Thursday, 20 April 2017

Feather your Nest Friday, 21st April, 2017.

This has been an interesting week.  We both have bugs which we haven't been able to kick for several weeks now. Pretty blah!  Add in renovation mess,  job loss... you get the idea!
The good thing is that Andy got four days design work and he has mainly been working on that and he is expecting more of the same next week.  So he has work and it is just that the days routine is different as he is home.

Another good thing is we have had good soaking rain. On a really dry garden this is beautiful.  More is meant to be coming so I sat my houseplants outside for a drink of rainwater and a good wash and dusting. Nothing does house plants more good than rain!

Easter was lovely.  Harper loved her kangaroo family.  But I think it was the wrapping that made the big impression as she kept saying "wow, wow, wow!" which was so cute! 

Andy found me the prefect Easter card...

I was amazed how he found one so me!

So... some of the ways I saved money this week included:

My Aldi shop. I continue to realise they sell things I didn't realise they sell!  Each time it turns out to be another saving.  I have made my shopping trip day Wednesday to coincide with the special buys.  I even love it as an outing!  I am both saving money and getting more groceries which builds up my pantry.  In fact you could look at it as building up your pantry for free.

I did a lot of sewing. I got my machine out and aimed to do something every day from a mounting pile of mending and alterations.  I thought it would take forever but doing a bit everyday got me there in four days.

I made 4 large heat packs from some lovely soft polar fleece type fabric.
Then I took in several really nice tops that were always too big and I never wore.  This added new tops to my wardrobe.
I took in three skirts and now they are added to my wardrobe.
I had several beautiful scarves and pashminas in lovely colours that feel gorgeous, fine and soft. But they were not worn as they swamped me.  I carefully cut them down and turned them into infinity scarves...

Now I will live in them in cold weather! They feel so luxurious! I got two out of each pashmina.  I love them! 

My sourdough came out and I made four pizzas.
I made the boys fishing picnic.

With on hand and frozen ingredients I made a crock pot batch of chicken soup.  This gave me lunches during the week and I thought would help me get better.  I have a motto to always have the ingredients to make this.  I always have onions, parsley, dry beans, pasta, bay leaves  etc. I keep chicken, garlic (as a back up) and chopped celery in the freezer always.  There are usually carrots in the crisper....   it all goes into the crockpot and I can have soup for dinner.  I can add some rolls from sourdough pretty fast too.  Very handy.

My Mum gave us a lamb roast. This was a beautiful dinner and I made fresh mint sauce from the garden mint to go with it. Yum!

I recycled gorgeous paper I was given with an Easter present. It was sparkly! I was never throwing that away!

My honey gingerbread biscuits were my Easter gifts. I know Harper scoffed a fair few of these!   I made several dozen. We had some,  some went on the fishing trip, some were packed up in tins and given away.  They are so easy and nice and everyone loves them. Children included.  I get honey from the farm which is a bonus!

I wrote $390 in my savings book for my Vicky Challenge.

How was your week?  How did you save and build up your home?
Have a good and relaxing weekend! xxx


  1. Dear Annabel and beautiful bluebirds, I am sorry you and Andy have been unwell Annabel . I hope you both feel better soon. I haven't commented on Friday for about three weeks so this is a big catch up comment!. Here are some ways I have feathered my nest in the last few weeks , if I am including it in my Vicki challenge total I will put a $ amount in brackets after it.
    I received some sheets from my parents , the sheets have barely been used and saved me having to buy more sheets which I was going to do ( $70 saving) . My parents have given me at least 5 meals in the last three weeks plus a family sized pie ( $65 savings ) . I got 3000 bonus flybuys points which when added to other points I can redeem to buy groceries or something at Kmart or target if I convert the points to flybuys $ (15 savings value for the 3000 points I earnt just for doing my groceries) .i made 2 cards ( $10 savings) . I saved $40 on groceries and banked $20 of it ( so a $20 saving) . I received 6 hours subsidised cleaning in the last 3 weeks ( $257 saving compared to what I would pay a professional company ) . I am receiving 4 months of free physio at the local hospital , I am not sure how often it will be , I will count each session seperately each week . I had an initial assesment with a muscular skeletal physio , it was an hour visit ( I will count it as $100) . I have had 3 visits to my doctor in the last 3 weeks ( I don't usually count that but it's something I would have to pay for otherwise , so a $180 saving ) . I have saved on transport by getting rides with my Dad ( $150 over 3 weeks, compared to taxis) . I will stop there Annabel , a total savings for 3 weeks of $867. I am happy with that . I hope everyone has a lovely weekend . Sending hugs and best wishes to Patti . Also thinking of Jane and Bluey and others who have been struggling of late.i hope you and Andy feel better soon too Annabel.that was so lovely of Andy to find the perfect Easter card for you Annabel. Take care love Barb W.

