Tuesday, 6 February 2018

The Home Pharmacy.

While I am working on fruit every day I haven't made much progress on my present cupboard so today I want to start up a subject I have been planning to introduce this year.
I am a slow starter although I guess life experiences have gradually built up my confidence and made me want to learn more about natural health and remedies.

My very basic introduction has been years of using natural cleaners that I mostly make myself.  I love the smell of Eucalyptus oil or Lavender oil and would far prefer to use these at home that things from the cleaning isle that take my breath away.  I feel confident with them, that they kill dust mites and so does sunshine (on my bedding) and that my house is clean, fresh and healthy.  I basically don't want toxic fumes in the house!

Years ago I went to a Homoeopath and she was by far the best "doctor" I have ever been to.  She knew things no one else ever even mentioned.  When I met her she told me I was a person who couldn't stand windows shut or a lack of fresh air or to be in confined spaces.  How would she know that?  She seemed to know everything!  When I was pregnant with Lucy it took ages to get a positive pregnancy test so no one was sure.  I went to see her and she looked around the corner as I sat there in the waiting room and said "Hello Annabel!  Oh, you are having another baby!"   Just like that! She didn't need a test.

When the girls were small I started using Rescue Remedy and I had a couple of oil blends that were relaxing and helped with sleep.  I would rub the girls feet with these and I considered them miracle workers.  I also used some oils in the bath and found them so blissful and relaxing. To me finding ones you really just love was the catch,  I found Patchouli, Rose, Ylang Ylang and Geranium just perfect for me.

Last winter the flu here was really bad.  (And now I see it has been equally serious in US.)  Chloe gave me Oregano Oil which she swears by and On Guard Blend which is based on Thieves oil blend. This is an old  "protection from germs"  essential oil mix.   I had Lucy's family sick and Harper was so ill.  I sat and nursed her as she cried and felt I was doomed to get sick myself.  Years ago I had the Beijing flu and will never forget.  The last thing I remember is I was on the floor and giant spiders were coming to get me. Then I remember being in hospital.  
I know it came on fast.  I suddenly ached all over so severely. In the middle of the night I had trouble getting up to go to the bathroom.  I knew I was in trouble.   With this memory I thought I might be in trouble again and I had nothing to lose by using Chloe's oils.  I rubbed the Oregano Oil on my feet at bedtime and every time I left the house I dabbed On Guard under my nose and on my wrists.  I also did the obvious hand washing etc.  
Amazingly I did not get sick.  Everyone around me did.  So this built up my confidence with these oils and made me want to learn more.

When my Birthday came around I asked for more oils!  I was also given a diffuser.  So my collection is growing!

Saying all this I basically know nothing!  I am on a journey to learn.  I think it could be an important skill and asset and an addition to the first aid kit and general preparedness.   My pantry is in pretty good shape and I continue to work on it.  I think this is a way to improve preparedness generally.

This is in Chloe's kitchen. 
She has a medicine cabinet and an essential oils cabinet.

I am not giving advice and not selling anything.
I just hope to learn and benefit and for it to be part of my preparedness and pantry.

Jess was one of the first to get me started.  Her e book had me reading up on how to make tinctures and essences.  This book is huge and full of information and recipes...  100+ DIY Projects to make with fruit scraps.  I really started to learn something.  For instance it had  not occurred to me that the rosehips in my garden could be make into vitamin C syrup.  I noted that this kind of knowledge could be very good in hard times.

Jess also has extensive reading in her section The Art of Aromatherapy DIY's which is a really good place to start and she has heaps of links there to make up all kinds of good things from household cleaners to remedies.

Then she has Create your home pharmacy.  Here you learn how to make oils, teas, tinctures and so much more.  

Patsy also egged me on.   She takes turmeric for its anti inflammatory properties and buys her own gel capsules to make her own tablets.  She makes fire cider to ward off sickness.  Her blog has a section called The Medicinal Part of my Pantry.  She suggests some wonderful books too and I am working my way through those!

These links will help you start off if you are wanting to learn.  I have noticed many are very interested when it comes to trying to prevent the flu and building up immunity.   I am!

I probably timed this badly as Lana is very good with this and she is away at the moment!  Glenda is extremely knowledgeable in this area and professionally qualified as well.  She has helped me greatly and gave me a book of herbs and their medical properties.   So if you are just starting out then follow along.  If you have knowledge, experience and can suggest websites etc then please share.

Please do your own research on everything, check things thoroughly such as interactions between medications and herbs or essential oils and get your doctors advice!

