Tuesday, 10 April 2018

Saving with Vicky, Part 2.

Last week were were talking about points, coupons and massive savings that can really help build up the pantry and gift cupboard.  These can vary a lot depending on where we live and I have always felt I miss out as Australia does not have coupons in the way the USA does.  However thank you to everyone who helped with last weeks tips and ideas and as a result I have found many more things here in Australia than I knew about before!  Also there were great tips on saving up Flybuy points and converting them to loads of pantry stock with good shopping and buying specials and great deals.  When we have points to spend HOW we spend them is as important as collecting them in the first place!

As far as actual coupons and coded go there is a great page on An Organised Housewife.  This has amazing offers to brands like Sheridan,  Mecca and hundreds more.  Some of the best deals are on the initial page here.  On the right you can click and find alphabetical listings of most well known stores and find the store you want to buy from.  This way you can grab a current voucher to just about any shop.  i.e. today I can grab 40% from Adairs or  $10 off a Coles order.  It is just endless.   Now I need to remember to check here before buying or ordering from anyone.  This constantly changes and is updated.

Finder.com.au is easy as you just type in what you are looking for and the sales come up.
There is a good article here at The Thrifty Issue with great ways for the Aussie readers to save on just about anything you are needing to purchase.   Certainly the number one tip is probably to use the internet to do the work for you.  Once we had to go store to store to compare prices and now it takes minutes yet these minutes can save you a small fortune.
I once thought sales and discounts extended to clothes, electrical items and bigger things where as now I know the price you pay for a prescription from the Chemist can vary enormously.  This can amount to thousands a year all up.   So a compare around initially is a really good idea even on things you think or assume are a "set" price.

I can recommend Appliances online.  In recent years we have bought a couple of things from them after checking around.  They are amazing and we have been so happy.  Best service ever!

There are many discount online stores...  Catch seems one that has consistently amazing deals.
With considering a country move I am investigation delivery costs and options in a whole new way..

Now over to Vicky...

I am continuing with revisiting our saving strategies and resources and hope to cover as many as possible. First I would like to say that I by no means want to discourage anyone and I whole heartedly believe that savings of any kind is good and even though some things may not be available to us now they just might later so knowing a little isn't a bad thing. Also I do well for my household and needs, but I know others do much better by what's available in their areas. Extreme couponing is not for me because it was never my goal to have 1,000 boxes of cereal, just to stock the pantry and stretch the grocery budget as much as possible.

As I stated in the last post I have found that when I lose one way to save I can often pick up another. I will address coupons in another post for this one I would like to talk about Ibotta! 
Since everything seems to be going digital or programs changing I have lost some things for example Kelloggs Rewards are easy. You sign up, link your cards and whenever you buy a product you get points. Plus they send you bonus points in emails.

The reason I lost part of it as a savings is because codes used to be printed in the packages and dumpster diving netted me a lot of extra codes. Coke changed their rewards and I too got the $5 Amazon gift cards at Christmas, but it's mostly sweepstakes anymore and not the coupons and gift cards that it used to be. So I picked up Ibotta! It is easy and if you make sure to only purchase items you normally buy it is a good way to get a little back so if you are not familiar give it a look see. You click on the offers you may purchase and if you do you get a little back.

I hang onto free coupons until they are close to expiring for some because what I am doing is waiting to see if I can turn them into a little better deal and here is an example:
I had 2 coupons for a free box of the hair color and there was an offer on Ibotta to get $2.50 for buying a box. I went to CVS and scanned my card at their coupon machine and it gave me a $2 off 2 boxes of hair color coupon. I didn't know for sure if it would work with my other coupons since they were for free items, but just in case I added 2 bags of $1.49 candy for Easter. All of the coupons went through so it basically paid for $2 of the candy and my total was .98 and I got $2.50 in my Ibotta account. 
One of the other ways I save is Swagbucks. I use the gift cards I earn to help stock things like toilet paper, cat litter or if I need canning jars or to buy clearance items online or even to just give as gift cards. How much you earn depends on how much time you want to put into it. Some years I have a lot of extra time and can earn quite a bit and some years not much and that's fine with me because in my mind even just a few extra dollars is more than I had before.