    1. Dear Barb,
      The savings on the medical services are huge, many US readers would think so as this is one area we are very lucky in. This is a big asset to you and I hope the extra things really will be a help to your health and reduce your pain.
      It was wonderful too getting sheets and meals! It all adds up!
      I hope you have a lovely weekend. We have a beautiful day here, just lovely. Thank you for sharing your savings they are excellent! with love Annabelxxx

    2. Barb, you made good savings over the last 3 weeks,lovely to see you back here , and I hope your pain levels reduce and the physio helps a lot. Love Maria xxx

  2. Annabel I love what you have done with your pashminas. I am quite a lot larger than you so don't get swamped by mine. Our son bought me back a number of these when he returned from his Middle East deployment. With our milder climate a pashmina is often all that is needed to keep warm.
    Andy's card is just beautiful. I received a bag of little top deck eggs off Bluey.
    Our week has been one of those weeks as well. I had root canal on a molar on Easter Thursday. The Easter weekend was spent not feeling the best. I had to pass on the seafood feast that Bluey put on the table. Katie and her Jared were there to make sure nothing went to waste. I still cant chew enough to eat steak but am OK with most everything else.
    Katie has put her back out and is really suffering. Bluey did a bit too much and has had a swollen belly and been uncomfortable for a few days.
    I have spend a couple of hours in my garden everyday since Monday. We have had passing showers for the past three days. This is giving all my seedlings a little bit of water often. They have loved it. I have had a high percentage of germination of my seeds. So very happy with all of this. Our lovely back door neighbours have trees planted along the fenceline. Bluey had cut back a lot of the overhang some time ago. I managed to put all of the now dried out cuttings through my little mulcher. My garden is powering along with the extra attention and the rain.
    My folks are coming for a couple of nights tomorrow. I am getting Esmerelda fed so that I can have enough to send Dad home with his own active sourdough starter. I will also make some choc chip cookies and a banana cake as my Dad has an extremely sweet tooth. This will keep him happy and Mum and I can get out and about.
    Life is damp, windy and very good.

    1. Dear Jane, You will be busy with your Mum and Dad by now, enjoy!
      Your garden sounds like it is just thriving! This is wonderful. Not too many weeks back it was drought and now it is lush!
      Not too good about Katies back and Bluey overdoing plus dental work... sounds bit like our household bing a bit under the weather.
      Patsy is starting a sour dough to be called Prudence! I love that as it is very prudent to be making our own yeast! You will blow your parents away if you make one of those sky high loaves of yours!
      Enjoy your weekend! With lots of love

    2. Jane, I hope your daughter and Bluey are feeling much better soon . Doesn't life throw us challenges in a row.Good luck with "Prudence" ;-)and enjoy times with your folks. Love Maria xxx

  3. Hello Annabel, I am sorry to hear you and Andy have been unwell. Its hard to be unwell at the 'best' of times. Take it all very slowly and rest, rest, rest. You achieve sommuch even when you are unwell! I love the sound of your Easter presents. I bet they are delicious. What thoughtful gifts! How lovely Andy picked the perfect card. That speaks volumes. I really, really love the sound of your soup. Even though, we don't get cold here, I would like to have some frozen for lunches/ easy dinners. We have been trying to even more so watch our pennies, as we have bought a house! Super excited! We will have a yard for DS! But with all of that and working part time, I can find it hard to make lunch sometimes. So this would be a winner. I am pleased Andy is getting some work. I will keep him in my prayers. Lots of love, Bridge

