Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Baby blue softness.

Colour is such an amazing thing. These jars I have decorated for Chloe's kitchen, now palest blue, look so sweet and soft! Yet before they were just ugly jars really. That's the power of paint. Really transforming. Also uniforming. A mismatched set of anything even furniture will come together with paint.

Chloe loves soft pale colours especially blue and aqua. And hydrangeas! So hopefully I am set!

I have one large hydrangea transfer left from this set so I am hoping to find a white tin or even a box to use that one. Then I will have used every transfer in the set. 

I can never buy paints in the soft colours I want or at least not in the tiny quantities I am using. Mixing up your own shade is really easy. I just add a few drops of blue to a jar of white and keep going until it is JUST blue (or whatever I am making) and that is how I get the soft colour. I used to sell vintage goods to a beautiful shop called April Love. One great seller was vintage dressing tables. I would paint them the palest pink shade that I mixed myself. Eventually there were people who asked for this colour and it became known as "Annabel Pink" I thought to have a pink named after me the best most exciting thing ever! 

A set of jars or canisters for someone as a gift would be lovely. There are a lot of girls who love strawberries or cherries... but any motif that is a favourite would make such a personalised gift. You could paint little pots or tins this way for desk organisers also.

I have seen tins painted in this way. Painting over biscuit, lolly tins or formula tins in your colour. Truly a whole heap of food storage looking pretty is so easy and inexpensive. I am working towards my new pantry so I am still painting! Between painting I am culling and cleaning. An organised kitchen is my dream. While my current kitchen is semi falling apart I am guilty of somehow letting all kinds of things sneak in there that really do not have to be in a kitchen! Removing every item that can be somewhere else, removing things I just never use, excess things I do not need.... each step is getting me there. The kitchen challenge on A Bowl Full of Lemons blog is just wonderful and helpful. When I am stuck I go along with her challenges and they really transform your space. So I am inching towards a wonderful kitchen!


  1. These are so pretty, and I love the story of Annabel Pink. Just beautiful :)

  2. Just beautiful Annabel. How lovely to have a soft pale pink named after yourself. Congratulations to you on 10,000 page views! I have been watching the counter ticking over and it hit 10,001 when I clicked here now. :)

    1. Thanks Kaye I didnt even notice! But now you point it out Im pleased! I did notice (and I admit got excited) that I got past 2000 followers last weekend, most by far are via facebook. It was a little milestone! Thank you for your wonderful support.xxx

  3. Annabel, these are truly beautiful...just the sort of thing that you pause and swoon over.....


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