I have more, but I thought if we went along slowly it would give time for anyone who is new to be able to take things in and not get overwhelmed. I hope that is alright. I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Thank you Vicky!  Last week Kelsey mentioned she does well from Ibotta also.
Teresa wrote to me and she had found beautiful kids design pencils on an Easter clearance.  Although they had no actual Easter images on them they were in the Easter stuff and went out for 10c a dozen.  So she just stocked up her gift cupboard with four dozen of these for a whole 40c.    Very often I see amazing post seasonal holiday clearances.  Last year after Fathers Day I got beautiful mens note books that said "Notes of a genius" on the front.  I added these to Christmas gifts and they caused a fair bit of laughter. haha They were $7 originally I think and out for 50c... so into the gift cupboard they went!

I hope your week is going well!   I am heading off to Aldi today.  I have a date with Harper and we are going to the toy store to study doll houses! xxx


  1. Annabel I no longer use Appliances On Line to purchase from - I had problems with my last order and ended up having to cancel it.

    I do, however, check out any product I am looking for and record the details down including the price. I have found that once armed with that information a couple of 'phone calls to other suppliers and they generally come close to meeting the same price as Appliances On Line.


    1. Dear Lynette, Oh no, I have had such luck with them then today I saw their truck down the street! Well it is good thinking on the search as yes then we get all the offers as a result! Fast too! Thank you! Love Annabel.xxx

  2. Dear Annabel and Vicky,
    Yes I do use ibotta and only have good things to say about it. I did a quick check just now and I've had a savings of over $218 in the past year and a half. I do the same thing Vicky and keep my coupons just in case a rebate pops up that I can combine them with! I also like that they offer bonuses for redeeming rebates. You can really stack things that way.
    I also use Swagbucks. I don't spend much time on it and therefore don't earn a lot, but like you say, every bit counts.
    Another good site is ebates. It gives you cash back for shopping online and they send you a check quarterly. I always check these cash back places if I know I am buying something online to see which place offers the most back. When we shopped for our refrigerator several years ago, I purchased it on sale, used a coupon, bought it through ebates for cash back, and it was from Sears so I also got Shop Your Way points. I forget exactly how much I ended up saving but it was a big chunk!
    Right now we are saving up Swagbucks, ibotta money, and points earned from our Amazon credit card until we have enough to buy a new mattress. We have our eyes on a really nice one and we are hoping to get it free, essentially with all of these reward programs.
    I will be looking forward to your other tips Vicky!
    Love, Kelsey

    1. Dear Kelsey,
      I would never have known about keeping old coupons or Ibotta without you ladies. It all led me to search bit more today and I finally purchased something I have been wanting a long time for under half price and I cant believe it... I got a code on this eBay site... so this is new too. Very excited.
      Thanks for mentioning ebates. We are building up some good tips! I think I will be much more pro active and do many more searches now before I buy anything. A new mattress is a great goal! Usually a big investment! Thanks so much Kelsey! With love Annabel.xxx

    2. Thanks Kelsey! You have done really well. I never pay retail because patience always leads to a better price. You can also shop through swagbucks and get some back as well. We do a fiscal fast which takes just a little planning, but the gift cards and coupons come in handy for this!

  3. Today i bought 30 tins of pineapple at half price $1.49. I am finding it so hard to get basic foods at great prices. This will last me a year. I do paid surveys that pay in either cards or paypal and use these funds to buy food at great prices. I love Flybuys.

    1. Dear Leanne,
      Well done! Pineapple has gone through the roof here! And RARELY is on sale. So I would also stock up! Thank you so much for sharing what you are doing. It helps so much. With love Annabel.xxx

    2. Great job Leanne! If you find more deals like that and stock enough like you did the pineapple your grocery costs will start coming down as those items get taken out of your grocery budget. I love surveys!

  4. I love a spot of internet shopping on top of gift creating for my larger than normal extended family. Wish.com is absolutely brilliant for so many things from clothing, to costume jewellery, gifts, shoes, hardware, you name it. I've just bought the most spectacular chandelier crystals from there for pennies compared to retail or even eBay, and they are truly gorgeous. I'd recommend checking the reviews as each item is sold by a different supplier, and the clothing sizes can vary enormously so always check the measurement charts. But there are some real bargains to be had. They take a while to arrive, but everything I've bought has been well worth the money and the wait. Mimi xxx

    1. Dear Mimi, I have not bought from Wish thanks for telling me. You have put me on to some AMAZING eBay stores. And I mean AMAZING. With that post a while back on the little scissors, purses etc... I followed those up. Now the spray perfume bottles.... the first set arrived. The way they spray a fine mist is so good. They are very pretty. I have another set coming, I got gold then pink. I am using half water half vodka with the essential oil. One lot are spray sanitisers for the purse. Anyway Im thrilled... so cheap!
      Thanks for the tips too on the reviews. Im going to check Wish today. Im having a day home, bit quieter! With thanks! love Annabel.xxx

    2. Mimi,
      I have been keeping my eye one Wish so thanks so much! I really like things that either make things pretty or are good gift basket fillers so thanks again!