    1. Dear Bridge,
      You snuck a big announcement in to this comment! Congratulations on your new house! Wow! Yes a yard will be wonderful. I am thinking of a little cubby house and all the adventures we had outside with forts and sandpits and so on. I always had it that outside was a play area and like an extra room where we ate many meals etc as well. It is so much more space. If there is a veranda this is where we had blackboards, little bikes and all of that. Really good.
      I always make lunch the night before or have something from the freezer. The enchiladas work as a nice lunch with a salad. Savoury muffins are a good portable lunch. If we have hamburgers for dinner I make up extras for lunch... sometimes I just make trays of sausage rolls or pasties and freeze a lot. Or make a heap of meat pies from left over casserole.... things like that. Fried rice makes a good lunch the next day if you make lots!
      You would be really busy! But this is so exciting! I am really pleased for you all! You will have so much fun setting up a new house, just enjoy every minute! With lots of love,

    2. Ohhh a new house Bridge , how wonderful for your and family , enjoy! Love Maria xxx

  4. Dearest Annabel

    I have had a good week here on the savings front and on the health improvement front. Today being my day off work I hit some of the local op-shops but my two favourite ones were closed today sadly, however I went to one that I have never been to before and it had everything for 50 cents each. Huge bonus they had new in the packet still with the original price tags on them, bras in DD17's size. I bought the four that were in her size and the original prices ranged from $120 (yes I know amazing hey) to $60, s a saving of hundreds of dollars. I also bought myself a new wardrobe in my new current size and a few nice pieces in the next size down. I got a lot of clothing for the $10 price tag. At another op-shop I got a very large tablecloth in a beautiful off white colour that will fit my table when it is extended and all the family can enjoy it for $3-50. Four new cloth napkins (serviettes) for 50 cents a book with the pattern for 20 crochet edgings for 50 cents and a writing pad with nice patterns on it for 50 cents.

    I went to Best and Less and bought 12 new pairs of underpants as the old ones are far too big on me now and got them on a special of three pairs for $10, I also got four new bras for myself there for $10 each. This is all I am prepared to pay when my size will change soon with continued weight loss. I am continuing to make the most of the free weight loss program I am on and have lost over 13 kilos in the first eight weeks, I am half way through the program now and going well, I am very happy with results and want to make all I can of the rest of the program as I head towards my next surgery.

    I have cooked all but one meal at home and the one we bought was from DD's work at staff discount rates and I enjoyed the seafood we got immensely. I bought chicken breast fillets at $6 per kilo and bought all I could afford. We had Easter lunch here and I froze all the left over or uneaten cake and dessert straight away along with a large portion of the uneaten easter eggs we were gifted. This means there will be chocolate for baking in the freezer or for the girls to eat as a snack at a later date.

    DD17's friend is hosting a lunch this weekend to raise funds for Beyond Blue and help prevent teenage suicide. DD17 has been baking cupcakes with blue icing and cookies with decorated blue icing on them, blue jelly cups and blue meringues. The only thing she needed to buy was a packet of Fredo Frogs to put in the blue jelly cups. Everything else was in the pantry. I am proud of her and the effort she is going to to support her friend and this great cause, and for very little out of pocket cost since we have a good stocked pantry at our disposal.

    I have been tending the fruit trees and looking at how I can incorporate more into the garden. I am also thinking of planting some spinach this week.

    I am also putting an extra cash onto my Drakes Foodland Christmas Club Card. This earns me 5% extra in grocery buying power in December and they sell Endota Spa gift cards there as well so I can use the funds to buy these for my DIL's and adult DD I have $100 so far put away and this would have been money frittered away.

    Hope you and Andy are feeling better sooner rather than later and that work is forthcoming quickly for Andy>

    God Bless Love Mel S

    1. Mel, you handle the money matters of life with such finesse!
      You're doing very well with your weight loss, too!!

