Thursday, 9 March 2017

Feather your Nest Friday, 10th March, 2017.

This was one of those weeks with extra expenses that I guess happens to us all!  It seemed endless!   One of them was having a tree trimmed. Andy had already trimmed as high as he could reach on our ladder but it was bugging our neighbour and had to be done.  The upside was that we found someone who would do it for a great price as we would pay cash.  The other upside was this was the tree that had the birds nest in (they all flew away weeks ago) and we got up and saved that first.

Some of the ways we did save money this week included:

We had a lot of basil ready to pick.  I made a double batch of pesto. I use Mimi's recipe on A Tray of Bliss which is so easy and so good.

I gave a jar to Lucy which would do two dinners and made Pesto Chicken one night and pasta another. I still have some left as well.  It is beautiful and smells so good.

I made pizza bases, froze some and made pizzas with all kinds of left overs which served as dinner and lunch box fillers.

Andy found a pair of beautiful leather boots at an op shop for $15. He loves them and he needed new boots.  Massive saving there.

I got a few trays of chicken on a great special, used some and froze some. 

I made all the lunches as usual. 

I wrote $360 in my savings book for my Vicky Challenge.

Our Quince tree is covered in Quinces and about ready.  I think next week I will pick them. 

They never seem ripe as they are as hard as rocks but they go into the slow cooker for a day and turn deep ruby pink. The scent of Quinces is beautiful. They will give us stewed fruit and deserts.

This shows my side of the road vase that I mentioned last week.  I have a nest displayed in it. It also shows the table top I mentioned painting.... on top of my other road side find.... I found two of these little tables that needed new tops. I gave one to Chloe and painted the top of hers palest blue. (it is for her bathroom and her bathroom is blue.) 

I hope you had a good week! How did you feather your nest, build up your home, get ahead or save this week?

Our Patti isn't well. Her daughter Kristi messaged that she read Wednesday's post to her Mother as Patti has vision problems and pain in her eyes. She is also light sensitive and at this point it is undiagnosed. This sounds just awful and frightening.  Anything with our eyes is especially distressing I think.  I think Kristi will read our messages to her Mum so lets lift Patti up in prayer as it sounds like she really needs it at this time. Patti I hope you are feeling much better and the doctor have this figured out.  I have been thinking of you so much!

Jeanette's daughter is also having surgery today. She is having her Gallbladder removed then going home where Jeanette will look after her so they both could use prayer also.  Jeanette I hope this surgery goes very well today. 

Have a lovely weekend. I am planning a heap of cooking as Andy has extra work and will be working. xxx


  1. Prayers for Patti. I hope you have a diagnosis soon and some help to alleviate your eye problems Patti. Jeanette, hope all goes well with the surgery and recovery for your daughter. Prayers for you both.

    Annabel you never cease to amaze me with your roadside finds! You have a good eye for knowing how to makeover your treasures as well!

    The pesto and pizza look beautiful! Such abundance and lovely quinces as well. My nan had a big tree and lots of beautiful jams, jelly and pastes were made. I loved them!

    Have a lovely weekend everyone. Xo

    1. Dear Kaye,
      Thanks for your prayers for Patti and Jeanette and her daughter.
      I drive everywhere the back way through the suburbs not the main roads... this is the key I think. I got a lovely pink scooter for when Harper is bit older. Today Chloe is coming with a bucket of figs! So I will be busy! Have a great weekend Kaye, with love Annabelxxx

    2. Thank you for the prayers!
      Kristi (and Patti)

  2. Dear Annabel, What a great privilege it is to lift up Patti and Jeanette's daughter to the Lord for healing. Thank you for this wonderful community. Best wishes Lyn