    3. Annabel and Vicky, you are most welcome. I hesitated for a long time as it seemed too good to be true. But so long as you use common sense, and check the shipping prices, you can't go too far wrong. Something to be aware of, is that if you buy multiples of something, they apply the shipping charge to each item. Combined shipping does not exist. So sometimes, it ends up not being a bargain at all, so watch that! Also be careful of 'Free, just pay shipping', as sometimes the shipping is more than the item would cost to buy locally. So as with anything, there are charlatans and tricksters, but savvy shoppers like us, won't be lured into the trickery! Have fun. Mimi xxx

    4. Also Annabel, I'm so pleased you like those little spray bottles. They are very pretty aren't they? My labels for my Thieves style blend are on the way from MellaandMoi, and I'm excited. Thanks for that tip! Mimi xxx

  5. I love Ibotta. Getting paid for stuff I am already buying. I always try to by clearance Christmas paper in solid colors afterwards. This year I got a roll of green for 25cents and 2 rolls of red for 25 cents each. I now have my birthday paper. I always look thru the clearance racks. I get school supplies for 10 cents thru 25 cents for notebooks, paper, pens, pencils, markers and crayons, I never pay full price for school stuff. When the kids need stuff for school they just go thru the bin that it is stored in and take what they want. Also,I always keep their half used notebooks and use them my self. After Christmas I always get the beauty sets. This year I got 30 bath bombs in different scents. They were 25 cents each. I put some in Easter baskets for my daughters and gave some to a friend for her birthday. I have used some myself. Paying full price is not an option for me.

    1. Dear MakingCentsofitall, I think the idea to buy paper in plain sold colour is brilliant! Something that will suit multi occasions! Thank you also for saving how you get on with ibotta as at this point there are a few ladies deciding to sign up!
      School supplies are another I see a lot... great clearances after the back to school goods have been out etc.
      You are doing great. Love the bath bombs! Thank you so much for this, with much love, Annabel.xxx

    2. MakingCentsofitAll,
      You plan ahead well and that is an important part of saving. I used to use the kids' half used notebooks too! LOL We can live well not paying full price. And I absolutely love clearance items!

  6. You all almost have me convinced to try Ibotta. I have not wanted to learn something all new but I think I must because coupons are getting fewer and fewer. I hold my coupons to combine them with a sale. If I can get a buy one get one free deal and use a coupon on both items it really brings the price way down. This week I will get 4 packs of yogurt for 25 cents that way.

    In the US don't forget about RetailMeNot.com. I check there every time I order something online and often find codes and discounts.

    Swagbucks is our big money maker with hubby and I both averaging $50 to 60 in gift cards every month. In March I did $75. We use them as personal spending money but I end up buying household items and hubby buys tools. I am working on Tattler canning lids right now and not paying a penny for them.

    1. Dear Lana,
      It seems like some of the Ap type systems might be taking over somewhat of the coupons so getting going with both could be a help. Thanks for mentioning RetailMeNot. I saw this demonstrated and was amazed!
      Swaybucks is working really well for you! That is a lot of vouchers! Amazing! Canning lids as a result! I love that!
      Thank you Lana! Much appreciated. With love, Annabel.xxx

    2. Lana,
      Many of us have agreed that paper coupons will be phased out at some point. I also hang onto mine for a sale. I have doubled and tripled my grocery budget this way. It pays for meat and rock bottom deals that I find. I love Swagbucks and have been doing it for years. I even have my mom doing it since she retired and she loves earning gift cards. It supplements her social security.

  7. Annabel and Vicky, these are some really good tips. Some of them I do and some I don't, so I've learned something new today to try!!! I'm always up for new ways to save!!