    2. Dear Mel, Wow wow wow! It was just as well the other op shops were closed and it kind of made you discover this one! That was amazing! What good finds! It must have felt like Christmas!
      Your weight loss is fantastic Mel and just the fact that you are doing everything you can towards your own health. It is amazing what you have achieved!
      Well done to your daughter for working so hard on the fund raiser! I hope they have a great success.
      This rain would have been good for your fruit trees. I think spinach is a great producer. Using whatever space you have for veggies and herbs produces an amazing amount, its surprising. I have capsicums just coming on in my herb stack and Im shocked how many capsicums Im going to get from this small space!
      Today is the most perfect day in Adelaide so I hope you are enjoying it. What a good week you had Mel! I am so pleased! With love

    3. Well done Mel S.!I bet you feel much healthier already with that weight loss.Your daughter did so well with all her efforts for Beyond Blue , no wonder you are proud of her :-) Love Maria xxx

  5. Hi Annabelle I hope you are feeling a bit better. I managed quite a bit this week. I picked lots of rhubabrb from the allotment so I have froze crumble filling, made jam, yogurt topping and I've dehydrated some. There is still so much to pick. I also harvested a lot of leeks. I made quite a few portions of leek and potato soup which are tucked away in the freezer. The rest have been used in pies. We had turkey and lamb for Easter Sunday and there was just so much left over. With the lamb I made shepherds pie. I don't have much room in the freezer left so I froze the filling in bags so all I need to do for a quick meal is just peel potatoes to put in top. I also made pasties with the filling (I use bread dough rather than pastry though). With the turkey I made lots of turkey and ham pie filling which I have frozen too. I managed 4 pie fillings each from the lam and turkey.

    We are going in a rare night out tomorrow night for a friends birthday. I have coloured my hair and gave myself a manicure.

    I have made a few crochet dishcloths this week. When I have taken the boys to the park (they are 10 and 12 so don't need watching as much) I have been making them. During the evenings I have been either cross stitching Christmas gifts or crocheting a blanket for our bed. I saw one in the catch kidston catalogue for over £130 and I can make it for about £20.

    I've also signed up for Patsy's prepping class which I am very much looking forward to.

    Have a good week everyone x

    1. Dear Laura, You have been so industrious! That is a lot of cooking and preparation! Well done!
      Have a wonderful night out! I love that you did your own hair and nails.
      I am thinking if you like Cath Kidston and crochet take a look at posy.typepad (I think it is) she has gorgeous crochet ideas and projects! I have been seeing very expensive knitted or crochet throw rugs, bedspreads, scarves etc in the homeware catalogues etc. You are right that we can do them for a lot less! Little projects you can take with you to the park are great... I used to take things to do just like you are doing! It is wonderful your boys have a watchful Mother! With lots of love

    2. Is this the same Laura who planted a whole garden of roses given by the neighbour? That was truly wonderful to hear!!

  6. Sorry to hear you are still dragging your bug... But great to hear that Andy's got work.

    My week's been one of those where it's impossible to assign a monetary value to anything I did, but I do feel I achieved several important things - many seeds got planted, which will be counted at point of harvest. Most of the rest of the time was taken up by chasing various medical professionals in order to get DD's medication adjusted. Frustrating, draining, but had to be don, and hopefully it will be worth it in the end.

    1. Dear Allegra,
      I hope you had success with your daughters medication. It sounds like a fairly frustrating week! But the planting of the seeds is excellent and you will be glad of that later on. I hope you are having a good weekend and have an easier week next week! With love,

  7. Dear Annabel,

    Sorry to hear that the bug you and Andy have is still hanging on. Hope you are both fine with soon! It was so wonderful to read that Andy has the design work.And I love his Easter card!

