Tuesday 4 March 2014

Do yourself and someone else a favour.

My heart honestly skips a beat when I find an idea or image I really love and even more so when I find a concept that is a !!! moment. The other day I stumbled onto a lovely blog called The Modern Mrs. Darcy. (There is a link on my fb page)

Essentially she had been pinning pictures of gorgeous rooms and eventually noticed a pattern. This is interesting, however we collect our images, this is a great thing to do. Take a look and notice what do they mostly have in common. This will tell us a lot about our taste, what to aim for etc.

Anyway, she noticed they were all light and airy, clean and uncluttered. Things we can mostly achieve ourselves, at home, for free. My taste is the same. Number one is a room has to be light. Light in actual sunlight,  light also in colours. I do not like dark and heavy it has a depressing effect on me.  Fresh as in actual air, fresh as in something alive like flowers. ! Then clean and uncluttered. 

Do this for yourself. Go by what you like but also go by how a room makes you FEEL.

Many times we can get well on the way to the look we love by removing stuff. Sometimes heaps of stuff!

Which leads me squarely to my craft room! The most cluttered space. The room Flylady says.... you will know the room you need to work on everyday. It's the room you don't let visitors see! So I have been following Flyladys 5 minutes a day in that room. And it works. Five minutes a day sounds like nothing that will get you nowhere! But wow they add up and everyday I faithfully have done my five minutes. Sometimes if I haven't been able to sleep I have gone and done some more.

It meant making some ruthless decisions about what to keep and what to donate. I have a nearby favourite op shop which raises money for Doctors Without Borders. I chose to support this one.  I am also going through my wardrobe so between the two areas I was boxing things up and putting them straight in the back of the car. The car was getting fuller and fuller...

There were some items that were tough decisions. One was a designer dress with tags that I had bought in an op shop with dreams of selling on ebay or wearing (swing tag was $800!) 
and a whole heap of things that amount to delayed decisions, should I sell? should I alter ?etc. etc. 

What I really want most is a craft room that is peaceful and functional that I can actually craft in! I have a table that gets so cluttered I go work on the dining room table! Defeating the whole purpose of why I have a craft table! Sometimes I amaze myself.

So on Monday I went to the op shop and went in and asked if they like some donations? Like a whole car load? The lady said to me that I had arrived just at the right time. They had nothing left to unpack and the volunteers had nothing to sort, price tomorrow. Plus she told me that she had just sent a cheque to Doctors without Borders for $4000 for the month of Feb. Each month they are sending $3 to $4000. (after they pay the rent). They are all volunteers. They work passionately to help this cause as they know people get medical help in so many countries where they otherwise would get none.

So suddenly I had no second thoughts about any items. These things are the crumbs from our tables, the excess and they can help someone so much and free us from clutter!

Continuing on with my five minutes a day I now have a clear desk. I used my five minutes yesterday to paint the top Annabel pink! It looks clean and fresh and inviting!

I have just used things from around the house for my organisational containers. I still have work to do but I am nearly there! It is like having a whole new room.

Try the five minutes a day method for any challenge that seems too daunting. It's absolutely amazing and will deliver you to the uncluttered peaceful space you dream of!


  1. It is good when you know that your excess (um clutter!) can help out others! It is a win-win situation really. Love what you have done with your craft supplies too.

    1. Thanks Kaye. I have big plans or card making. A clear space is lovely! xxx

  2. You and I are on the same page in the same book, reading in the "same room:" The Inspiration Station! (That's what I call mine!)

    I love the Annabel Pink! And I should be revealing my I.S. soon... Got a lot if work to do in there, but I'm in the Marshall Islands right now!

    Hugs to you,

    1. Kelley I had to google to work out where you are! I would love to see your inspiration station when you have it sorted.... beautiful name for it too and exactly right! xxx


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