Tuesday 25 March 2014

Gifts from remnants.

When I went through my pretty laces and fabrics the other day I first plan my larger projects and cut them out so I have the bigger bits I need. The there are smaller and smaller bits as you go leaving you with little bits for the cards etc. I get more this way.

I wanted to make some pin boards/inspiration boards. I have so far made two with the prettiest remnants. Next I would like to make some rustic/french style ones.

The first I made as a pin board with pretty pins. I got the pins from Kikki K. But you can use thumb tacks and stick jewels to them with super glue. This way you can turn odd earings etc into pretty pins. Pretty pins make all the difference and to me if this is a gift the pins to go with it are part of it.

Thick corrugated cardboard is perfect. I got a giant tv box from the side of the road, this gave me enough for 6 of these. Yay! It is really thick good stuff.

Decide on your shape and size and cut your material about 10cm larger. Use "tacky glue" as it holds and stays almost instantly. I just cover and cut some cuts into the edge of the fabric to allow you to turn it over evenly around the shape. The mess on the back doesn't matter you cover that later. Add a hanger ribbon and glue in place. Using a large piece of white cardboard (or whatever colour you like) cut the identical shape and glue this over the back. This gives you a neat back, seals all the mess inside and makes it stronger. Your edge could be anything gathered ribbon, lace, braid, lots of little different bits... I had this lovely rose trim.

This one I topped with padding (quilt padding) and glued ribbons in place to hold your pretty notes. It was harder work and more fiddly. I did the back the same. 

I am making one for my craft room for inspiration and the others for gifts. I think for side of the road cardboard it is a good deal! Everything else I had except I did need a new bottle of Tacky Glue. But that will get me through heaps more. 

I may even make some mini ones with the left over cardboard maybe for a little girls room or something like that. 

Mainly what I am trying to do is fill my gift cupboards while using up things that have been crowding my craft area. There is no use saving stuff if I don't use it.

There are things staring at me that I know have potential and are beautiful that I yet to have an idea for. Pinterest helps with this. I type in "old frames" or "crafts with braid" and also Google then click "images" and see a million pictures that fit your request. This is how I tend to use up things...

It is the most lovely day. I want to get some sunshine so will do a few things in the garden and some washing. Also its Wednesday. I look in my planner and tick off how I'm going with my goals etc. That helps me to knock a few more things off before the week gets away from me! 

Have a lovely day!


  1. ADORBS as my 27-year-old would say!


  2. Just beautiful. I love the rosebud trim. You always create such gorgeous and pretty things. xo


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