    It's been raining here for the last couple of days so nothing done outside. I made use of the time indoors by putting together a spice mix for Italian sausage as I make my own sausage patties with ground turkey and freeze them and also make sausage crumbles to add to other things. I made several new recipes, one being a spaghetti pie using spaghetti squash instead of pasta and another being postponed which are made with unripe plantains. I baked 3 dozen scones. More note cards got painted and I finally laid out the fusion quilt and began the process of sewing it together and getting it ready for the crocheted edging. I pulled some fabric from my stash to make some very simple summer tops and perhaps some nightgowns for the gift closet. I'm planning to use a no pattern method which is similar to the pillow case dress pattern for children but uses lengths of fabric for adult sizes. Quick and easy!
    My husband made and put up chair rails in the kitchen from leftover crown molding that we had. That all I can remember.Wishing everyone a beautiful weekend. Blessings, Cookie

    1. Dear Cookie,
      That sounds like a pretty good week! Accepting the weather and getting on with what we can helps.... we had rain here too and I am glad of it on the garden but I had to change my plans!
      The cooking sounds lovely and so does the painting and sewing! I cant wait to see this quilt. It is a big project I know! I am just doing crochet edge on a small crochet rug... this alone is time consuming! But a crochet edge looks beautiful to finish things off.
      Crown holding sounds beautiful to me! Have a good weekend to you too! With love

  8. Dear Annabel,

    You sure get a lot done for a person who is unwell!!!! I do hope you and Andy kick that bug soon. I'm so glad Harper loved her wrapping (oh, and kangaroo family!). :) Our Easter was lovely. We had an egg hunt in the morning, and I think this year the girls had the hardest time finding the eggs they've ever had! :) Let's just say we were all definitely ready for hot cross buns (and those eggs!!) by the time they were finished. This week has been odd for us, as my hubby started his new job, which now involves an hour and a half commute each way (partly by bus). We are up earlier, and the girls and I are now doing the milking...but somehow just an hour's difference in the morning has really thrown me off and made me feel as though I've pulled an "all-nighter" each night for how tired I've been the following day! I'm sure by next week my body will have adjusted. What's been wonderful is that hubby has been smiling and happy about his work day each day he gets home...which is worlds different from the last 8 and a half years!!! So I'm thinking the commute is okay after all. We'll have to play it by ear and see if we need a new plan long term.

    This week I've: hung laundry, baked bread/sweets for lunches, made hummus, made all meals from scratch, stretched groceries out to last until shopping day (tomorrow), cleaned the front window curtains, windows, sills (big job!!) and mopped the front hall floor, dusted front hall walls...can't think of what else...too groggy! :) Hope you have a wonderful weekend and wake up Monday morning all better!

    xx Jen in NS

    1. Dear Jen,
      It is really good about your husbands job! It sounds like you will need to be going to bed earlier or having an afternoon rest... one or the other, to compensate fro the extra early mornings! I would have to. I am terrible if I don't get enough sleep.
      Cleaning windows, sills etc is a big job. Inside widows and all of that was my personal nightmare last year when I painted all of those and was cleaning them with a toothbrush. Andy's of course. Ok not really just an old one! haha!
      Even though you were tired you still did heaps! Have a restful weekend! With love

  9. The card is so lovely and you are right - that is so you!
    I just love Aldi - it is wonderful to search the aisles. I always find some new and wonderful item too.
    Sounds like you had a great sewing session.
    Take care and feel better

    1. Dear Cheryl,
      Thank you! You have a lovely weekend too! I am glad you have an Aldi, this alone is a big help! With love

  10. Agree with Jen, Annabel, you do get a lot done for someone who is sick. Hope that when you wake up you both feel better.
    I love those infinity scarves, what a great idea!
    Very cute that Harper liked the wrapping on her gift, was it sparkly and crinkly?
    I have done very little feathering this week, but I did make a nice dinner on Wednesday night - chicken breasts stuffed with ricotta and spinach. Had spinach in the garden and needed ricotta and no way was I getting the car out for one item, so I made my own ricotta. It was awesome. When costed out, it was 45 cents. Tasted just as good as the shop one. very happy with that.
    Have a good weekend, rest up if you can. Hope the job front improves for Andy, although it sounds great him having that work and more to come. Fi xx

