Monday, 4 November 2013

Coconut ice.

Every Christmas I make several huge slabs of coconut ice. It is so pretty, keeps about two weeks and wrapped with pink ribbon it is a lovely gift for your girl friends. 

I set aside some to use at an afternoon tea. For this I like to cut it into hearts and add a little rose bud.  It is really very easy to make. 

This is my recipe. There are many recipes which include raw egg white which can be a hazard to pregnant ladies, I think if somethings a hazard just leave it out. It doesn't include copha either as I hate that. 

It is a flexible recipe. You need to mix until it is very think yet soft enough to not look dry and to become very smooth. Pretend your'e making childrens play doh... thats the consistency you want.

In a big bowl add 5 cups of icing sugar, 3 and a half cups desiccated coconut and 2 tins of condensed milk. Add the condensed milk gradually until you get the right consistency. You see it seems to depend on the temperature of the day. I add it all and if its too think I just add more icing sugar.

I use two large baking pans. Line these with baking paper. Press this mixture in very well, get it smooth and flat half into one tray and half into the other.

Now repeat this whole recipe this time early on add a TINY amount of pink food colouring. I mean tiny like two drops. You can add more later if its too pale but it looks awful if its bright. 
Think pale pink milkshake. Once good to go you add half of this in one tray and half in the other to form your second layer. Press and smooth. 
Refrigerate. Once firm cut as you want before wrapping. Keep refrigerated. 

So this makes two slabs. I do that as it makes a heap of gifts. You might half it if that's too much for you. It's so pretty and much cheaper for gifts than fruit cake.

Your packaging is your friend. You can make it gorgeous!  

There is nothing wrong with doing a baby blue version... I would do that for a boy baby shower!


  1. That looks wonderful Annabel! Thanks for letting me know you are blogging:-)

  2. Great idea Annabelle. Lovely blog too. :-)

  3. That's so pretty Annabel :)

  4. So pretty! Thanks for sharing on Show Me Saturday!

  5. Thank you Annabel, looking forward to making this for Christmas gifts.

  6. Thank you so much fro the recipe.


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