    1. Thank you so much Lyn. Have a wonderful weekend! xxx

    2. Thank you for the prayers!
      Kristi (and Patti)

  3. Dear Annabel and beautiful bluebirds,
    Firstly I wanted to let Patti know I am thinking of her, Patti please take care and I hope you are soon feeling better , sending you love and hugs Patti. Also Jeanette, I am thinking of you and your daughter and your family and sending love and hugs to you too.
    Annabel my week has been quiet again and made difficult due to terrible pain but I have managed some savings and managed to build up my home and get ahead and feather my nest too!.
    I shopped the specials and only those things I use regularly and by doing this I saved $21 which will go into savings .
    I received a meal from my parents which I value at $15 as it was a large cottage pie which fed me for 3 meals.
    I received a dental voucher from the government dental service to use at my own dentist ( my dentist is on their list of approved dentists ) , the voucher is for up to $750 worth of treatment , I am not sure if I should count $750 in my Vicky challenge now or wait until I see how much the treatment I need would cost?.
    I received some mini tubes of toothpaste when I went and made my dentists appointment $3 approx saving.
    I used some money I was given as a gift to purchase some die cut templates at spotlight when it was 30% off earlier this week, I bought 3 sets of dies and saved approx $20 , the sale allowed me to get more with my gift $$ than I thought would.
    I had2 hours oubsidiedcleaning $40 saving , I had a meal prep hour on Monday and will have an hour for meal prep today ( a service offered by my care agency cent a care) , this saves me buying takeaway or packaged meals so I am counting a $25 saving for this .
    I used some popcorn kernels I ad in my pantry to make snacks instead of buying chips$3 saving( plus it's much healthier) .
    I bought a large casserole dish at a local op shop( thrift store) for $4 , saving me approximately $25 compared to new.
    My total savings this week are $151 approximately ( not counting the dental voucher) .if I counted the dental voucher it would be a huge $901. Saving!!.
    I hope everyone has a lovely weekend.Annabel this week you are literally feathering your nest with nests!!.
    Take are . Love Barb W

    1. Dear Barb,
      You did really well especially considering the pain you have been suffering. I really hope that has lessened. It is awful. It is hard to even think straight when in pain!
      The dental voucher is fantastic! How wonderful! Yes I would totally count it as a saving and use it to the max each year to get anything you need done.
      Your cottage pie sounds yummy too. Well done. You did very well! I hope you are feeling much better and have a lovely weekend! With love

    2. Dear Barb,

      Thank you so much! Just wanted to let you know that I am praying for you and hoping the pain lessons. You had a great savings week!

      Much love, Patti (typed by Kristi)

  4. lovely roadside finds and good work on making them look schmick Annabel. I remember eating quince paste and not being overly fond of it, what sort of flavour does it have when slow cooked?
    Patti golly how scary, hope you are able to recover quickly. And Jeanette's daughter good luck also.
    Have a good weekend everyone. Fi xx

    1. Dear Fiona, We used to lovely Maggie Beer Quince paste with cheese. Then I started making my own. But as a stewed fruit it is deep pink a bit like pear/apple but different! Unique really with a lovely fragrance.
      Chloe is coming up with a bucket of figs too! So I am woking on a menu plan around quinces and figs this week.
      Have a good weekend! With love