    1. Dear Fiona, I made Harper an Easter nest the way I used to make the girls. A little shoe box covered in pink paper filled with shredded pink cellphone and sparkly stuff as the nest... with the little Kangaroo family nestled in there and covered in clear cellophane and pink ribbon. Hopefully the nest can be used next year again. I used them over and over and added confetti or whatever I had that was pretty to them. Well she was right into it!
      Well done on making your ricotta! Your meals sounds heavenly to me.
      Have a lovely weekend! With lots of love,

  11. I meant to say to tostones with the plaintains not postpones (lol). Cookie

  12. Sorry you all aren't feeling well. Hopefully you are better soon!
    I didn't do much feathering this week, we are trying to finish up some homeschooling subjects, plus 4 kids had ortho appointments and then two days later all 6 had dentist appointments. We live so far from everything that it feels like one round of appointments just uses up the whole day. I did work some more on my plastic bag rug, it is taking literally hundreds of bags, so I make progress, then have to wait until someone says "Oh, I have been saving plastic bags for you!" and stops round with a bunch. I just keep thinking about how many bags would have been going into the landfill since we don't have bag recycling here! We also picked, processed and froze dandelions until I have time to actually turn them into jelly. Plus I worked a half day! Been a busy week!
    I hope the season change is finding everyone feeling refreshed and excited about what the next season brings!

    1. Dear Sarah, I would love to see this rug!
      For us appointments were always a day trip so I understand that. It is probably good to do it as you are doing i.e. 6 x dentist appointments in a row rather than lots of trips... but quite a day none the less!
      Dandelion jelly sounds lovely I would love to see this too!
      You did have a busy week, well done! I hope you get a restful weekend! With love (I love the change of seasons also!)

  13. Hi Annabel,
    Hope you are both feeling lots better.
    Cheers. Jo

    1. Thanks Jo! Trying to rest a bit this weekend. Very stubborn bugs! xxxx

  14. I feel we've been quite spendy of late but John worked a good bit of overtime the past two months and we had extra to use towards needed items. I just love Aldi, too! We are spending more and more of our grocery dollars there and less and less elsewhere and yes, less overall!

    1. Dear Terri,
      Some overtime money would be most handy. I know what you mean about Aldi... I have been spending less but still coming home with a lot more. I have built up several areas of the pantry plus also the gift cupboard as boy do they have amazing things! And also another saving has been the skin care and makeup etc. Goodness it is nice and so cheap its ridiculous. I cant imagine what this will save over the years!
      Have a lovely weekend! With love

  15. Hi Annabel and Beautiful Bluebirds!!

    Rain-drenched plants, leeks from the allotment, spaghetti squash in the kitchen, homemade ricotta-and-spinach, and a dandelion harvest!! Turning the corner to fresh possibilities -- Annabel and Jen!! Things just don't stand still!!

    I have to smile when I contemplate the challenges and joys of working at home alongside my husband! Sometimes half the kitchen is a workshop! Isn't that sweet!! I know Mum used to love those days when every family member would be happily working away on their own interests throughout the home! All up, I consider this to be a wonderful mode for preparedness -- always thinking of alternative ways and routines to get things done!

    How about a little story?! .... It's been some fifteen months since that day when, at the end of the week, I had looked up from finishing reading the Bluebirds post .... and was just in time to see our property power pole fall over into the lantana bushes! It took quite some time to finalise the closing of the account with the power company. All this time later, there is something funny! With the power disconnected, the account closed, the pole on the ground, and the overhead cables wound up and ignored, .... my husband has just put the meter outside the fence line (where we are not bothered!) so that the meter reader can happily read the meter each time he drives this way! The meter will always read what it read the day the pole fell over!

    As of a mystery tiny injury this morning, my husband has learnt that the leeches are back! Yikes!

    Having pulled apart his failing sander power tool, my husband found the brushes not overly worn, so decided it was time to replace the sander to finish working with a rough-sawn piece of timber. He is not impressed with sales talk. All he could get was a sander with less power, and he has now given that to me for any projects I might have! I'm pleased!! Ha ha!!