Do you have any remedies that you strongly believe in or make?
Have you had success with essential oils or herbal medicine?
What would you like to learn?
My first goal is to be better prepared for flu season which starts here in about April.  I am wanting to know more about prevention and building up immunity.  So this is a start! xxx


  1. Dear Annabel, this is fascinating. I remember my European Nanna growing things in the garden for poultices and teas for my Grandfather who was a gardener by trade. His work was hard and physical and as I lived with them during the week (closer to the country school), I saw first hand, what a difference those little things made to his quality of life. We won't talk about his penchant for shredded iceberg lettuce with sugar and milk...that's one I never understood...lol! But I DO believe that the body is capable of self healing and when we are sick here, we ALL crave masses of green veges. Celery, broccoli, zucchini, spinach, silverbeet, Brussel sprouts...they all get a look-in. So maybe HIS body needed the lettuce for detoxing, and the milk for protein...perhaps the sugar for energy. I think the body tells you what it needs, but many of us have forgotten how to listen. We hand over trust to doctors and pharmacists and often all we need is rest, fluids and a bit of a detoxifying menu for a few days. This whole idea of work-no-matter-what is to blame I think. I love the idea of making your own tinctures and teas, but until now, haven't had time. With our youngest off to Uni, hopefully that will change. Thankyou for a really interesting post. Love, Mimi xxx

    1. Dear Mimi,
      That is interesting, cravings are very interesting! I crave vegetables also. Much of the time our body says what we need that is for sure!
      I hate the "soldier on" ads (you know the woman who sneezes everywhere?) and spread your germs to everyone because you took a pill. So irresponsible. But this is what goes on and kids in school who are sick when they should be home.... very sad. And unfair on the rest and the poor teacher. So common sense is gone largely. Basics like you say, rest, hand washing etc should all be number one. Prevention is better than cure by a mile. I love hearing about you Nan and grandfather! With much love Annabel.xxx

  2. Annabel, I am in deep mode research on natural ways to prevent or lesson the effects of the flu. I'm taking cider fire, drinking ginger water, using an immune boosting essential oil roller bottle blend, taking elderberry gummy bears and more. All of these things I made or put together myself as a result of my research. The flu is really bad here and I continue to research and do everything I can to hopefully keep from getting it. Looking forward to this series!

    1. Dear Patsy,
      I am interested in the elderberry things I keep seeing but we dont have elderberries here, or not that I know of! So this might be something I need to buy. But I am making what we do have i.e. the olive leaf extract. I would like to know what is in the immune boosting oil mix? This is interesting... I am going to make the cider fire... that is next! With love Annabel.xxx

    2. Annabel, I know that Rhonda grows Elderberries in her backyard in Qld. I wonder if they are a Tropical fruit/tree?

    3. You can get elderberries from Amazon.com. I did that until I got some elderberry plants to grow in my yard (for some reason it to a couple years of trying, but now they grow like crazy!). Here in Georgia (USA, not Russia!) the flu is rampant, and I am trying not to be freaked out any time I have to be amongst people such as at the grocery store. I take a teaspoon of elderberry syrup (which has ginger and cayenne pepper, and honey in it as well) twice daily for immunity, wash my hands constantly, and disinfect things others may have handled, such as shopping cart handles. I just returned from a trip, and wiped down most everything in my hotel room with Thieves Oil cleaner before touching it. I also have a roller bottle with Thieves Oil in my purse to put on regularly.

  3. Great post Annabel! I too love oregano oil, and always have Rescue Remedy with me. It's in the cars, in my handbag, in my bedside drawers, even in my hospital bag (it's always packed, it seems as soon as I unpack I need it!), in the first aid kits for home and camping and in my travel toiletries bag. I also use the Rescue Remedy Sleep when I struggle with insomnia. I have a wonderful book on natural/herbal remedies and homecare that I've used since before we were married. It is out of print now I think, and it's written in it's original style but has come in handy so many times. Do you know you can use your oregano oil in cooking if you don't have fresh or dried handy? One or two drops only, and the flavour is amazing in pasta sauces.

    1. Dear Cath,
      You sound just like me with the rescue remedy. Its next to the bed and in my handbag!
      I have heard of cooking with the oils and that some use a drop of lemon or orange even in a cake! I am quite interested in the gel caps.... where you drop oregano oil or on guard in and take it... I even have a jar of the gel caps but haven't got that far yet! I am hoping to learn so much more as if oils work as well as my trusted rescue remedy then wow this could be really helpful! With love and thanks, Annabel.xxx

  4. Love this post, Annabel, and I look forward to reading along as you learn more!
    I have used oils in the past, and have a few on hand. But I would like to learn more from others that use them regularly.

    My dad is currently very ill, but recovering. Turns out he has some sort of viral infection, and asthma. He didn't tell anyone he was having difficulty breathing! He just thought he was going to die. So horrible, but he has seen the doctor now. So sad for him, going through that by himself (as in, telling mum that he wanted to be left alone, not that he was actually alone)
    I did make them the 'kill anything' chicken soup from SS, it was about all I could contribute.

    Anyway, I hope we can all get prepared for a healthy 2018!
    Love, Fiona xxx

    1. Dear Fiona,
      Well we can be on this journey together! I am sorry about your Dad suffering like that. I hope he continues to improve now.
      The chicken soup I do swear by. I try to keep both the soup ready made and frozen and all the ingredients on hand to get some going in the crockpot. I keep garlic cloves frozen, chicken... the beans etc are dry, there are usually plenty of veggies on hand... so more or less I can get it going anytime and its a good idea.
      I know that there are essential oils and there is one mix called Breath Easy for respiratory problems this could be worth looking into for Dad. With much love Annabel.xxx

    2. Thanks, Annabel, I'll look into the Breathe Easy. He's got an inhaler now, and antibiotics, so hopefully will be up and running around soon!
      I love the soup anytime, not just when ill. It's delicious! And so good for you!
      Fiona xxx

  5. Annabel our simple living group had a workshop on doTerra oils. They are great although very expensive but you don't need to use much. One of the young girls in our group sells them. I am going to make fire cider again soon. I have horseradish now growing specifically to add to it. I hope the flu season isn't as bad this year.

