Sunday, 4 September 2016

The Vicky Challenge. Running towards the finish line!

My Vicky Challenge for last week is good as painting and renovating certainly add to it. As Vicky said she isn't a professional painter but she likes her price!  Well, me too. If I do half a days painting I know that would have probably cost me a couple of hundred dollars!

The preserving and food photos in this post are from Teri. She has been busy building up her pantry with summer produce! I love seeing photos like these! Thank you Teri! 

This week I counted:
A final few hours of pruning before spring started. $100.
Painting most days last week (plus sanding etc) $400
Making all the lunches and fishing picnic $150
Did my nails properly (I wear gloves when painting but my hands are still a mess) $45
I was given lots of free cosmetics which as far as things I would normally buy and now don't have to means a saving of around $200.
Andy made the bed risers which saved at least $100.

So I wrote  $995! in my savings book.
I am really starting to look forward to doing my yearly tally on the last day of the year! When I set out to do this like Vicky does it seemed it would be an impossible task to actually be able to say how much I "earned" in a year! But I can see I am truly going to be able to do that!

My savings subject this week is DIY and just getting stuck into the things that need doing. There are obvious things that you do not attempt to do yourself for safety reasons and I don't mean those!  But your average cleaning up and painting, minor repairs and so on are really achievable. And this will save a fortune. Plus add value to your home.

As you know I am on a 100 day challenge to finish painting my house and spring clean everything! Today is day 15 but who's counting?!
I want everything done well before Christmas as that is a busy time and I want to be able to enjoy it and then be free to help when the new baby comes. So now is my moment!
Most of us start off the year with a big plan. One of mine was to paint the whole house inside and out myself.  And I got about a third of the way and needed up with a bad arm and then it was winter.  In order to finish this I really needed to come up with a plan!

What jobs around your place would you just love to have out of the way by Christmas? If you have jobs like these then join in the challenge!  Count backwards from when you would like to be finished by which might be Christmas or end of the school year or whatever suits you.
I can only tackle huge jobs by writing down a plan. It is just too daunting otherwise.
Sundays are my planning day. So I feel (kind of ) under control knowing that this week I am paining the window frames and skirting board of our bedroom bay window and spring cleaning my dressing table and makeup, including painting my dressing table.
Last week I painted our bookshelves in the bedroom...

Then they made the bedside tables look shabby in comparison and I painted those too. Then these made the headboard look shabby and I painted that too ... and so it goes.

I already got my dressing table done yesterday. First clearing it, washing it down etc then a fresh coat of paint.  I found this dressing table when I was a teenager in a farm house that Mum and Dad had bought and claimed it immediately!

This afternoon I will get on to washing the windows and tracks ready to get those painted. If I get it all done later in the week I will go back to work on the lace around the front verandah and the rest of the front of the house.
Each bit I get done looks so nice! I can see I did a lot in the first two weeks! So I am really glad I started!
Each area that I do inside is spring cleaned too and the painting finishes it off looking so fresh and nice.

In Friday's posts I am listing what I did toward my challenge.

If you have things you would just love completed around your place please join in! It might be to declutter one drawer or cupboard a day. Or re organise your pantry or whatever! But it is so nice to have done it! This is going to set us up for big new plans next year as the things on this years list are already done!
You will look back and feel so good you got these things completed and out of the way!
With something like painting if you get it set up then even 15 mins a day will see you finish it!

Have a great new week. It is lovely here today with sunshine streaming in the windows. xxx


  1. Annabel, you had a great week!!!! I like the idea of the 100 day challenge ... I just need to decide what to focus on as there are several things I would like to accomplish before the Christmas holidays get here. I've been working on furthering my self-taught/youtube crochet lessons and am very pleased with the progress I'm making. I credit you for inspiring/encouraging me to learn this skill!