  5. Hi Annabel,
    I think I might like to come and live at your house. It is so pretty!! Your curbside vase and felled tree nest look delightful together. That mirror above the vase has me quite an envious green. It is glorious!
    Jeanette I hope your daughters surgery went well today. The fear of the unknown can sometimes make things feel worse. I hope that now the gallbladder is removed, your daughter gains the vitality that was being drained.
    Kristi please give Mum a big hug from me. I hope that she gets answers and relief re the pain in her eyes.
    Today is Bluey's Birthday. I managed to finish the crochet snuggle rug for him. Right up until I handed the rug to him, he thought it was part of my 'use it up' challenge for a future grandson. It's so very hot here and a rug seems a bit silly but we both know it will be well used once it cools down. A lady I know, who makes and sells rugs similar to mine, told me it would cost someone at least $150 to purchase this off her. She also said this would be the cost of an acrylic blanket. The one I made Bluey is pure wool. There is a lemon cheesecake baking away right now. We're going out for dinner and will come home for Birthday cheesecake.
    Our neighbours are off on a caravanning trip for the next 8 weeks. They, like us, do a lot of free camping. They asked Bluey if he could help them make a travelling firepit. Off to the tip went my tip rat and he came home with an old gas bottle. Much grinding and drilling later the new travelling firepit went over the fence to new owners.
    This clever man picked up half a side of lamb from a mate. the mates grandson has a property and does his own butchering. This meat is truly tasty and delicious. We have worked out that this has saved us between $80 and $100.
    I picked up four 3m lengths of quilting weight cotton from one of our op shops and paid the sum total of $9.
    We have had a good week, mostly thanks to the Blue man. I have our savings at $462 for this week.
    Life is good,fat lamb is very tasty and baking cheesecake smells delicious.

    1. Dear Jane, Thank you! I have a whole wall of mirrors... maybe I should show that sometime... the heart shaped one is in the middle and the only one I bought, all the rest are roadside finds!
      I hope Bluey had a great birthday! A pure wool blanket is worth more than double an acrylic one.
      Love the fire pit.That will be very handy! I like the term "tip rat" I think I could be one of those!
      The lamb, the quilting cotton ... all wonderful!
      Excellent savings Jane. Dinner sounded amazing! Have a lovely weekend and hopefully some rain! With love

    2. Thanks for the hug. I have been diagnosed with Iritis. Hoping they find the underlying cause and I start to feel better soon. Please tell Bluey Happy Birthday! I'm glad he's feeling better. Cheesecake sounds delicious.
      Much love, Patti (typed by Kristi)

  6. Dear Annabel,thats a dear wee table and looks lovely with the birds nest in that unusual vase,the plant and mirror.The quinces cooking in the slow cooker sound delicious, though In not tried quinces.And the basil pesto I can imagine the freshness on one's palate :-)
    What an excellent find Andy made with those boots .
    Thankyou to Kristi for letting us know about Patti and her eyes,sending love and healing and prayers for a speedy recovery and answer.All the best Jeanette for your daughter and I hope her op went well and she feels brighter soon.Included in my prayers also.
    Ive been away and came back with a migraine and now back pain so Im keeping a low profile.
    Have a lovely weekend everyone.Love Maria xxx

    1. Maria, this is story day, and I have a quirky story for you! ....
      Recently, after some humourous banter with my husband, I found that I had ended up with a hot milk drink made on powdered milk. There had been a mix-up, but I drank it, anyway!! A little while later I found that the seized up feeling in my back and neck muscles had disappeared. Ha ha!! It's no panacea, but it worked a treat that time!!

    2. Dear Maria,
      Oh no about the back pain. Its bad enough having a migraine. I think true rest might be called for. I hope you are on the mend. I like heat packs... I think when we get a run of things as I did recently... that we are run down. I felt like I had a mini series of health complains and tiredness etc. That in itself is tiring! I have had to slow down and have some very quiet days so I hope you re able to as well. Have a quiet and peaceful weekend of comforts! With love

    3. Dear Maria,
      Thank you for the prayers. Sorry to hear about your migraine and back pain. I get migraines too and they are truly no fun. I will be praying for you. Hope you feel better soon.

      Much love, Patti (typed by Kristi)

  7. Dearest Annabel

    What a wonderful week you have had. I think that it is always beneficial to be able to pay for work in cash as the savings are often very significant. I believe should there be a natural disaster that there will only be cash as an option for a period of time. I feel much better having a small secured cash supply on hand.

    This week I have made all meals at home and we are slowly doing away with foods of little or no nutritional benefit. It is doing us all good lessening our sugar and fat intake. I had rear brake pads replaced for safety reasons as they were well due. I bought all my medications when due so that I can get a small stockpile put away for when my health care card ends February next year.

