Thursday, 13 February 2014

Happy Valentines Day!

Everyday is a good day to show extra love and care. But Valentines Day is also a good reminder. 

I think it's a good day to take risks too. Pluck up the courage and tell someone how you feel about them! 

You know Andy assumed for thirty years that I had forgotten him and there is no way I would be interested. It was his secretary Ruth who shoved him into contacting me! The thing is most of those 30 years I would have been pleased to hear from him and see him... and when contact was made we were engaged in a few months and married in a year! 

So I wonder how many people dream of someone for years and if they had the courage they would be together! Nothing ventured nothing gained!

There are also lonely people on Valenine's Day. Andy took heart shaped tins of chocolates in to the old ladies today. I mean it doesn't have to be a romantic gesture it can be a sweet one. Unless Andy runs away with one of these ladies, in which case I'll change my tune.

It may be also a good time to be grateful for our relationships and think about nurturing them a bit. My effort is planning a special dinner. I think it is going to look and taste lovely, I just have a few things to do. I don't think it has to be spectacular to make someone fee loved and appreciated and a bit special.

I made a wreath for the door which I really like and can use in everyday decor as well. It would be a good table centre with candles as well.

After so much heat now we are having pouring rain, it hasn't stopped in 36 hours so far. The garden is soaking it up but it is causing chaos on the roads. As it's set to continue I'm popping some replacement plants in and moving a few things. After heat waves there are repairs to do. So the sound of rain to me is a glorious one. Water is expensive here, I know people who let their gardens die because of it and I know others who pay $1000 a quarter to keep their gardens watered. My friend Helen says she thinks when it is raining it is raining money as then they don't have to buy water for their tank. That is so true, plenty of water is a huge money saver and everything looks clean and washed, happy and perky!

Have a lovely day and do something to make it special for

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