Wednesday, 6 November 2013


Once I embroidered continually and sold quite a bit, after stocking glory boxes and giving embroidered blankets as gifts.

Then I had ten years off! This year I started searching for soft blanketing and got a shock at the price which was ten times what I used to pay!

A beautiful online friend, Jacqui, read what I had said about this and she took it upon herself to go to her local woollen mill and see what she could find and she sent me a parcel of wool blanketing! Jacqui you helped launch me back into my embroidery. 

Heres a picture to show some of what I've done. These are my favourite projects. I make up the patterns from looking at adorable childrens books.

Thank you Jacqui.xx


  1. Oh Annabel, there beautiful, embroidery is such rewarding pastime, I'm pleased to be able to have helped with this.

  2. lovely work and special friends make life so much more worthwhile

  3. I am in awe that you create this. Just breathtaking eye candy. You're an artist with so many mediums, Annabel! Hugs


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