The little birds...

If you watch little birds you will see they are busy and happy! Using whatever they can find they create the most gorgeous little nest.
I would be the little bird with some glittery thread in her nest!
We can be like this. Happily working away with the things that are available to us to create a beautiful and happy home.
All the while with a little song in our heart.

Banner by Free Pretty Things for You.

Friday 4 April 2014

A mish mash!

Yesterday I had a lovely day. I went to the nursing home and as I have decided to do I combine travelling that distance with something else so I went into Bunnings and browsed the garden centre. Being perfect and sunny this was beautiful. If you like flowers and gardens a big garden centre is so nice to visit. I get all inspired and it is just a joy. I have quite often done this when it is sunny on a winters day just for the brightening up factor.

Our front fence is a picket fence and there is an arch over the front gate. We have white roses along the front and white jasmine over the arch and a little way along the fence. I have been dreaming of pale pink climbing roses out there. Cream and pink would be glorious I think!  Unfortunately nothing is flowering in this photo but you get the idea...

I found these climbing roses in pale pink and quite big too at a great price, I got two. So I am planting them today...

Perfect! And it is a lovely sunny day so good for me to get out there. By spring I hope they have grown enough to produce the first few pink flowers! I hope I can post pics of my pink rose front fence some time down the track!

I have a mish mash of things going on. Almost finished the giant card making session with about sixty cards made. And my dear friend Kaye sent me a gift of packets of the new 70c stamps. Floral ones no less. I am so thrilled with them, letter writing here I come!

These are the last ones, the colour scheme is for someone I have in mind that I think loves lilac and cream. (which I love also)

After Bunnings on I went to the nursing home. It is a nice drive past lakes which were all bright blue due to the beautiful day. The ladies were waiting for me! (No pressure lol)
I gave Kath the pink rug I had made. You would think I had given her a car. Truly she was overwhelmed. I don't think she has had too much in the way of spoiling in her life and not recently for sure. Each week she writes me a letter. Andy had called on her in the morning and so she knew I was coming and saved the letter to give me herself. She remembers everything and writes a nice letter. She is knitting too albeit at a glacial pace. :)
It was really lovely and the fact she is so fond of us so soon and loves to see us so much is hard to describe but older ladies have played a big part in my life and I am really grateful to have her care for us and pray for us as she does. It is funny how life works sometimes....

I am about to finish a second rug which I will give to Wilma, a few days to go on that. And meanwhile I am learning a new stitch to do a really big blanket for our bed. I have attempted to learn two new stitched on you tube. One I can "get" and it looks complicated, is formed over three rows, but is really quite easy and if I write it down I'll be right. The other I was ready to put the needle in my eye after two rows so I have filed that for later when I am maybe better at complicated patterns! 

I have place mats and a tabe runner I am working on from my left over hessian and a house to clean, washing to do and so on! 

Everyone gets like this sometimes I think (hope) I need to finish off a few things and tidy them up!

Have a beautiful weekend, I hope the weather is this nice where you are xxxx


  1. I was hoping for pretty ones Annabel. Thankfully, they had some in books. I knew they would be useful to you :)

    I love the roses!! How gorgeous and romantic they will look in the spring. You will have to update us once they have grown and are blooming beautifully. You have a magnificent home, it is really elegant and lovely.

    I love the lilac shade of your new card "series." So pretty. xo

    1. Thanks Kaye. I had a day of more mish mash but got heaps done and the weather was beautiful! I have fallen in love with cream and lilac or coffee and lilac... it looks so antique. If I could get a lilac climbing rose I would! But the pink is lovely and they are the big floppy cabbage roses.... I hope they grow for me! Hope you are having a nice


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