    I am making the most of the Osteoarthritis healthy weight for life program I have been participating in. Since it is free to me I would feel bad not giving it all my best. I have lost over 5% of my body weight in the first two weeks. Another fourteen weeks before surgery and 13 weeks before I fly out to spend five days with Mum. If all goes to plan I will be well and truly past a 10% body weight loss and closer to 20% by then.

    I have purchased Jody Allen's $50 weekly shop book this past fortnight and am planning at having my first shot at $50 weekly shops this coming fortnight. This saving will be significant if I can only stick to it for a month and then reduce my shopping by 15%.

    I am very sorry to hear about Patti and am hoping all will go well and that Jeanette's daughter has successful surgery and a quick recovery.

    God Bless Annabel may you have a week of blessings ahead

    Love Mel S

    1. Dear Mel, You are doing really well! This programme you have available to you sounds like it is fantastic! It is wonderful when you feel you are getting somewhere and improving your health etc. Also with the lower grocery bills... I will go google Jody Allen as I don't think I have heard about this.
      A few times now paying cash has saved me 50% or more, once with an air conditioner guy is saved me 2/3. So boy does that ever make a difference!
      I hope you are having a lovely weekend and that the spots now turn into rain on our gardens! With love

    2. Dear Mel,

      Thank you for the kind thoughts. Good for you for stocking up and eating healthy! Hope you have continued success with your health plan and you are able to figure out the $50 week shops.

      Much love, Patti (typed by Kristi)


  8. Hi Annabel and Beautiful Bluebirds!!

    Annabel, your nesting is beautifully creative! Maybe little birds would like mirrors in their nests, too!!

    This week, I have a tiny making-do story for Vicky! .... During the week, Dad found a little two dollar coin on the pavement. With a sense of humour, Mum asked Dad if he could find another - to use for purchasing yeast required for his bread making lesson! A little while later, he returned with a grin - and another two dollar coin! He said that you just have to know where to look!!

    Well, the yeast actually cost $4.40, so Dad needed a little more to cover the GST. The following day, he returned a couple of Aldi trolleys to earn himself a gold coin and a trolley token! My very resourceful Dad had covered the cost of the yeast, and succeeded in adding potentially a million meals to his kitchen repertoire by baking sultana and walnut spice scrolls as well as bread rolls. Ha ha!! We're so proud of you, Dad!!!! So there!

    I also have a little story for Jane! Remember the salt and lemon juice rust remover, and the method of leaving the fabric overnight in the dew? Well, there is a local op shop that often leaves a box of freebies out the front. Recently, I found a beautiful, white doily embroidered with white lettering and flowers, and edged with lace. It read "Scones". I wondered at its potential, and the stains. After a soak and a simmer, I then used salt and lemon juice. The dewy conditions were not there, but I left it soaking while I was away - and this is what should not be done!! Ha ha!! Anyway, by this time, the worst of the stains was able to wash out with soap, and my refreshed doily hung beautifully on the line in the sun to complete the fading of stains. I will gladly embroider a white flower over the small hole that the lemon juice-salt soak made, being so, so grateful that I won't need to cut up the doily to get rid of the blemishes! Thanks, Jane! This is a rescued treasure!!

    We trust that Patti is doing well, and Jeanette's daughter, too.

    With very warm regards,
    Rachel Holt

    1. Dear Rachel, Well now I will be hoping to hear how your Dad's yeast baking goes!
      Stain removal is a skill! I have taken on all kinds of things considered ruined... and made then like new again. This means when the girls have something with a stain I get a phone call or I get the whole item to sort out. Sometimes it takes a few goes but usually I win! I think your doily sounds lovely!
      Have a wonderful weekend! It is trying to rain here and I hope it does! With lots of love

    2. Rachel,
      I love it! Well done to your Dad so please tell him fellow BlueBirders are proud of him as well that was just so great and I love his resourcefulness! And baking too on top it! Fantastic!!!

