Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Today is a bit of a sad day. I'm saying good bye after writing on Simple Savings for over three years. We had this time writing everyday about simple indulgences that make life lovely and most of them were free or under 50c. I made so many good friends!

Its a beautiful day outside but here inside I'm saying some sad goodbyes :( 

One thing this week has been to look at presents I have already made as I plan what else I should be doing for Christmas.
These super soft chenille rugs feel so good. The yarn came from our bargain store Cheap as Chips. Love that store! So each rug cost about $4 to make. They are the softest squishiest thing I ever felt. 

The yarn came in a few soft colours and I also stocked up on white when it was on special. Dyeing it any colour you want is easy. You need to unwind it into a skein first. The back of a chair works. Basically you want to spread it out so it will take the dye and dry then roll it back up into balls. Be careful to be gentle or the yarn will tangle up. I like really soft colours and am thinking maybe a soft lilac or green would be nice. 

My seedlings need watering and some things in the garden are waiting but the sun is beautiful and does me good. The birds are singing "it's a lovely day today".


  1. Pink, lilac, soft green....feel free to send me any or all, Annabel ;0)

  2. Annabel, these rugs are beautiful! I used mine this morning while having breakfast, just draped around my shoulders. Light, warm and pretty.


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