    From what is coming out of America, I hear that there is drastic danger regarding the Californian earthen Oroville Dam, and potential dramatic political power moves. People in that valley are being advised to move out of harm's way. The enemy of us all knows all this, and I took interest, this morning, when my book opened up at Psalm 68. Verse 30 reads, "Rebuke the beasts that dwell among the reeds, the herd of bulls with the calves of the peoples. Trample under foot those who lust after tribute; scatter the peoples who delight in war." It looks like a prayer for this time.

    Beaks up, Bluebirds!!
    Rachel Holt

  16. Hi Annabel.
    Sorry to hear you have both been unwell. Be kind to yourselves so you can recover.
    Glad to hear God has provided Andy with some design work-hope it continues!
    Loved the Easter card-Andy picked well, didn't he.

    I had a couple of question about the Vicki challenge. What is it, and how does it work-as I notice you put a savings cost to your activities but how do you know what amount to apply?
    I really appreciate your time in doing the posts. I learn such a lot and I love seeing all the craft you and the others do-it is inspiring and I hope to make the time to do some too.
    Blesssings to you both

    Kerrie (

    1. Dear Kerrie, This link will explain it from the beginning.... plus there is a second link there which if you read that it should totally bring you cup to date. This really helps me. I did add up my whole year last year and it did equate to a full time jobs wages really! (if you take into account tax anyway!)
      Thank you so much for your encouraging words. If you can add a little craft into your life it truly pays you back in many ways. Much of the time I do it in a multi tasking way i.e. crochet waiting to see the Doctor or watching tv! But little bits of time really add up! Thank you so much! Love

  17. Dear Annabel and Blue Bird friends I am afraid the events of yesterday will negate any savings we will have for quite a few weeks. We were heading up to the shop to drop off some goods for their fair weekend when the clutch on my husband's car died (as we were heading up the range). As luck would have it we were able to pull over on the side of the road with a fantastic view, saw two black cockatoos flying around and a patch of sun in the distance.

    We are members of RACQ and have often wondered about the cost that we pay each year and not use it but it definately paid for itself because they sent a tow truck and I got dropped at the door of our house while my husband and the driver dropped the car off at out local mechanic's work shop.

    We had to wait over two and half hours for the tow truck to arrive, the driver was telling us that he had never known a Friday like it. They were run off their feet.

    Consequently we made the trip back up to drop of my items for the fair early this morning - using my car. We didn't linger because I am back up there tomorrow working in the shop.

    I had a discussion with my doctor earlier in the week about my condition and whether I should have the 'flu needle. He said no because my body is dealing with enough at the moment, has ordered an ultra sound of my thyroid and neck and then we will have a discussion at my next appointment about where things are headed as I will also have my latest blood results too.

    We woke to rain and grey skies this morning but it fined up this afternoon.

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend. Bridge congratulations on the house.


  18. Dear Annabel, firstly I hope you and Andy are starting to feel better,lots happening at your place so look after yourselves please says the pot to the kettle ;-)
    I just love the Easter Card Andy gave you ,so delicate looking those pastel eggs are .
    Harper's reaction to her Easter gift was cute .I love that about our grandchildren,so precious.
    Not a lot happening here but I was inspired by you and our Bluebirders and tidied out my two small freezers and updated my lists . Did the same with my extra pantry stores and took a stocktake.
    Encouraged Hubby to start sanding the guest bedroom windows so That I can prime and top coat. Today I was able to prime one set of windows , had visitors by surprise so tomorrow hope to topcoat.That's a start,as our eldest and daughterinlaw and wee grandson are moving back aftre 8 years overseas.And that room may get some use again.
    I did a big shop to start filling the big freezer up, and more emergency stores ie the store pantry.
    After trying 3 different patterns of crochet rugs I wasnt having much success, Im making pop over or smock dress for my little grand daughter, I made her one when she was a baby.Im doing it in Pink her favourite colour and same as in her rug I gave her recently.I had to restart it x3 , oh dear my head is elsewhere at the moment.
    Have a good week Bluebirds.Love Maria xxx

  19. That lasagna looks amazing, Anabelle! Thank you for sharing!


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