Saturday, 28 December 2013

The Pillowcase Project.

New Year approaches and Christmas being over I start to think and dream of plans for 2014!

I feel I have made a new friend, Kelley. When I first read about her project and looked at her blog I thought it was wonderful. Then I read this on her blog:

She... works willingly
with her hands...

S h e   e x t e n d s   h e r   h a n d
t o   t h e   p o o r...

She... does not eat the bread of idleness.
Her children arise up,
and call her blessed...
Let her own works
praise her in the gates.
Proverbs 31:13, 20, 27, 28 and 31

I knew I am going to get along with this girl! Yep, no doubt about it.

And just like that we got on so well and she has been a gem to discover.

I will let you read about the project yourself but it is essentially a plan to sew pillowcases for a hospital in Manilla. Many of us have fabric stashes from all kinds of projects! Her web site is Kelly Highway and there is a link to it in my side bar. 

So yesterday I had a little dig in my fabric stash then my trims and came up with three combinations....

So these cost me not a cent but turned out pretty well. And I have plenty more fabric!

The white ruffle was already there as this was once a doona cover, so I just kept the ruffle along the edge....

Whether it is this project or another thinking about what to do is part of planning for a  new year. When one year rolls into another without thought and planning we can tend to just do the same old thing over and over. This lovely time is my time to really think about how 2013 went and what I want to change, plans to put in place and how to make them happen. A dream without a plan is just a wish! Maybe support Kelleys Project or plan one of your own or both... so many possibilities as there is so much need. 

It is a glorious Sunday, perfect weather. I am attacking the mess and enjoying the day! xxx

Other blogs supporting this project include:

Sherry at Creatology
Carol at The Polka Dot Close
Laura at Decor to Adore
Susan at My Place to Yours
Lana at Miss Lana
Frances at Notions from Nonny

So far! 


  1. Thanks for your support of The Pillowcase Project, Annabel! I truly appreciate it.

    A very happy New Year to you and your honey!

    Happy highways,

    1. Hi, Annabel! Pillowcase Project images are up (all 160 of them)! Bring tissues when you come.

      Happy New Year hugs,

  2. Annabel, what a wonderful way for women to extend their caring and love for the people of Manilla. Thank you so much for your encouragement, and a beautiful, beautiful post. xxx

    1. Thank you Helen. You know my favourite saying "busy hands make Happy Hearts" ... I like the original biblical version even more and isnt it true!

  3. Hey! This is my 1st comment here so I just wanted to give
    a quick shout out and say I really enjoy reading through
    your blog posts. Can you recommend any other blogs/websites/forums that
    deal with the same subjects? Thanks!

    1. Hi! See my suggested blogs on the right... Also The Prudent Homemaker. I would suggest to join A Working Pantry Facebook group and online classes they are


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