    1. Dear Patsy,
      I am very happy about your crochet! Once you get going on crochet there is no turning back it is addictive!
      I am so glad you are back! I had no idea when the holiday weekend was there so I was just waiting for your return!
      I hope you can accomplish some of the thing before Christmas. Every bit helps. With love,

  2. Dear Annabel,

    I love your dressing table and bookshelf, just gorgeous! I love the white on white look. I don't write down my savings totals every week, but last week was a big one with birthdays and Father's Day. I saved over $700, this is amazing to me! During October we normally start to make a list of jobs we want done before Christmas, so we can rest during Summer when it's too hot to do anything but relax by the pool. I have lots of unfinished painting projects too. My eldest sons room and window frames are half done, the patio also needs to be finished and painted, my laundry needs the ceiling and walls painted plus more. I will write a list today, nothing more satisfying than crossing things off a list! With your dressing table, I was wondering what kind of paint did you use? I would love to paint my bed setting white and get new knobs but am not sure what paint to use straight over the wood? I have used gloss and DIY chalk paint in the past both with mixed results! Hubby is an ex tradie and we have saved tens of thousands of dollars around our home. Last year we got a quote for new patio sheeting-not even replacing the beams as the are Jarrah and in good condition. We had 2 quotes which were both around $14 000! Hubby bought all the materials for under $2000 and it is slowly getting done!

    1. Dear Mel,
      I am glad you understand my painting things white as you do yourself. I just love it.
      I also love a list and crossing things off. If I forget to write something on the list and have already done it I will still write it on just so I can cross it off! Lol I think maybe thats a bit nuts but I truthfully have done it plenty of times!
      Well done on such a huge saving. Your birthday cake was gorgeous. It all just adds up so fast.
      It is handy your husband has tradie skills. That is a huge amount on the beams.
      I am finding the setting up for painting the longest process and once its out and ready to go I can get even 15 mins done it still is a lot over a week.
      Originally when I painted everything white I used ceiling paint. And also I would rub back bits and use beeswax to highlight the areas.
      After a few years I have found that the ceiling white is hard to keep clean. Even though I love the chalky finish and it looks antique it is hard to clean. So now I have become more practical I am using a wash and wear or scrubbable satin and this one is a semi gloss and I LOVE it. It covers like a dream and is very forgiving. But it wipes and washed well. I can get marks off. So this is the choice... but I need to be able to clean surfaces with high use like a dressing table, side table etc.
      One of the best ever things though is using a flat paint over a varnished or even slightly oiled wood as it cracks! Zero surface preparation can equal this fabulous egg shell crack that others try so hard to get. I have been asked dhow I got this on my french style cupboard and the answer is total lack of surface preparation! So really a happy accident. So antique looking!
      If you tell me about your bed setting... is it raw or varnished? I might be able to help more.
      Well done on all your savings, That was a really good week. With love

  3. Dear Annabel, wow you had another great week , well done!.
    My Vicky challenge week included:
    Gratefully received a beef and vegetable pot pie from my parents $10
    Gratefully received 4 meals from my parents$32
    Gratefully received some vegetables from my parents $5
    Gratefully received an apple crumble from my parents $10
    Had my usual subsidised cleaning saving approximately $72
    Saved $48 on my groceries and banked $50 for groceries for holidays
    I bought a new cupboard / buffet for my kitchen and it was reduced by $125 so I am counting that as a $125 saving.
    I think that is it Annabel: my savings for the week are : $304.
    I hope you have a lovely week Annabel and everyone , love BarbW

    1. Dear Barb,
      You have a wonderful mum and Dad! That is lovely and good food is a great help.
      I am so glad you could also save more for your holiday! I hope you have a fantastic time. Take lots of photos too.
      The cupboard for your kitchen sounds great! That will be a good addition.
      Well done Barb. Have a great week! With love

  4. Annabel I have just got home from spending time with Bluey. He is at least a week away from coming home. I know he is in the best place for his health, but oh how I miss having him at home!
    I have two lamp tables and a small cabinet that I am going to paint. I don't know if I will get them all done this week but I am going to try. There's always next week.
    I also have three dresses cut out and waiting to be made.
    My last week of the Vicky challenge was a couple of dollars here and a few there. My total came in at $160.