    1. Dear Patsy, Me too! It is all about being good stewards and planning ahead too... so many things. I have learned a lot this week. There were some major things under my nose I didnt know about! It does all help! With love Annabel.xxx

  8. Annabel,
    Vicky is such a good saver, to say the least she researches before spending and makes sure all her $'s are put to more use than most.
    Over the years I have accumulated over $250 from Ibotta, just purchasing normal items, I also use Checkout51. I don't do as well there, but probably about $150 over the years. Savingstar is worth it and not as much work.

    With the rising prices of everything we need to be vigilant in our efforts to spend our money wisely. Between coupons, sales, rebates we can make our money go so much more of a distance than just going out and buying.

    I am an advocate of buying only on sale and add in a coupon whenever possible. Some of my grocery stores have load to card coupons that you can stack with paper manufacturer coupons, making it much more affordable for certain items. As I tell my husband you can spend $3 on that pack of TP now or $10 later, your choice. But wee also have to be wise stewards of our pantries and not overstock to the point of waste.

    A large number of my items in my home have come from second hand stores. I have been able to stock a number of sewing, crocheting items from the stores. Most of my kitchenware is from thrift stores as are a majority of my linens. If I purchased most at regular stores they would me more than 100 times the cost at times. I only buy things that are in perfect condition, look unused or something I really need. I pray before I go into a thrift store to find what I need, not my wants. I have come out with the most beautiful items at a fraction of their original cost.

    Saving is work, it isn't instant.
    Rosanne xxx

    1. Dear Roseanne, You are one of the best shoppers I know. I see what you get and your pantry! So I look up to you a lot on this. And also you are right the thrift stores etc are all a big way to stock up on all kinds of important supplies like cottons, jars, books, linens etc. I now look for cotton every time as this has become really expensive. Also you get surprises of major luxury items! I pray too. From everything to finding the things I need, the things I will need for the future and to finding a car park... if I pray it all goes so amazingly!
      Thank you for your tips! With love Annabel.xxx

    2. Rosanne thank you so much! You do amazing and being good stewards of our resources either big or small I believe is important. If it's getting the most bang for our buck with $2 or $20. And each thing we learn adds to our skills. Remember the days when rice and a gravy packet was a bountiful meal? Thank you for your kind words.

  9. Thank you both Annabel and Vicky for another wonderful how to save more post :) and thank you Annabel for the voucher site for Australian retailers I will keep an eye on that if we need to buy things too.

    Thank you to all that have shared their tips as I have learnt a lot from you all :).

    I also love op shops and have been frequenting them more often (now I have found one that doesn't charge an arm and a leg in our small country town) when we need to purchase anything rather than buy new and found quite a few bargains such as a clock for our lounge room for only $2 and it works brilliantly.

    Since reading these posts DH and I find we now spend more time looking at the clearance sections in the supermarkets and even when we go to the chemist we keep an eye out for markdown stickers on vitamins and any other things to stock up our medical too. Recently we got all of our multivitamins for with a short use by date for 70% off usual prices saving around $45 and they had 3 months left until expiry which was plenty of time for them to be used. Incidentally a tip from a doctor friend of ours is that most medications and vitamins will last around 5 years past the date on them loosing only a little of their potency over time, good tip to know so don't throw things out.

    I think one of the most important things is if you are in any shop is to spend a little more time to hunt down the bargains as it certainly saves you money. We also look at all of the grocery sales vouchers online prior to shopping so we can pick up anything we need on special too and we will start praying before we go shopping now too :). If I can get something we regularly use for a 50% discount and then couple that with our already 5% discount we get by using our roadside assist club grocery cards and I am doing happy dances to get 55% off the usual prices every time :) (incidentally I am the worst unco-ordinated dancer there is).

    As I have a background in sales and owning retail businesses I never let an opportunity pass to ask for a discount or haggle on prices on anything. This also saves us a fortune over the course of a year and it is amazing just getting $5 off something quite a few times a year how that adds up to savings for our family.

    Have a wonderful money saving week everyone :).



I really appreciate your comments thank you! The aim of my blog is the be a place of encouragement and happiness. Very rarely is anyone rude. Actually only twice so far! If you post a rude or aggressive comment I will read it but not publish it, thanks for understanding.xxx

Spam is never published... if you are advertising a product or selling website your comment wont be published. I am inundated with stuff about drugs, horses and weird things! I am not going to publish this stuff! Thank you.