    1. Dear Nanna Chel, Patsy makes the fire cider. I am going to try this. I saw Woolworths is selling it in the organic vinegar range! I would rather make my own though. I also hope this flu season is nothing like last year. It also went on and on...
      Horseradish is a wonderful thing to grow. With love Annabel.xxx

  6. Dear Annabel , how interesting to read your experience with the homeopath lady, how ‘spot on’ she sounds . Chloe is very organised with her oils and kit on the wall .
    I too want to learn more , and gain more confidence as I have dabbled in oils a good few years and been interested in homeopathic remedies .
    Our boys use take a tube of Arnica in their backpacks when they went motocross riding in the hills . Wonderful on there many bruises and knocks they said .
    I’ve used Rescue Remedy spray a lot until a friend who is a minister ,put me onto Rescue Pastilles , I really find they help me if my heart is racing or I feel edgy . I take one and then another 15 minutes later .
    I have also given them to my little grandchildren when they’ve had a fall or knock and they now ask fir granny’s medicine . Hah and like all children they have tried getting one for just about any excuse they can think of . Also have given one to other people’s screaming toddlers , with their permission, and most times they have quietened down .
    I have somechomeopathic remedies in my kit but not sure what to use them for eg Nux Vomica 30c, Sepia 30c.
    Also use Hyperacal gel for open cuts .
    But often if I’m Unexpectedly asked for some meds by family I resort to chemists meds as they aren’t keen on my holistic ones much .
    This year I want to build up my confidence in my alternative streak as some see it ;-)
    Last year I made honey ointment for eczema ,and skin conditions .
    Years ago I became interested in oils when our family moved to Asia and I was on my own a lot with no car or friends for awhile . And bought heaps of oils to use in burners for mood lifting and also ailments .
    My husband bought me a black lacquer and mop cabinet I store all my oils in and related items .
    I must say over that’s few years I’ve been given more candles snd diffusers which took the place of my oils but I need the oils back now I find they help a lot .
    Recently I got a few insect bites and one blew up so I made an oil mix to deter the biters .
    It’s light on the skin snd not too strong .
    Fiona - I hope your dad makes full recovery sorry to hear he’s been so unwell xxx
    Looking forward to more on the subject ,
    With love Maria xxx

    1. Thanks, Maria xxx Fiona

    2. Dear Maria,
      I know the homeopathic remedies a little bit . the Nux Vomica is for indigestion, stomach upsets I think... and the Sepia I think helps hot flushes and period problems.... I really like homeopathic remedies. You can google those and put them to use.
      It sounds like we have been similar with the rescue remedy. I am a big user of that. And with children also...
      I think honey has a lot of health benefits. I think a honey face mask is divine. Ok messy but in the bath lay back with this... involves hair washing!
      Hopefully we can explore this and learn heaps more. I think it could be so valuable! With love and thanks, Annabel.xxx

  7. Hi Annabel, This a timely post for me as I started using and finding out more information regarding oils last year also. In fact today I received a book in the mail that I ordered last week called "The Essential Life". I can't wait to read it and expand my knowledge of what these oils can do. I just wanted to say thankyou for all your wonderful posts this year, you and the bluebirds once again are so very inspiring and give out such wonderful and helpful information and support. Hugs Jo

    1. Dear Jo, It seems like quite a few of us are just at this stage... wanting to learn more and see how this can be helpful. One good things seems information is available so help is there. I felt like I wanted to learn new things this year and at first wondered what... but this seems so logical as it could be helpful on so many levels. Thanks for the kind words too! We have got off to a good start! With much love Annabel.xxx

  8. I think I will invest in a few oils too. There is a local girl who is a distributor. 😊

    1. Dear Joolz, So far I am loving mine. I targeted first my "issues" which are something to help me sleep, something to help my sore throats, something to help when I am stressed out etc. Now Im thinking of more i.e. flu, bites, etc. But so far so good and a very little goes a really long way I am finding. Good luck! Love Annabel.xxx

    2. Hi Annabel and in regards to bites you can use witch hazel for that and it works really well and relieves itches and bites as well. You can also use this for astringent for the skin amongst other things.

      You can buy this in the supermarkets in the personal care section and I use it for a toner and directly from the bottle for bites and mild burns too as it has antiseptic properties.

      Here is one link for you to look at -


      This is part of my everyday beauty products and also is in my medical kit too. I hope this helps you :) .