    1. Dear Jane,
      Thanks for the update on Bluey. It must be seeming like forever to him too. Better they get him really well though before he comes home. I hope that is soon!
      We are all getting the painting bug! Just do what you can and feel up to. I kind of find painting rather relaxing once I get going. I get absorbed in it and am surprised by that but good thing hey since I have plenty to do!
      Well done on still saving and keeping things going at this time. I hope there is improvement in Bluey daily. With love

  5. Dear Annabel

    Just home from a trip to visit my parents and get things organised for them. I was there looking after them/visiting with them for five days and then I got straight back to work today. I have had some not so good news and it seems surgery will be on the agenda sooner rather than later so I need to start the financial planning for that. I will however have much reduced pain once this surgery is over.

    Whilst at my Mother's she gifted me the Christening gown she made for the last four of us. It is very old and yet so beautiful still. She also gifted me the most gorgeous linen all embroidered by her or by her Aunt, Mother, Grandmother. Such a bounty for me. I will need to be frugal and start putting away as much in savings as possible over the next few months so the challenge is on.

    God Bless and I pray you have a very gratifying week ahead

    1. Dear Mel,
      It sounds like you returned with some lovely treasures! The Christening gown is very special. But so are the embroidered items. It seems beautiful embroidery runs in the family and you have carried this on!
      I am sorry to hear that you need surgery. I remember what you said on this. If they can reduce your pain then that is important.
      I am glad you got the time with your Mum and Dad. Mel I hope the next months there are ways to get ahead and save so you can have the surgery you need. With lots of love

  6. Great savings you had this week! I love your dressing table. Besides my usually savings I'm so proud to report I cleaned out our car yesterday (really well-detailed) saving us $80.00 yesterday! Every nook and cranny was cleaned. Lots of work but rewarding!

    1. Vickie that is a good savings! Our cousin does car detailing and he gets $100 a vehicle.

    2. Dear Vickie, That would be fantastic to have your car so clean and nice. Cars get terrible and its a big job but would be so nice! Good savings too! Well done! With love (if you have free time feel free to come and do my car! )xx

  7. Annabel, you certainly are powering on! I have been out so many mornings recently and never feel like starting jobs in the afternoon but will have to get stuck into spring cleaning before the heat starts up again which I guess won't be that far away.

    1. Dear Nanna Chel,
      I am an afternoon and evening person. I am truly slow as a wet week in the mornings! But it doesn't matter when you do things or if you sneak in 15 mins here and there as it adds up.
      I totally agree about getting stuff done before the heat. I want all my big jobs outdoors done before summer. It is too hard and ridiculous in the extreme heat. Not looking forward to that but have spring to enjoy first! With love Annabelxxx

  8. Hi Annabel!

    Are you peeking over at Queensland?!! We've had another good drop of rain, with lightning, and now sunshine! Plenty of work is happening here!

    I just thought, today, that I really have only one big job left on my list. The others are small or just involve finishing details. Meanwhile, other aspects of home work are falling into place! I feel like half of my life's work will have been done by the end of the list!

    I noticed, in the last week, that grocery shopping is changing - again! Coles, where we mainly shop, is suddenly stocking less of what we buy. So, we buy some price-matched items at IGA first, just in case Coles doesn't carry them. Reduced salt butter is on the way out, so unsalted Aldi butter is proving to be a healthier option. Some meat options are not stocked. There were no celery bunches, and no 10kg bags of potatoes. Celery's place has been taken by Dad's parsley! Ah, change!

    I've been building my garden ..... not the structure, since the fencing was done years ago, but the seed planting and nurturing. I have no assurances of success, but am giving it a good go, and learning!

    I have started nibbling weeds while weeding and checking the garden. If anyone - particularly where insides/mucous membranes need restoring - would like to learn while I am, the weed of the moment is Cobblers Peg, or Bidens (again, Joybilee Farm is one good source of information on Bidens). I am finding the young plants quite chewable, a little like parsley ..... I did say "a little"! Anti-infection (Jane could have tested it for us on her arm!) and heart topics are possible helps listed. Words are cheap. Experience is worth more than gold!!

    I made another pumpkin damper - in the electric oven, this time. I learnt that things are so much better cooked on wood!! Tonight, cauliflower was the menu, and it was good!

