Saturday 15 March 2014

Snippets of time.

I noticed a long time ago that women didn't mostly get free afternoons to work on their craft projects so much as they would work on things in the snippets of time that they had. Mum would work on knitting or crochet (and for a few years tapestry) when she had a few minutes here or there and if she sat to watch tv she would work away. And yet her work was (and still is) prolific.

Nan was the same. Pa would sit to watch the news or the footie and Nan would spin or knit or work on something and her work was prolific!

I think when the kids are little we learn to use snippets of time like never before! When I waited in the car for the girls to get out of school I would write letters, knit or crochet. I might only write a few lines or knit a row but it added up. Over time I really learned how much a little here and a little there get things done.

Trying to make my presents meant planning things to make all year round. Just that alone helped so much rather than trying to make heaps of things at the end of the year for Christmas presents. Other things that have helped are to keep something I am working on right where I sit in the lounge. So if I sit down to watch tv it is there ready to pick up. At the moment I have two rugs going...

I don't mind handy work in the lounge, i think it looks kind of cozy and interesting. Even if someone visits they usually are interested in what you are making. I am going between these two rugs at the moment as I like the variety.

If we are travelling any distance I am amazed at how much I get done in the car as Andy drives. I have pretty much crocheted my way around South Australia this way!

Some projects get too big to lug around. Having some smaller projects that are a bit more portable means I get more done as I will take work with me.  I love makeup bags for handy work projects. Little compartments and zip pockets etc they are perfect! So usually I keep a few things made up as little "kits" ready to take somewhere with me. 

Purses and totes I don't end up using as handbags are great for craft projects. They are functional and kind of nice to take with you.

Last week in the city I noticed Typo store (which is cute and funky) featured so many crafts especially knitting. Oh happy day it is cool to craft and young girls are taking it up in droves. Like baking "Nana skills" are so fashionable again and there is a huge revival. I love that! 

I'm often amazed how much I did when away or out somewhere. You just do not have to have a designated time to make lovely things. It's the old wonderful saying of do what you can with what you have where you are.

My plan is to visit the ladies Andy has been visiting and to give them each one of my rugs (when finished). This week I am heading off to meet these ladies. One of them has been sending me little notes and they are up on everything it seems. This lady put in her note "I think Andy will look very handsome at the wedding" !! This cracked me up somehow, she obviously thinks he's lovely. (I think maybe he has a girlfriend?) So I will go armed with wedding photos and take my crochet as well. 

Handy work when waiting is another thing that is just wonderful. All my life if Mum was waiting for something, the doctor, in hospital with someone... out came the knitting. My friend Sue has many times waiting with her husband having medical tests and waiting on appointments and she will knit away. It seriously is a life saver when waiting could be so frustrating yet you are not, instead you are happily knitting away. Very wise I think.


  1. You have a good heart Annabel...x

  2. I am sure those lovely ladies at the home are going to be thrilled to meet you Annabel. xo


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