    3. Good tip, Sewingcreations15!

  9. Dear Annabel , thankyou for the interesting topic that you know I am interested in gaining confidence in, this year with yourself and others here .
    Darn Id typed a long reply on my post and deleted it by accident.
    So in shorter version.... Ive dabble in homeopathy and oils for some years . Had success with arnica cream, hyperacal gel,Rescue remedy Pastilles, and many oils for moods lifting aromas , skin and perfumes, Ive tried a few things over the years .
    My interest in oils started in Malaysia when we lived there as I had a lot of time alone in the beginning as my family were all out of the house by 7am and not home till 3.30pm on. I kept busy writing letters home,and gettign to know the area and shops that surrouded us.A very different life to home here but I carry such fondness for those years and what I learnt about people, cultures and religions that opened up my eyes to the world . And oils well they had the lovliest shop at the local mall I spent hours perusing their oils and books, and my husband bought me a black laquer cabinet with mother of pearl inset and gold filigree painted around , to keep my oils and related items in.
    I love Chloe's cabinets on the wall, she does very well with all she does at home and how lovely she makes it all look , she learnt a lot from you :-)
    Thankyou for all those links I will check them out in due course.
    Fiona-sorry to hear about yoru dear dad and hope he's fuly recovered asp. xox
    Look forward to hearing more on these topics discussed,

    Wilt love , Maria xxx

    1. Haha! Looks like you didn't delete your original post by mistake at all!! xxx

    2. Dear Maria, Sorry you lost a reply! Thank you for having another go!
      I have arnica cream also... and I did have rescue remedy cream which I loved but I dont think they make it anymore...
      The cabinet sounds so gorgeous. I love Mother of Pearl... so beautiful. And I need a cabinet now for what I am collecting.
      Hopefully we will learn a lot as we go along that will help us both... we often seem to have similar issues and health worries. With much love Annabel.xxx

    3. Oh dear Fiona, the gods are playign with me ;-) love M x

  10. Dear Annabel,

    I haven't really gotten into doTERRA oils or any others. I am behind the times as usual lol! The only oils I use are tea tree and eucalyptus.

    I do own a herb book that I must study for health as I am now growing more of these. The other thing I have disposed of is dodgy candles (full of chemicals), and I only use soy ones now.

    The good news for me (and hubby) is that we rarely get sick and I believe it is because we eat/squeeze freshly picked oranges and mandarins (from our trees) over winter. So plenty of vitamin C...everyday! Another thing I use is Manuka or organic local honey on our breakfast each morning. I have been using more locally grown honey because Manuka is not so affordable anymore, although I see ALDI sell it for a reasonable price.

    For preventing the spread of germs, I carry in my bag a small pack of baby wipes, and I use these constantly when we are out. They are great for wiping things down, like shopping trolleys etc and for using before eating to wipe your hands to cleanse them from any germs. It works well. Hubby takes these on the train and always wipes things over (especially in winter) before touching anything in the cab. I have now put my mum onto them.

    In the past six months or so, a friend introduced me to making Kombucha, and this is something I recommend you try. Do your research and make a decision...it is so good for a healthy gut as is sourdough and yoghurt.

    I am going to attempt to make apple cider vinegar and see how that goes. I have found a recipe and collected the ingredients, just need to make time.

    Hope your week is going well,


    1. Dear Tania, You have such a healthy lifestyle and diet with growing your own and all you do so this would have to be the number one thing. I am thinking it sounds like you are really onto something with the fresh citrus.
      Jane also makes the Kombucha and I see it in the stores. I am going well with the yoghurt and totally believe in the goodness of probiotics. I need to make some tonight as I ran out. If I have too much I freeze for cakes or muffins etc. Mostly it gets used up though.
      I am going to make a note to have fresh citrus everyday through winter, thank you! With love Annabel.xxx

    2. Hi Tania! I am the queen of anti-bac wipes. Our Woolies has them when you get your trolly and I always wipe the handles over. Likewise, when we are out, I wipe down tables in food courts etc and our hands before we eat out too. :)

    3. Oh good Joolz, we aren't the only weirdos that do this with baby wipes haha! They are great for cleaning lots of stuff, but most of all germs!!


  11. I would like to share how I have rediscovered Olba's Oil products during the past few months. I have had sinus issues for almost 10 years and nothing I have found has helped me like these products. Thankfully my husband came across the products quite unexpectedly in our local health food store, the very day that I was beginning to wonder what to do next. I was very sick, lots of coughing, especially at night, keeping me from sleeping unless I took over the counter drugs. But then my symptoms reached the point where even those drugs didn't help. That is when my husband found the Olba's products. I used the oil that night - put it on white handkerchief and laid it over my nose where I would breathe the vapors in through-out the night. That was the end of my coughing during the nighttime. I slept like a baby. Then I found Olba's has an inhaler as well as cough lozenges. Now I keep an inhaler in my nightstand, in my purse and next to my computer. When I'm symptomatic I also use the oil in a small electric diffuser. It works wonderfully! Nothing has ever opened my stuffy nose and cleared my breathing passages like these products have done. I would not want to be without them ever since. The oils that the company uses are pure and get the job done to make a person feel better. I hope this comment is helpful to someone. I am not in any way affiliated with the company, just a very happy customer of theirs.:) You may find the products at your local health food store or from Amazon.
    Here is a link to the company's website.