    We felt like we were in the jungles of Borneo today, cutting a track through lantana stems to get on with our work! I've been drinking coffee to clear out the toxins of tick and other bites. It is my medicine!

    Your painted furniture is looking lovely. I don't envy your challenge; I'm too busy with my own!!
    Enjoy your work - as Vicky does!

    This is all DIY, and getting things done!

    With warm regards,
    Rachel Holt

    P.S. I'm still looking forward to the Show!

    1. I meant to say that Teri's preserved produce looks inviting! You are such a good provider for your household, Teri!!

    2. Thank you so much, Rachel!! Teri :)

    3. Rachel,
      I have every assurance that you will be a very successful gardener! I am a firm user of companion planting and crop rotation. I can't wait for your table to be loaded with all of the good things you've grown yourself!

    4. Dear Rachel, It sounds like you have been buys and making progress! It is great the your veggie garden already has a fence that is one less thing to deal with!
      My Nan and Pa moved into a farm house near Mum and Dads. This is where I grew up, my teenage years. this beautiful old house had a huge orchard! There was a creek then our house on the other side! It was wonderful. the house had a wood stove plus an electric stove. Nan got them both going and she far preferred the wood stove! She had it going all the time in the cooler months and said that it made the best scones. Her cooking was fantastic and I loved the scones however they were cooked. And we always find anything BbQ cooked or over the fire is so much nicer!
      Thank you for commenting on Teri's lovely photos and preserves.
      I hope the week is going well and your projects are too! Mine are progressing.... a lot of painting today. (window frames mainly) But it is lovely to see we are getting somewhere!
      Much love Ips I hope your veggies grow well!

    5. Vicky, Thank you! (& I hope this reply ends up somewhere decent!) I have read about crop rotation, and that is in the back of my mind as I have been planting this ground for the first time. I have my original patch ready also, and it has been resting for years now. The soil is beautiful and soft! I am glad you mentioned companion planting right now, as I could put some basil seed with the tomato seed. I am hoping for good things, as I learn! I'd love to share about some interesting plants should they grow!
      Thanks again. A cheerful word here and there is wonderful!!

    6. Annabel, This is fun and, since the reply button is now working, I'm writing some more!
      My original garden was fenced with wire netting, wired to wooden posts along the ground (to deter critters from going under!) Then, above that fence, I stitched a higher layer of bird netting - which once acted like a hammock when the dog tried jumping over! I then had a roof of bird netting, which gradually became shaded (in the drought) with passionfruit and choko. Well, the choko outdid the passionfruit, and I removed the roof to let sun in after months of mist following a bad flood year (yes, even up on the mountains!). I am thinking that, if I ever want to grow a decent amount of green peas, I might have to grow them under netting like this, since the birds clearly like them! The critters did chew through the bird netting wall, and I used to mend these places with sticks! I just keep trying!!
      I love your stories! Thank you!!
      I'd better hit the sack!

  9. Dear Annabel,
    The furniture you painted is so lovely and charming.What a prize the dressing table is. I'm a bit partial to white painted furniture myself.It's amazing how just one redone item can set off a domino effect. I also enjoyed seeing Teri's canned goods.

    I did pay a visit to the grocery store this week, stayed within budget and actually saved $150 on the items purchased. Some of the things are pantry items for later. Went to a wedding and did my own hair and nails and saved $120. The wedding gift was a quilt made from fabric in my stash, $200.

  10. I put $430 in my book. Blessings. Cookie

    1. Dear Cookie, Well done that is a lot! Things like mails and hair add up super fast. The quilt in my opinion would have been worth far more than that too! Plus its a heirloom. Fabulous anyway.
      Yes the domino effect continues here. But today I can see how the bedroom suddenly looks so much nicer, fresher, airier! Progress!
      I hope you are having a good week so far, with love

