Friday, 15 November 2013

Frames have so many uses!

Frames are often wasted, empty in sheds or lovely but filled with a random picture you don't like much.

A lovely frame has so many possibilities! A horrible picture can be painted over with blackboard paint and become a handy blackboard for your kitchen.

Under the glass can be filled with photos or pretty pictures and if handles are added you have a lovely tray. Little feet can be added too and felt for a soft underside.

A larger frame can be filled with cork board or chicken wire and become a memory board, display kids art, or an inspiration board.

This is the tip of the iceberg too... and these are just some things I've done around home.ç<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>


  1. These look fabulous. What a wonderful idea!
    Little Moo

    1. Thanks Little Moo! I hope you're having a lovely weekend! xx

  2. These are lovely Annabel. I adore the chalkboard!

  3. I too love frames and agree that they can be used for so many things. Love that sweet chalkboard! Just thought I would mention that you might want to move your gfc followers up closer to the top of your side bar. It took me a while to find it.


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