    3. Hi Rachel,
      This is exciting giving showing your Dad how to make bread. I hope you'll share some pictures of it. Blessings, Cookie

    4. Dear Rachel,

      Thank you for the kind words. I loved the story about your Dad. How fun that he set his mind to find the money for the yeast. I love that when we are faithful with the little He gives us much. Glad you could rescue the doily. I bet that would help with some of the old linens that I got from my grandmother.

      Much love, Patti (typed by Kristi)

    5. Hi Rachel,
      I'm glad you now have a lovely little doily you can use. I have an old, once white, tablecloth that I will lemon juice, salt and dew treat, once we have enough moisture for there to be dew.

  9. Dear Annabel and Bluebirds,

    I'm writing to you will enjoying a cup of fresh brewed coffee and watching the snow come down. Yesterday we were out coatless in above 60 F temps and then last night a cold front rolled in and we have snow.

    Annabel, you always have such amazing luck with roadside finds. It's amazing that someone would put out the vase and amazing table. For sure it just continues to prove that one woman's trash is another woman's treasure, and those finds are indeed treasures in my book.

    Pesto is so yummy. Having had a huge crop of basil last year we made the base, just the basil, garlic and oil and froze it in individual packages. We found that it freezes that way very well and have been able to enjoy "fresh" pesto all winter by just adding the cheese and nuts. Your quince reminds me of the quince my Nana had with which she made delicious jams.

    This was a busy week with errands and home repairs. I'm not sure much feathering got done except for all meals made at home. However, today I'll be baking bread and some coffee cakes from the same recipe and if I feel adventurous I'm thinking about using the same dough to make a couple of doughnuts but we'll see.

    We are praying for Patti and Jeanettes daughter.

    Wishing everyone a beautiful weekend. Blessings, Cookie

    1. Dear Cookie,

      It sounds like you had a lovely and busy week. Thank you for the continued prayers. How fun to be watching the snow fall while drinking coffee. It has felt like summer here this week with highs reaching 88 degrees.

      Much love, Patti (typed by Kristi)

    2. Dear Cookie,
      Lots of people are not familiar with Quinces so I am glad you know it! It is unique! I love them! And how I have figs!
      Coffee cakes and snow sound lovely to me!
      I have been gathering my painting supplies. I have the colours I need except for the bird egg blue I want... and I have a lot of brushes. My plan is to practice nests and make cards, for one. What about a set of jars with nests on them... like canisters on my counter? Of course this is all if I can actually do them!
      You will be the first to see any actual signs of success!
      Have a great new week! With love

  10. A beautiful week in your home like every week! I hope you are all mended where you were bitten by the spiders. Prayers lifted up for all who need healing today.

    Our big savings was my husband taking apart and repairing our gas grill. He said he has no idea what he really did to fix it but it is working fine now so I am counting a savings of $300 over having to purchase a new one.

    I have been making my own buttermilk from 1/4 cup of buttermilk and milk that is near it's expiration to make a quart. It is so wonderful to keep on hand for baking. This is probably only a 50 cent saving son each quart but it keeps for weeks and then I just use the last 1/4 cup to make more.

    Our fence was damaged in a storm and our daughter and her husband came and helped to repair it. The materials were about $70 and I am sure we saved hundreds over having the work done. We were so thankful for their help and I had a lovely morning with the grandchildren.

    I saved the orange peels from lunch yesterday to put in my flowerpots. The squirrels hate the smell of them and stay away. It will soon be time to plant lettuce here. I seem to have put away my seeds in a safe place which means I cannot find them. :) I will keep looking since I know I have what I need here and do not need to buy any more.

    Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

    1. Lana,
      Thanks for mentioning the orange peel tip. I'd never heard of it before and am anxious to try it. Blessings, Cookie

    2. Thank you for the prayers. I hope you find your seeds soon!

  11. I had a great week. I made my first tortillas and they were a huge hit with my husband. He said, "Boy anyone who ever says "What do you do all day?" to you, just doesn't know how resourceful you are!" That made my day. I also made a cake and yogurt. I found curtains on clearance and today I bought a lovely old chair for $15.