  11. I decided I might keep track here of savings and earnings since I haven't done it since the first quarter of the year. This past week I earned a $5 gift card, was given a $25 one after making a rightful complaint and earned $102 on my blog ads. It's my first time ever earning from that source! I gave myself a proper mani/pedi ($60), colored my hair ($65) and picked up the free items at the grocery ($6), stocked my baby gift pantry for $15 (savings $55). Today I painted a dining room chair (gracious how much would NEW ones cost?! let's say I'm saving $100 per chair so today $100), fashioned a new autumn wreath for my front door from an old one and some items already on hand (savings $45) and started cleaning the back porch with bleach water and the water hose. We paid $260 a couple of years ago just to have the back porch power washed so you can see I'm saving us a substantial amount right there. I'm sure I've done more but right there I've saved us nearly $700. Lest any of you think your husband's have no clue how much you're saving the household, even without putting a dollar amount on my work, my husband has been telling our grown children and his co-workers that he can NOT afford for me to go out to work as we'd lose too much of the savings I generate by being at home. It pleases me no end to hear him volunteer this to anyone who will listen!

    1. Dear Terri,
      Thank you for your words! It is wonderful your husband sees the worth of what you do and how it impacts the family. Your savings this week were enormous! The wreath for the door was a very nice touch too.
      thank you for telling me about the washing of the back porch. Andy did our whole yard that is paved a while ago so imagine the cost of that whole area!
      I hope this week is a good for you Terri! With love

    2. Terri, Words like these that your husband speaks are memorable. I'm grateful that you remind us of this!!
      Rachel Holt

  12. Dear Annabel, you are inspiring me again to pick up my paintbrush.DH would like to get the inside bedroom x4 windows painted and the thought of doing that made me cringe.You know...achy arms , neck etc. But I know if I do nothing, nothing will get done !
    I would think your painting is worth a lot more than you say after having all the outside work done on our house last year, as you know.We were to have workers back for the inside but DH is in no rush.
    I am happy to say our teamwork means we have parts of our small garden dug over with fresh mix and compost and veges planted except lettuces, as Im deciding where to put them. Just small amounts of each. We have beans,carrots,silverbeet,snowpeas,and strawberries so far and pumpkins and tomatoes are on the agenda.
    Like mentioned above I have had outings in the morning to sick family and lose my day so I need to step up and be more disciplined I think if I want to achieve more by December 1. So I will start with 85 day challenge today. Ive drawn up a list as for painting tasks, cleaning tasks.
    I keep saying we need to downsize to a smaller more practical house but the location to airport and family that need us makes us think where we are is working in that sense. And recently a big roading project is showing us that we will eventually be able to access and exit the main highway not far from here ie walkable easy distance, to give an idea of how far. That could raise our house value we think.
    In the last week I typed up a gift list for the birthdays and Christmas gifts to end of December.Which will be a mix of bought, home made food related items and we find cash is best for some of our family with a small gift.
    Everyone is doing so well despite holdups, and I want to wish those those and their families who are unwell , the best for recovery and wellness.
    With love ,Maria xxx

    1. Dear Maria,
      Your veggie garden sounds beautiful! I love that and when the grandkids come over I think they would love this too. Especially when you get up to picking things.
      I know about the achy arms and neck. lol I sure do! If you get set up that is half the battle. I use large snap lock bags and put the paint try and brushes in one of these when I am finished and just stat up again the next day. So even if you do 15 mins a day you just get a bit more done and its amazing, next thing its done. I honestly think with windows the painful part is cleaning the screen and tracks and all of that! this is fresh in my mind as that is what I was doing this morning!
      I am so glad to have you in the challenge! You can do masses in 85 days!
      Thank you for thinking of everyone with illness and problems.
      Have a great week Maria! I look forward to hearing what you are doing on your challenge! With love

  13. Dear Annabel,
    You have accomplished so much and everything looks beautiful! You have such a good total for the week. Thank you for sharing Teri's photos as I love seeing them as well.
    I did not write anything down for the week, so I will have to try and retrace my steps! I will be better about this week.
    We did have a setback today, though. As today was a holiday, my husband had the day off and we decided to do some work at our house in town and bring the rest of our things out to the ranch. When we went inside, we found someone had broken in and stolen my husband's upright bass and banjo. We can't believe that is all they took. Still, that was a HUGE disappointment. We filed a report with police and have been checking the pawn shops and selling sites, but I doubt we'll ever see it again.
    I have my work cut out for me again this week with unpacking. I just don't feel I have it in me for a 100 day challenge this time around, as I feel like I've just finished one. But it is a great motivator and I wish you and the other ladies all the best with yours! I hope you are able to gets lots done. It sounds like you are doing so well with your cleaning and painting!
    Have a lovely week, everyone.
    With love, Kelsey

