Sunday, 20 September 2015

Easy and pretty gift.

This is a really easy craft thanks to someone else doing most of the hard work! That would be Jes and here is the link to the pattern which you just print out to make your sachets...
Lavender Drawer Sachets DIY. Thank you Jes for another lovely printable!

When I was at the farm I picked lavender with this project in mind.  Mum has two types of lavender and one bush was just covered in flowers. It was lovely to be in the sun picking away...

I ended up with two large bunches. The scent was really strong. It scented my car on the way home and the house ever since.

At home I hung it upside down to dry on my ladder next to the kitchen. 

After a couple of weeks I took a bunch down and sat with scissors and cut it up into coarse pieces. Wow! This released so much scent! To this chopped up mix of leaves, stems and flowers, I added a few drops of lavender oil. 

Chloe printed the sachets for me. You can re size these to be any size you would like. I found them slightly easier to assemble by cutting them out with an extra margin for the tabs that you fold over and glue. The extra turn down was easier for me.
They are so simple, just fold along the lines and glue.
I was worried about the oil staining the paper so I used small envelopes folded over to be the right size and put the lavender in these. Then I wrapped a strip of greaseproof paper around them. This make them oil proof.  (but not scent proof) These little pillows went into the sachets and this worked. Lots of scent but no oil marks on the paper. 

Each one then went into a cellophane bag which I tied with a bow. 

Done! I am still making these but made a dozen so far.

The back has a verse...

I plan to include these in a lot of gifts and they can be mailed in a card also which is handy. Plus add them to my blanket box, drawers and linen press.

Mum's other lavender bush is gigantic and I think it will be flowering next time I am there so I can pick more bunches. Even hanging up drying they look and smell lovely in the house. 

Jes has a range of free things to print such as Peter Rabbit seed packets! So sweet. Also labels for your pantry and other things. 
Paper crafts are amazing. You can make things that are so expensive in the shops for very little.
If you get started now there is still time to make all your Christmas presents!

Have a lovely week. I have heaps to do (or hope to do!)


  1. So pretty Annabel! I have some lavender that is ready to harvest ... I think I just decided what to do with it!

    1. Dear Patsy, Having lavender to pick this project is perfect for you.
      Have a great week. I know you very very busy last week plus tripped, hope this week is good, with love,

  2. Oh my goodness, I can smell them from here. Those sachets definitely make lovely gifts Annabel.


    1. Thanks Tania, these were really enjoyable to make and the house smells good!
      Hope you are loving the weather, with love,

  3. Dear Annabel, Your sachets looked just beautiful! Such a nice idea! I'll soon be working on gifts and I love making sachets!

    Have a wonderful week! Love, Teri

    1. Dear Teri, I know you are busy on produce and that comes first while its fresh and available. Then gifts! Just in plenty of time for Christmas! With love, Annabel.xxxx

  4. Thanks Annabel and Jes. I have lavender hanging up in the kitchen at present and my plant is flowering profusely so I will cut more tomorrow. Hubby got me a cutting of the pinkish lavender from the lady up the road the other day so I hope it 'takes' alright.

    1. Nanna Chel, I would love a pink lavender! I hope the cutting grows for you.
      There are loads of things to make that are good gifts. This was easy and looks really professional. I am still going with them will have about two dozen when finished. Many thanks, love

  5. This is a very cute idea for that little extra touch. I myself really do not like the scent of lavender. I do believe some of my friend do/

    1. Thank you Tealady. I have found at different times of my life I have loved different scents. I find lavender now calms me and helps a headache. A good present for friends that love it. xxx

  6. Hi Annabel - love your blog and your sachets look beautiful! Seeing all your lavender stems reminded me of making lavender 'bottles' with my aunt and sister when I was little - a bit more fiddly than a sachet to make but lovely to hang in your cupboards.

    1. Thank you Em! I know the lavender bottles you are talking about, they are really pretty. I am so glad to find good uses for all this lavender I can pick. Just picking it though is lovely. With thanks, Annabel.xx

  7. Your sachets packets came out lovely! I really like the cellophane wraps you used! So pretty :) Thank you for sharing the link also! :)

    1. Thanks Jes. Thank you! I thought the cellophane bags would seal I the scent in the post and until they are opened. I like the look of it too.
      I really. Enjoyed this project. Now what next?.. xxx

  8. What a great gift idea! I love the smell of lavender it is very calming. I have been to a lavender farm and the smell was amazing.

  9. Dear Annabel, thanks for sharing these! Jes has a comforting blog and so many nice things. It's a treat to "visit" both of you this afternoon! Lavender is so soothing. Enjoy your gift-making!
    Love, Colette xxx

    1. Thanks Colette. I love Jes' blog. It is a real heart in the home blog.
      I hope you have a lovely week! With love, Annabel.xxxx

  10. So pretty and useful Annabel! I have Lavender hanging in the kitchen at the moment too, just waiting to be used when I get a spare half hour :)

    I'm not wording this very well but the contentment that comes from a simple task like this, that has cost just a few cents, is so beautiful and so useful is amazing isn't it? My wish is that everyone could just stop racing around, frantically spending and then stressing about the bills and lack of time and finding the perfect gift and take an hour to make a lavender sachet or a jar of lemon butter or crochet a pretty edge on a face washer and find the peace and satisfaction that comes from simple things.

    1. Dear Cath, Yes! I totally agree. All the frantic stress, bug spending and getting into debt over Christmas is ridiculous. A little planning ahead avoids it all. Birthdays too. Our family has mostly January birthdays so these come on top of Christmas. But I just make things all year as time permits and according to the season. ie if its summer it might be jams. Wendy posted about making biscuits as gifts. I like cakes or biscuits and they are such a hit. Home cooking is appreciated these days.... probably because many people are too busy running around buying expensive presents to cook! lol
      Yesterday I looked in a gift shop for ideas. The prices astound me. $18 for one baby bib for instance. Just no way!
      Thank you so much , with love,

  11. Dear Annabel. My French Lavender is thriving, and I've just clipped some to dry. I saw these on Jes's blog, and it's good to know that it turned out so prettily for you. Mimi xxx

  12. I love the pri ntables. Thanks so much for the link. I have been making lavender bags as gifts for a while. I put the flower heads in little gossamer draw string bags that I buy in a pack from the reject shop. I give a bag, crocheted face cloth and hand made soap wrapped up together with ribbon. Pretty, much loved and cheap.

    1. Thank you Jane. I think you will find a lot of nice printable projects on Jes' blog. I love the sound of your gifts. What could be nicer?
      Ages ago Helen knitted me palest pink cotton face cloths. When they arrived (by mail) I was so taken with them and that she would knit them for me! One of the loveliest gifts ever. I think thats the effect of something handmade by a friend.
      With love,

  13. They look so lovely Annabel. Just an ideal gift to include with letters or Christmas mail. I'd best get growing some lavender again! ;-)

    1. Dear Kaye, Thank you! I hope you are having a great week. It has come over cool here but I am still spring cleaning. And I got to play with Harper today!
      With love,


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