    1. Dear Terri, That is a great compliment! Yes I hear this kind of remark and think who has time to be bored there is so much to do yet there is still a thing about being home surely means laying on the lounge all day! Not us!
      You had a very good week! I have not made tortillas... maybe I need to give it a try! Thank you! With love

  12. Dear Annabel and Bluebird Friends,
    I have added Patti, Jeanette's daughter, and Barb W. to my prayer list. Barb, chronic pain is no fun at all; I well know. I will continue to remember you all in my prayers.
    Annabel, your pesto ingredients looked delicious. I have never made that from scratch, but I will try it now. My daughter does make it.
    Thanks, so much, for the picture of the quinces :).
    Love and hugs to all,

    1. Dear Glenda, thank you so much for your prayers .i really appreciate it, you are right Glenda, chronic pain is not fun at all. It is debilitating and draining , I will be ok though. Thanks again Glenda. Love Barb W.

    2. Dear Glenda,

      Thank you for the prayers. I am praying that you are feeling better too.

      Much love, Patti (typed by Kristi)

    3. Dear Glenda, Thank you! When basil is abundant this uses up such a lot and smells beautiful. It is so easy and fast! I freeze excess. We had lovely meals due to this and finally the last of it is going on pizza tonight. Vicky has also taught me to make Chimicurri (sp?) and as I always have a lot of parsley this is going to be great! With much love

  13. Dear Annabel, I, too, will be praying for Patti, Jeanette's daughter, Barb and all my friends here!

    I love seeing a "peek" of your lovely home! And all your food looks amazing. You find so many wonderful things on the side of the road. I never see things like this where we live.

    This week I've worked on canning pinto beans and spent a little time in my sewing room. Much more to do, so this will continue next week as well.

    Have a lovely weekend everyone! Love, Teri

    1. Dear Teri, Thank you! Our councils mostly allow one free pickup of extra things per year per household... so this is the main reason people pile stuff up outside as its their collection day. However some people just sit stuff out knowing it will go in a kind of recycling way. I love it! I have done it too and set something out and like its gone in minutes!
      Well done on the canning and the sewing! Have another very good week! With love

    2. Dear Teri,

      Thank you for the prayers. I hope you find a lovely treasure beside the road soon. :)

      Much love, Patti (typed by Kristi)

  14. Annabel,
    I love that vase and table those were excellent finds! You find such good stuff.
    I used my crockpot lots this week and made dessert too. We got free toilet paper and cat food and stocked the pantry with lots of discounted tuna and some free bread and cards. The barn is almost cleaned out and the table saw brought to the front we are still have either cold days or nights so we are still using wood to heat the house and we got a larger wood burner on clearance that we will be able to heat water with if we need too. An end of the season clearance can be big savings! We used gift cards to purchase things at Walmart instead of any bank dollars and the neighbor boy loves my cooking so we send him over food and he has a tree service so dropped off a trailer of huge logs in return. And Rick got a free sweatshirt from his friend's business. It was a better week than some weeks so all in all our savings was $900 this week. Since we have a big bill from Todd's hospital stay I'll take it!
    Jeanette- Prayers for your daughter!
    Patti- I hope they are able to find quickly what is causing you such pain and sensitivity to light. Big Hugs for you!
    Barb- You just take it easy until you are feeling better I hope you feel better soon.
    And I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!

    1. Dear Vicky,
      Things are cooling here and we have had rain.. autumn is kicking in! This means I will soon have my crockpot going too! I cant wait!
      You had a good week! I love the trailer of wood! That is good!
      Great savings for the week! Bring on next week now! With love,

    2. Dear Vicky,

      Thank you for the encouragement. Sounds like you had a great week! Yes, I believe neighbors might do anything for baked goods.

