Wednesday 4 June 2014

A simple card tutorial. Part 2.

Yesterday we started on a simple way to make lovely cards. Today I am showing you how to make crepe paper ruffles and use your cards as gifts as well.

I buy a pack of crepe paper for 90c. That's the price in our local cheap shop. You can choose a colour you like. I buy white and while it is still folded (as it comes) I pop the whole thing into a tray filled with a brew of tea or coffee. I want it to look antique. You need to help the "dye" get into the centre and right through it. Then I sit that in the sun to dry which takes a few days. I try and open it up a bit to let the air into it. This lot I added a tiny fleck of pink fabric dye to my coffee to get a pinkish brown that looks old and faded. When it dries it looks crinkled and shabby which is what I am after. Then I cut it into the width I want, usually about 3 cm wide, but whatever you want.  I cut it while it is still folded so it is quick to cut even strips.

Run a steady line of craft clue along where you want to place your ruffle. Fold under the end of your crepe paper strip and press it into the end where you want it placed. Then gently squish little pleats and make it ruffle up together, press and keep working along your line. End folding under the last bit. Quickly adjust it anywhere you are not happy. You can be full or soft as you like with this effect. The first time practice this on a scrap rather than on a card you have just right! Once you have done this once it is so easy. It looks wonderful on gift boxes, gift bags, tags etc as well. From you 90c you get an enormous amount.

You can also do rows of ruffles....

I gives a soft and romantic effect. I love this stuff! 

As I said yesterday consider confining yourself to ensure your card fits in an envelope when you are doing ruffles etc. if you are wanting to post it. Otherwise I don't worry... ruffles and trims can make it tricky with envelopes.

At the end of the day no two cards are the same. My idea of success is when someone loves their card. I try pretty hard to give people a card that I think is in the colours they love and with images I know they will really adore. Most times as I assemble a card I will know who will end up with it. 

The whole bonus here is working away on something like this is really fun. If you were a little girl who loved to colour and cut and paste this craft is for you! You find yourself absorbed in what you are doing and it's lovely. 

Now this is a really simple method. There are stamps, embossing, 3D methods and all sorts of beautiful things you can do to make gorgeous cards. My online friend Susan makes stunning cards with great technical ability that amaze me. If you get into it the sky is the limit. You can make stunning invitations, thank you's and get well cards. You can pack them up into groups and include a pen and give them as a gift. What a useful and money saving gift too. Lining a pretty box with tissue paper, fill it with cards and tie it up with a ribbon. Or use a cellophane bag and tie that up prettily. Now you have wonderful gifts as well. We all use and need cards. 

Things do not have to be perfect to be beautiful. Remember you are hand making something with love. Do not be too critical of your work! Many times there are imperfections, it is ok. Many times charm is the result of imperfection. 

Now you have cards in plentiful supply and you are not worried by the price of them you can give them freely. Write thank you's and beautiful notes. These will be gifts in themselves. 

I make a card like this every week for Kath in the nursing home and fill it with a letter. In her dull room she has displayed my cards (and flowers) and her room is looking much prettier. Something pretty to look at. But if I was buying them, well, I wouldn't really be able to send one every week! Just bless people with your cards. They are often enough and no further gift is even needed.

Bless people with your cards and nice words. You can have an abundance of beautiful cards on hand all the time and a lovely time making them.


  1. Well written with great advice! Your cards are spectacular! I can't wait to get started on the fun!

    Happy highways,

    1. Thanks Kelley you encouraged me to do a tutorial! I love ruffles as you can see... xxx

  2. Your cards are beautiful Annabel & would light up any room they graced. I love how you make them to suit the individual, so personal & extremely pretty. xx

    1. Thank you Susan I take that as a great compliment from someone who makes cards as beautifully as you. I really love crepe paper and how it takes colour, looks vintage and is so cheap! I hope to keep learning some new methods too and maybe revive some stamping and embossing that I once did. xxx

  3. I've enjoyed these tutorials very much. Your cards are so girly and elegant and I can well imagine they would lift and bless the lucky recipients. Even though I'm not a crafty person, I feel your instructions are so helpful and straightforward, I'm encouraged to try making a few cards. Recently, I've bought a set of ballet rubber stamps and a lolly pink ink pad, so I'll start with that and add something glittery.

    Thank you for giving your time to these tutorials. I expect I'll find card making a delightful activity now that I have an idea of what to do. I may even try making matching envelopes!

    1. Thank you so much Jane. I would love to see any cards you make and how you have great fun as you go. You have encouraged me lots to do more little tutorials. Thank you!

  4. Hi Annabel, also loved part 2! I have made envelopes, very simple to do. And it can be made to fit your card. Stay cool. Love, Doreen

  5. Your cards are not only beautiful, but they are oh so romantic! :) They are the kind of cards that can be framed and enjoyed for many years.

    Thank you, my dear, for sharing with Roses of Inspiration. So happy to have you join the party again. Enjoy your week!

  6. What adorable cards. I have never thought of using cloth and I love making cards. #laceyslegacy

    1. Thanks Lacey, all kinds of bits and pieces are wonderful for cards. I always have my eyes out for interesting things! In a week or so I will have some new cards and crafts up. I am using a rose book I bought in an op shop (thrift store) and have torn out all the roses for cards... oh its lovely! Many

  7. What a fun way to make a card. Going to have to try this.

    1. Thank you Scrappy quilter. They are really easy, good luck! x

  8. these are just wonderful, I think I have some crepe paper, I may have to give this a try :)

    1. Thank you Connie! Since I have also softly gathered lace in the same way. But crepe paper is easier to handle. I hope you love the results!xx


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