    1. Thank you so much! I have so much research to do! I will be reading this link thank you. In my family we have had a lot of asthma, allergic reactions etc... so anything about breathing is of great interest. Thank you! xxx

  12. Dear Annabell, someone had a post this week on making your own Black Salve (I think it is called). This can kill skin cancers - amazing stuff. I think you may be able to buy this in U.S, but it's becoming harder to buy as the Pharmaceutical companies would like it banned I'm sure! I grow Parsley and other herbs, and add these to salads. Parsley purifies the blood. There are also posts about making Ginger drinks which are also beneficial to our health. Back in Genesis we are told we are given "the herbs in the field", and I know they hold many health secrets that we need to explore. Love your posts - you are an amazing woman Annabell. Thanks for the encouragement. Regards Robyne S.A

    1. Dear Robyne, Thank you! Well this is interesting and I will look this up. I know there are so many Biblical references to herbs, spices and medicines. In fact I ALWAYS wondered what was so special about Frankincense and now I am just finding out!
      I love that you are another SA lady! Thank you for your help, with love Annabel.xxx

  13. Annabel, I don't know many home remedies, although I take a number of supplements - especially those that help keep skin youthful. I highly recommend phytoceramides for plumping up the skin and reducing wrinkles. It really works for me.
    Looking forward to learning a lot from your new series. By the way, sorry for spelling your name wrong all this time!

    1. Dear Phyllis, I am all for youthful skin. And I have never heard of this so I am off to find out!
      Dont worry about the spelling I answer to anything starting with A so you have had my name right all along anyway! With love Annabel.xxx

  14. Dear Annabel,
    I, too, am on a journey of good health through homeopathy and essential oils! As a beginner I've had some lovely successes, but have so much to learn. Please continue to share what you find with us! I have found a great deal of good information from this site...joettecalabrese.com you may want to investigate. Even My Love who calls my homeopathic remedies and essential oils "weeds" lol has slowly come around as some my "weeds" have kept him from nausea, colds and the flu, and me from allergy reactions of severe itchy eyes, (he could see that!). He is even now the "Keeper of the Diffuser", (an official title, you know! gggg). Thank you for all the time you invest in this lovely blog!

    1. Dear Nana Jan, Thank you for the website... I am about to go and have a read there. This is so helpful. So far from one post I am learning heaps. I love the "weeds" and "keeper of the diffuser" . Chloe's finance was the same, very doubtful. Now he asks her to put on "that stuff that makes his nose better" :)
      Thank you for your kind comment! With love Annabel.xxx

    2. Im back! Oh my goodness that website is just perfect for me! Thank you! xxx

  15. Popped in here on my phone as we are having heavy rain and staying in today. I am honored to be mentioned in your post! Please just ask if I can help in any way. One thing to note. I make recommendations to those I treat by using applied kinesiology which is muscle testing. I do have a good bit of general knowledge but rely heavily on the kinesiology for those local to me. I do not use DoTerra oils so have very little knowledge of them except a few blends. I send everyone I treat to Hopewell Oils . com. They are better quality oils and far cheaper. I do not know if they ship overseas. The owner is very gifted in blending oils and the kinesiogist who trained me works with her on the blends. I do not recommend taking oils internally without the recommendation of a natural healthcare practitioner. If you feel you must then do not take more than one drop. I also almost never diffuse oils. The power of oils is not understood by most. If I recommend healing by breathing in the oils then I tell my patients to put a drop on a cotton ball and breathe it directly. It is not wise to expose everyone in the home to the same oils unless everyone has the same illness or health concern. Last year a friend wanted to diffuse a blend for her 3 daughters and herself for female issues. I then asked her what she thought of exposing her husband and 2 sons to oils that would affect hormones in the body. Thankfully she took my advice not to diffuse! We often just carry a bottle of oil on the left side of the body or put it on the nightstand at night and do not even open the bottle. The frequency of the oils is often enough to treat without doing anything else. During cold and flu season we often just carry a nottle of Plagie Defense and stay well. I have Sleepy Time from Hopewell on my nightstand and sleep like a baby but I have never even opened the bottle!

    The number one biggest thing to do for good health is to drink half your body weight in ounces of water daily plus 2 ounces for every ounce of caffeine and keep the PH of your body neutral. Infections and cancers cannot grow in a body that has a neutral Ph. This means lots of big green salads in your diet along with fruits and vegetables and little sugar. Artificial sweeteners should never be used as they mske the body very acid. You can purchase Ph test strips that work by testing your saliva. Just getting the body hydrated and the PH neutralized heals so many so that is where I suggest everyone start this journey to health.