    1. Dear Kelsey,
      Oh no! I published this but didn't read it until just now! That is so upsetting. Chloe was burgled this year and they took weird things and left others. But it was more of a worry just that they were inside her house and the safety issue. It is awful. I am so sorry that happened to you both.
      Yes you just finished a marathon I don't think its time dos tart another! You just settle in and that is enough! Unpacking is a big job but it is lovely to get all set up.
      Kelsey after Chloe was robbed this shook us all up. We all increased the security measures around our homes. I feel because of that the shake up did us some good. So take it that way and increase security anyway you can as we thought it could have been worse and it made us act and do a lot. So that was good in a way. It makes me nervous that our homes can be invaded!
      I hope this is a good week and you get your unpacking done! With lots of love,

    2. Hi Kelsey!

      We're interested to know what kind of banjo your husband plays. Is it a Deering?

      A few years back, my husband bought me a Deering. He had learnt that the Sierra model was the quality model to aim for and, after interesting inquiries over time, we settled on a Boston model in a shop that had a 50% off moving sale (& we had only gone there to obtain change for a public phone!) It is smaller than a piano, and we like the sound!! I am just stepping from beginner to intermediate, & I love it. It puts a smile on your face! I hope some instruments work out for you soon. After all, the Eternal's ways are higher than man's ways!

      With warm regards,
      Rachel Holt

    3. Hi Rachel,
      I don't know what kind it was, but it was not a Deering. The thieves will be disappointed if they try to sell it. What bothers me is that we had been borrowing it from a friend for me to learn on. I feel just awful about that. We have tried to reimburse him but he won't let us.
      That is wonderful you play the banjo. I love it. I find I prefer clawhammer style to the roll, as it sounds so old-timey :)
      Thank you for reminding me of God's Sovereignty. I really needed that because I have lots of emotions about this whole thing. I really need to relax, let go, and trust God with this. As my husband said, they are just earthly possessions.
      With love, Kelsey

  14. Dear Annabel, I love seeing all your lovely painting work!! The dressing table is beautiful!!

    Thank you for sharing my canning pictures! I'm so grateful to have this yummy food in my pantry for fall/winter!

    Love, Teri

    1. Dear Teri, Thank you so much for sharing these pictures. They say a lot, your work and what has come in as well! A nice story to tell.
      Thank you re the painting... lots more done today! With love

  15. Annabel,
    I love your dressing table that is gorgeous! I always have to use semi gloss paint for the most part I have no luck with flat paints and I love, love white everything, but just really can't have it at this point. You are underestimating the value of your painting we were quoted by two different people $1000 just to paint our deck last year.
    I have a little basket with receipts and papers with my savings to be added into my notebook when I am not as busy so I can still keep track of things. So a few of the ways we saved this week besides veggies and canning is Rick had to snake out the drain in the laundry room as it kept backing up and whew that was quite a task! Plus he had to replace the switch on the pump that brings the water into the house and prime it so $200 there, we got a $10 rebate and I got a tube of baby teething gel and toothpaste in the mail, we traded veggies for 2 jelly jars of honey I guess about $5, Rick fixed a few mowers $300, we used coupons and saved there plus put for free in the supplies 3 packs of razors. I made home made pizza and cooked all meals, Walmart has the eggs at regular price again so I didn't buy any we got 3 dozen from ours $6, but milk was .99 a gallon so I got 2 saving $3 there. Ahh the things I want to get done! Everyday is a new day! For now getting the canning and outside stuff done is at the top of the list and then I can go back to getting the new pantry done! Soon!

    Jane-I hope your week goes by fast so you can have your Bluey home again!