      Much love, Patti (typed by Kristi)

  15. Hello Annabel, I will also pray for Patti and Jeanette's daughter.

    Annabel, what a lovely post. Your pesto and your pizza looks absolutely delicious and you'd be hard pressed to find that sort of quality in a restaurant. I will have to look up that pesto recipe.
    Your finds are gorgeous. You have an amazing eye. So clever and so creative.
    We have had a busy week. I got ahead by making extra dinners for the freezer. A lady kindly offered a heap of free things on Gumtree. I was really happy because DS got some bigger things. I will pass on that act of kindness and give away some of DS things, it really made my day. Most of all- it has been beautiful. Lots of trips to the park and playing together. We have had a super expensive week in some ways though! A part in my car has to be replaced....However, I am grateful for having the money there to fix it. I was happy our grocery bill was really low. Lots of homemade snacks really do mean savings.
    Lots of love to you all.
    Love, Bridge

    1. Dear Bridge, Thank you! You can use blanched almonds in the place of pine nuts and its really good and much cheaper. I do that usually. In my chicken dish which Lucy started me on I cook cut up chicken and add pesto them cream. We have had this with rice and veggies or pasta. Lots of sauce is the key. Both are so good!
      I love that you got things from Gumtree! That is exciting! What a good week! I hope you are having a lovely weekend! With love

    2. Dear Bridge,

      Thank you for the prayers. Sounds like you had a great week. Free things are such a blessing.

      Much love, Patti (typed by Kristi)

  16. Dear Annabelle,

    Thank you for the mention and continued prayer. The doctor had diagnosed me with Iritis. They don't know the underlying cause just yet. The verse at church was be strong and courageous. I am encouraged and believing for healing. I am thankful to be part of such a lovely community here at Bluebirds. I'm very thankful for the crafty prayer warriors. :)
    Though I can't see what you have found and made it all sounds so lovely! What wonderful things you find beside the road. You are so creative in remaking them!

    Much love, Patti (typed by Kristi)

    1. Dear Patti, Firstly thank you Kristi for all your help in this!
      I have been googling Iritis as I have not heard of it before! I hope you can be resting and that they will find the underlying cause and pain relief helps in the mean time. I would find it very frustrating and frightening but you have a lot of faith and a lot of prayer!
      Please keep us posted and if Kristi would like to could you possibly email me at ? I have been thinking of you so much! With love

  17. Hello Annabel, you akways inspire me to keep doing.
    I don't know anything about quince. Looking at the photo, it looks like a lemon but you wouldn't cook a lemon all day. I'll look them up and see if they are available in the US.
    Have a good week, I'm guessing it's already Monday morning for you.

  18. Thank you all for the prayers and good wishes for my daughter! Surgery went well and she is healing very nicely. She's been having a low grade fever, but they said that was to be expected. She is already back at University, going to class, but she has skipped a few of them to return home and nap. I predict by next week she's be right as feeling much more energetic!

    Patti, prayers said for you. I hope the doctors find the source of your iritis and are able to assist you in regaining your vision and take away your pain.

    Barb, I hope this week is a better week for you and that your pain has subsided.

    Jane, your Bluey certainly is a resourceful, clever man!

    Maria, I hope your migraine and back pain have subsided.

    Rachel, how exciting that your dad is learning to make bread! I would love some lessons as my yeast dough never seems to rise properly.

    Annabel, your pesto ingredients look so fresh and lovely! You have such an eye for curb finds - your vase is beautiful! We have "bulk pickup" twice per year here and I enjoy driving around some to look at all the things that are available for free! The only downside is some folks make a terrible mess in front of the houses when they rummage through things, leaving the neighborhood looking atrocious. I've heard of quince before and had a boss that had a quince tree in his yard but I've never tasted the fruit. Can you eat it raw or must you cook it?


  19. Thank you for the prayers Jeanette. My mom and I are praying for your daughter.


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