    1. Dear Lana,
      Recently I think you said you had over 200 oils... and with other things you have shared I knew you are a person to ask a load of questions. Also I wasnt sure if at the lake house you have internet. I left you a message to email me if you get time but you might not have seen this as you were heading off on your trip. (brinkzi21@hotmail.com) if you have time!
      Already you have taught me something about the diffuser... and the needs of different people in the house... I hadnt considered that yet!
      I am about to see if Hopewell oils post internationally.. I looked them up already and the oil you mentioned I think on Patsys blog was Plague defence... I wanted to try to get that!
      You will be glad to know I NEVER would use or consume anything with artificial sweetener. I found this all out when I was struck with violent headaches and didnt know why and it was in something I was drinking. Never again. I check everything. I didnt know about the PH testing strips... thank you for this! Thanks for so much info! With much love Annabel.xxx

    2. No Internet here but we use some data on our phones. I did email you but maybe it got lost somewhere. I will email again.

      One more thing to add to the above is that the way I test with kinesiology and use oils is homeopathic as well since I am looking for the correct oil by way of frequency to eliminate the health issue or infection. Natural health practitioners believe that 75% of illness could be eliminated just by drinking enough water each day!

    3. I have your email now thank you Lana! xxx

  16. Hi Tania, You are so right about the citrus. We have 2 orange trees that keep us in oranges all year and a brilliant lemon tree. We don't get colds...touch wood!
    Home made yogurt is a staple here as are lots of fresh herbs and veggies from the garden. Look forward to hearing how your apple cider vinegar goes. Eucalyptus oil is the only one I use so I can see some new learning happening here. I am still trying to comment on your blog but.....no luck. Which profile works for others? Love the pics you post and am in awe of your garden. Hi Annabelle. Thanks for all the posting you are doing. Inspirational and very informative. Hope you are both managing to stay as cool as possible in this heat. Cheers Jo

    1. Dear Jo, This is interesting! You and Tania are not that far apart geographically either. I think the two of you are on to something!
      So far I have already picked up a heap of info and tips, one of them is that if you like Eucalyptus oil or t tree oil then you will probably love Manuka Oil.. I knew about the Manuka Honey as was quite convinced about that but I didnt know about the oil! It sounds wonderful.
      Well I have to say the heat is getting to me, its not in the 40s but day after day I feel it builds up and Ive had headaches! And tomorrow is worse! So I hope you stay cool! With love and thanks, Annabel.xxx

    2. Hi Jo,

      Sorry to hear you are still having problems leaving comments on my blog. I have adjusted the settings so it might work now. If you still have problems you can email me at tania.meringue@gmail.com.

      Thank you for your kind words, and hopefully we can work out the commenting issue for you.


  17. Educational post. Thank you.
    I believe that natural is always best. God gave us everything on this earth the heal our bodies, that I firmly believe.
    Stay well.

    1. Dear Cheryl, I think you are right. I am amazed as I learn more. Mum and I have known several people that were hopeless cases according to modern medicine so they just had absolutely nothing to lose to try something else... and they are better! There is one man in the media here who was told to go home and die and he said no way and anyway he is now better too! So encouraging! With love Annabel.xxx

  18. I use a few oils. I really like the thieves vinegar I make from dried and fresh herbs. My children and I have been using it for several years now. (My husband won't take it.) It tastes really bad, but it really keeps us healthy.

    In the US, the taxes have a line item for how much money you spent on medical expenses. The year before we started taking it, we spent $1500 more than the year we started taking it.

    We take it at the first sign of a tickle, and then if we come down with something, we take 2 tblspns 4 times a day. The youngest children take it in a little apple juice. It usually helps us feel better from any type of cough, cold, sinus infection, sore throat type of thing. The kids like the way it works for them enough that they ASK for it.

    During this flu season, we have been taking one dose every morning. So far, no flu here, praise God!

    I am really sold on this vinegar blend. I can send the recipe to your email, Annabel, if you want.


    1. Dear Cristy,
      I have the recipe for the vinegar and think I will make it. I am not sure if you have this recipe on your blog? Otherwise yes please I would really appreciate you emailing it to me (brinkzi21@hotmail.com) I can share it on a future post too. Thanks so much!
      Thank you for sharing the way you take it also. With love Annabel.xxx

  19. I am trying to learn more about essential oils too. When you rubbed the oregano oil on your feet did you mix it with olive oil or some kind of oil. Also with the Onguard under your nose was that mixed with something? If so, how much of the olive oil or whatever oil you used to mix it with? Thanks for writing about this subject. Nancy

    1. Dear Nancy, You have given me a good question... I think as I am using the roller balls mostly I will make this the next post. So it is diluted and it still seems very potent to me. Plus it goes such a long way. So we will go onto this next week, thank you this is a good idea! With love Annabel.xxx

  20. Every summer I can many pints of elderberry syrup. We have many elderberry bushes in our pasture. Hubby picks them, takes them off the stems and I cook them up, strain them and can them. We swear by their anti viral properties. Whenever we feel anything coming on or just as a precaution, we will down a jigger full of the stuff. Works for us and we are rarely sick. Nannie

    1. Dear Nannie,
      Thank you for telling me this! How wonderful you have it growing! You are very sensible to be preserving it and using it this way! I think personal experience like this is the best recommendation there is. Thank you! With love Annabel.xxx