    Teri- Your canning is beautiful and I know you are going to be making some wonderful things there! Happy canning!
    I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

    1. Dear Vicky,
      Thank you! That is a good idea with the receipts. Often it is hard to have time to keep track but any little reminder is the chance to go back later and add things up.
      Rick saved a lot of money at your place this week. He always does! That was a lot! I loved the trading for the honey too!
      What a busy time! Well make hay while the sun shines! With love

    2. Thank you Vicky. It's going to be a week or more before Bluey comes home. Major surgery will take place late this week or early next week. All positive thoughts and prayers gratefully received.

  16. Dear Sonia,
    Thank you so much! Oh no I am sorry you are not well. I hope the antibiotics do their job and you improve quickly. I am so sorry for your Mums loss that must be awful for her.
    What your did for Fathers Day was lovely! Soaking up the sun relaxing with family, that was a nice day!
    I really hope to hear you are much improved soon! With love Annabelxxx

  17. Hi Annabel,we too have been busy fixing the laundry up here, we are putting up walling and then will be painting it then hope to finish with some lino not sure what yet :)Ways i have saved this week i made your banana cake recipe and it was shared with our visitors over the weekend,and was added to the lunches through the week,i did a roast lamb in the slow cooker on sunday and that was used for my lunch on rolls this week,I washed all the wool blankets this week too,and they are all dry,from the sun only one to go, My car was put through a $2.00 car wash,sunday ready for the week.
    love mel xox

    1. Dear Mel,
      It will be lovely having your laundry all freshly painted! Thank you for telling me you made the banana cake!
      The blankets all washed and sun dried is beautiful. Lamb in the slow cooker is so good! I think left over meat like this is so tender as cold meat during the week! That was a good week Mel! With love

  18. Well, my family moved last year to a property in the country. We now have a much bigger area that needs a garden. I have been puttering around with it since we moved in, but the weather has finally gotten cooler, and I have made some decisions about garden direction.

    I had already thought that I have so much to do in the garden that I will never get it done. I decided to do a 30 day challenge. That's all the time I can afford right now. But it is already making a pretty big difference in the garden.

    I have planted an olive tree, cleaned out one of the messy summer beds that rotted when we had 7 inches of rain in a week, cleaned out my compost, added it to the new asparagus bed, and double dug out a new bed 13 feet long by 2 feet wide for flower bulbs. That's 7 days of work so far. Only 23 more to go.

    I still need to plant out my fall garden, prune all my fruit trees, clean out the other 3 summer veggie beds and lots of other stuff. I hope it will make a big difference in the garden for years to come. :) Thanks for the inspiration.

    1. Dear Cristy,
      How wonderful to have more space for a bigger garden! truly a little bit every day or every week gets you there. You have to do what you can according to the seasons of course! 7 inches of rain! Thats a lot! Well done on what you have done already! That is a great start! You will be so glad to look over it all at the end of the 30days and it will feel good!
      Its all very healthy too, good exercise, fresh air... lovely! With love

  19. Hello Annabel your dressing table is so ornate and beautiful. I love all your white painted furniture. Could you please share the brand and colour you used.I am wanting to paint my dresser and bedside tables and love the white you used. Many thanks Lorraine

    1. Dear Lorraine,
      Thank you! Over the years I have changed a little bit what I use paint wise. At first I used ceiling with for everything.It is good but at the end of the day plain paint and the chalk paints are hard to keep clean, they do not wipe over well. I love the look of them though!
      Now I use a washable, wipeable satin. You can wipe of marks etc easier.
      There are hundreds of whites and creams and brands. I got charts at one time to study the whites. I realised the chart background colour was the only actual white, all the paint chips were a tint of some kind.
      So I buy none of them! Just buy the paint off the shelf before they tint it at all. Then you get 100% white.Most of the tinted whites throw slightly grey or yellow or some tint... my daughter had this... she wanted her walls white. She got sample pots of various whites and found they all looked slightly grey or green or something. I told her to forget about it and just buy tined paint off the shelf and it solved her problem!
      It is a personal preference but this is what I do. I am not fussy about brand... for the outside of my house I have used Dulux but otherwise I don't have a particular brand. I hope that helps! With love


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