2. There is so much talent in the Ladies that participate in this page. We have those who are starting to learn new skills to those who are Masters of their craft. I am in awe of everyone and the creativity that is displayed.

  3. Hi Annabel and Bluebirds~
    Jen's knitting is art. I love that she also uses her skills to knit for charity. Her towel is gorgeous!! Both the trim and embroidery. It looks very high end.
    Kay's bookmarks and cards are lovely and professional-looking. Aly's sewing is fantastic - really nice. I love the dark blue and white fabric she used in her table runner.
    Tania's been busy with those cute lollypop pin cushions. Cookie's bunnies couldn't be cuter (and I love the fabric bag they're standing in). Be blessed y'all~
    Mary B.

  4. Beautiful work everyone and a pleasure to look at. Aly keep going and learning your sewing skills are wonderful for a beginner :) .

    Sewingcreations15 (Lorna).

  5. Wow Annabel, you have some very creative readers. I am glad your Tuesday Club is going so well. I haven't really made anything much since the renovations last year and the builders will be back in a few months to do more work so I should sit down and make something while it is nice and quiet and there is no noise from powertools in my eardrums. LOL!

  6. Just lovely ladies. Thank you for sharing.


  7. Aack...I pressed the wrong button and lost my comment. So hoping to remember what I said! :)

    Thank you to everyone for your nice comments. Are you seriously telling me that Aly is just LEARNING to sew??? Those pieces are gorgeous and look difficult! Absolutely beautiful. You are so right, Annabel, that if a person wants to learn a craft, just get down to it, because even beginner level crafts are beautiful and make great gifts, and are fun to do to boot! I love the flower pincushion bouquet...what a neat idea! And those bunnies are so cute. And again, those cards and bookmarks look so beautiful...a beginning effort??? Kaye, you've outdone yourself. Just think of all the hours spent in creative fun, here!

    I am really looking forward to the posts by Kelsey and Kelley!! Thanks for sharing, everyone!!

    xx Jen in NS

    1. Very true Jen, I am started last August and upgraded my sewing machine to a very up market machine that sews, quilts and does embroidery.
      I attend a sewing class once a week and have made the above at classes. They often have workshops for a small cost and I also attend them, even though I never finish the ladies at the sewing centre help me to finish.

      Thank you for your kind comments

      Aly xxx

  8. Beautiful work everyone as always.
    Cookie I tried to find the free bunny pattern but came up with nothing. Can you share a link?
    Thank you for sharing ladies.
    Blessings Tanya xxx

    1. Hi Tanya, It is The Enchanting Rose blog, featured on her side bar and on the top of the page as they are current projects for Easter. She has a nice simple pattern for free. Hope that helps! xxx

  9. It's always so delightful to see the beautiful and creative work of everyone.Thank you Annabel for continuing show and tell for those of us who aren't on Facebook. I'm looking forward to seeing what Kelsey and Kelley have done. Blessings, Cookie

  10. Hi to all the Bluebirds

    I just wanted to say Thank you for all the lovely positive comments. Sorry for the late reply but it is school holidays here and has been pretty full on.

    I am always amazed myself with the beautiful work that everyone produces. So wonderful to see

    Aly xxx


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