  21. Dear Annabel,
    Although a total beginner, I enjoyed reading your post and the comments. I'm looking forward to learning more about using herbs, oils and other natural ingredients. Thanks for this interesting topic!
    Have a wonderful week!
    Love from Arizona,

    1. Im pretty much a total beginner too Elaine, we can learn together! xxx

  22. We use Manuka Oil on insect bites, cuts. 10x stronger than Tea Tree oil. The best book I ever got on healing yourself is The Prescription for Nutritional Healing. The newer editions are even better I’m told. My family got the Swine Flu when it came threw San Diego. I have never been that sick in my life. A friend told me to take Garlic 3x a day. Vitamin A and E and Vitamin D. Finally started to get better. Now when I feel something coming on I take it before symptoms and it usually stops it. Colloidal Siver is also wonderful for Pink Eye, Ear Infections as long as ear drums isn’t burst. Hope this help!

    1. Dear Lynn, Well you have helped me. I am a big believer in Manuka honey and stock it. But I didnt know about the oil! Since you mentioned it I googled it and now I know. I will be getting some! thank you this sounds wonderful. Also thank you for telling me about this book. I am looking this up as well. I think when we have been terribly sick you never forget! Its kind of a shake up, wake up call! Thanks so much! With love Annabel.xxx

    2. We have had 25 people die in San Diego this week from the flu. An epidemic here. I also diffuse the Manuka Oil 30 minutes at a time when anyone is sick it really helps. I love smell! But not everyone does.

    3. Lynn, with the colloidal silver I have taken it internally and it has kept me well. You mentioned it for ear aches. Do you put it in your ear? I can't wait to read more about homeopathic remedies. Barbara

    4. Dear Lynn, Can I ask what brand Manuka oil do you use? I am seeing it with wild price variations... so I am hanging off until I get some opinions on good brands! Thank you! Love Annabel.xxx

    5. Yes, Barbara I have put it in my family’s ears and pets and Livestock. It works for Fungal and Bacterial infections. I have been told if the ear bleeds with discharge the eardrum is burst. You should not use it then.

      The first Manuka Oil I bought was $50.00. That was Young Living. I saw that brand cheaper on Amazon than what I paid for it. Yikes! My son got staph on his leg and it cured it. Our Co-Pay to see the Dr. is $35.00 plus 20% so I still got off cheaper. I just bought one off Amazon from New Zealand called Earth Shield for $18.00.
      I will let you all know what I think of it.

    6. Yes, Barbara I have put it in my family’s ears and pets and Livestock. It works for Fungal and Bacterial infections. I have been told if the ear bleeds with discharge the eardrum is burst. You should not use it then.

      The first Manuka Oil I bought was $50.00. That was Young Living. I saw that brand cheaper on Amazon than what I paid for it. Yikes! My son got staph on his leg and it cured it. Our Co-Pay to see the Dr. is $35.00 plus 20% so I still got off cheaper. I just bought one off Amazon from New Zealand called Earth Shield for $18.00.
      I will let you all know what I think of it.

    7. I have heard that you should try to use honey that comes from nearest to your home. That way, the healthy properties are consistent with what your body is already adapted to.

  23. A total rookie here, so I am very interested to read and learn from this series of posts, Annabel.

    I do know turmeric helps me greatly with arthritis (especially since the available prescription medicines for this is a big NO,NO for me)


    1. Dear Janine,
      Well Im pretty much a rookie too... Patsy also uses the Turmeric. I am hearing great reports on this. I have been adding it to all my soups and stocks so that is a start! Already I can see we are going to learn so much week by week and its quite exciting! With love Annabel.xx

    2. I take Bioceuticals Theracurmin Bioactive 300mg for muscle and joint strength but it has other benefits. It is great for heart health and I believe it has helped with my hot flushes...

  24. Hi Annabel, Though I've been reading your blog for quite awhile now this is the first time to post. And that is due to your mentioning homeopathy. I live in the US where homeopathy is not very well known, but I was introduced to it nine years ago by a friend. At that time I was looking for ways to deal with health problems for both myself and oldest daughter that did not include drugs, either prescription or OTC.

    I had researched herbs and essential oils, but both of those have warnings for people with existing health conditions. Homeopathy on the other hand is safe for everyone and can be used even if you are taking prescription medications. Homeopathy is much less expensive than oils or herbs (if you are buying them) and the remedies do not expire as herbs and oils do. Homeopathy also has the ability, with the guidance of a certified homeopath, to heal deeply. I started out reading several books(it is not hard to learn) for home use of homeopathy and treating our family for acutes...colds, flu, sprains, sore muscles, general aches and pains, etc. and was amazed at how fast and how well it worked. Then I was so excited to find we have a certified homeopath in our area and was able to take classes with her. Our whole family now sees her for chronic care treatment. The migraine headaches that plagued me every 3 or 4 weeks for more than 15 years are gone as are several other health issues.

    Homeopathy heals on all levels, physical, mental and emotional. Its all natural, and safe for everyone of all ages.

    With all the worry about the flu please take time to do a search on homeopathy and the 1918 flu pandemic. There were far fewer deaths from the flu when patients were treated with homeopathy than with conventional medicine. And patients treated with homeopathy also recovered quicker.

    Thank you for your posts Annabel. Reading what you and others write about homemaking validates the choice I made 43 years ago to be a full time homemaker/Mom. Reading how many women are now seeking to go back to that way of life makes me smile. All the things so many are now discovering and learning, like cooking, gardening, knitting, sewing, being prepared and dozens of other things is how I have lived my life.

    May God be with you, Marsha

    1. Dear Marsha,
      The British royal family use homeopathy and if you think of the Queen Mum she was still out and about at 100 and marvellous even then smooth skin and a big smile... and now look at the Queen and Prince Phillip it is amazing. God adverts!
      My homeopath was so incredible... she cured things we were told were incurable anyhow...
      I really need to teach for someone now as sadly the original lady is probably not even living anymore she was super old then!
      Marsha you will never regret being a full time Mum. I am glad to have you here and your help on this thank you. With love Annabel.xxx

  25. Hi Annabel

    As a diabetic I sometimes get itchy skin (generally if I have eaten something a little too sugary) and I use either a straight lavender oil or another I use is a lavender and geranium oil. I find this helps to keep the itch at bay.

    Another of my go to oils is a peppermint oil if I am feeling sleepy or headachy as this gives me a pick me up. I just pass the bottle under my nose to wake me up again. Sometimes with a headache I will rub either lavender or peppermint oil onto my temples and the back of my neck to help ease the tension.

    Will be reading with interest on other handy tips people use

    Aly xxx

    1. Dear Aly,
      I really love lavender oil. That one is a big help to me. I think we will pick up so much helpful tuff as we go. I made laps and bounds this week. With love and thanks, Annabel.xxx

  26. I step home grown thyme in local honey. It soothes the throat. You can eat it off the spoon or put it in tea. Like many others mentioned, elderberry is fabulous! Rosehip tea or syrup is another good one. My personal favorite, that I never go without, is goldenseal. It acts as an antibiotic, mostly for any mucus membranes. I swear by it! If you take it, it shouldn’t be used for more then ten days. And, you should take a probiotic or eat cultured yogurt to get your good bacteria back up. As in all things, do your own homework, first.

  27. Annabel,
    What a joy it is to be a part of your world and share and learn too! Grapefruit Seed Extract is a natural antibiotic that is very effective along with the already mentioned Elderberry Syrup. Love and Gratitude, Diane

    1. Dear Diane, Thank you for this info on Grapefruit seed. I am looking into Elderberry Syrup... as I cant make my own I want to see if there is a good one I can buy. With thanks Annabelxxx

  28. Hi Annabelle
    I love doTERRA oils so much I have started a business selling them in the past month. This has allowed me to purchase some of the more expensive oils.
    I use on guard in my water to mop the floor, I diffuse peppermint for my migraines, lavender and frankincense helps my kids to sleep. They have so many uses! Do you have a doTERRA Wellness Advocate who can help guide you with how to use the oils? I have a fantastic lady who has guided me - I hope that you have a similar experience.
    Oh! Did you know you can make a foaming hand wash with Castille soap and on guard? If you search on YouTube lots of tutorials will come up 😊.

    1. Dear Melissa,
      If you have a web page or fb page send it to me or post it here and I will link to it as there will be ladies looking for someone to help them I think. I think the on guard in the hand soap is a great idea. I saw another company has all kinds of On Guard (equivalent) cleaning products but they are very expensive and I thought we can make our own! Feel free to link or email me (brinkzi21@hotmail.com) as I am glad to end customers you way. With love Annabel.xxx

  29. Hi Annabel,
    It's amazing the timing of this mention of essential oils and how great they can be to have/use. A few days after reading this, a dear friend was talking to me about essential oils and how they have helped her in healing from lyme disease and other health challenges. Today I received an email from her with links to a 10 day free video course, Essential Oils for Abundant Living, that begins Tuesday 20th February at 9pm. Each session is available to view for 24 hrs i.e.. until the next video is shown. The topics to be covered sound really interesting. The people running the programme do not sell essential oils. If you or anyone else is interested I can send you the link.

    1. Dear Wendy, Thank you so much! I have googled and found this and am reading it now.
      Oh... I am adding, I cant see the link for the free course so if you have it yes please I would love that!
      Thank you so much love Annabel.xxx

  30. We have used various herbal helps and more recently EOs. Probiotics (homemade yougurt & fermented pickles) and fiber to help with good gut health. And basic clean living. Those have all kept us mostly healthy. I did want to tell you about the Using EO's Safely website. Lea doesn't sell EOs and there is a ton of information on EOs and how to use them safely. She is trained in this area. Just some information I have found truly helpful. http://www.usingeossafely.com/


I really appreciate your comments thank you! The aim of my blog is the be a place of encouragement and happiness. Very rarely is anyone rude. Actually only twice so far! If you post a rude or aggressive comment I will read it but not publish it, thanks for understanding.xxx

Spam is never published... if you are advertising a product or selling website your comment wont be published. I am inundated with stuff about drugs, horses and weird things! I am not going to publish this stuff! Thank you.